This triggers the European
Cookies in milk
why would it trigger anybody at all?
?? Are you going to pour milk in your coffee next you absolute madman?
When I took a Italy, when I was in the hostel some European travelers asked me “don’t you Americans put your cookies inside the milk?” I said yeah and they started laughing
Why of course fin man
europeans BTFO
WTF, americans really do htis?
I do this too occasionally. I don't eat cookies often though
Europoor thread about europe
Very weird story, i can't believe it's true.
I've tried dipping cookies (oreos and chocolate chip) in milk
isn't that great, the milk doesn't really soak into the cookies
now biscuits in tea
that's a snack. i like speculaas biscuits dipped in tea the best.
damn, root beer floats are fucking amazing. i haven't had one in years
gay shit
WTF Canadians really do this?
They do absorb milk. You just have to leave the Oreo in the milk for like 5-10 seconds
I advise you to put a bit of toothpaste on the cookie, it really enhances the taste.
it isn't as good as biscuits in tea.
sorry la.
i eat cookies in milk every morning and don't know why it would be considered weird here
How it actually went:
>go to the dining section to have international breakfast
>pick slices of cake and croissants
>dip them all in the 1 gallon milk jar
>eat like a pig while everyone looks in disgust
You're doing it wrong
Do old worlders really not do this?
Do people in other countries not do this?
i'm italian and i can tell you we dip our cookies in milk every morning
100000th thread where an american generalize some tourist anecdote
we all do that bud
>The fedora sidles his way over to the counter
>he slams a crinkled fiver down on the counter
>a hush of anticipation descends on the coffee shop
>the new arrival looks up slowly beneath the brim of the fedora
>this nigga eatin cookies and milk
fuck yeah
same bro. the only a&w near me closed. when will the war on american culture end?
Literally my breakfast since I have memories
actually it is. I know because ive tried putting cookies in tea too.
cookies in ear grey > cookies in milk > cookies in any other fluid