The year is 1985

>the year is 1985
>you wake up in the Queensbridge projects in New York City
What's your next move?

Attached: Queensbridge_Houses[1].jpg (1280x960, 1.41M)

Make my way out rapping

protest against the master boomer, reagan

Why are they called projects?

Attached: 1519224112546.jpg (741x568, 61K)

buy some crack

wash my face, get dressed, and go down to town to look for a job.

Take advantage of free public education and affirmative action once it's time to apply for college, and never look back

Short for 'housing projects' which is just the standard term given to public housing in the US.
t. wikipedia

if i die i couldn't choose a better location

These were attempts by the HUD to build large, affordable, standardized housing units for low income Americans (organized as individual projects), and they all turned out to be shitholes