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Will you watch the French movie City Hunter ?

English sub should arrive within a month. White pypo say that it is the best adaptation of City Hunter.

Attached: 1-nrj-469.jpg (853x509, 481K)

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I find it baffling that you frogs haven’t made an adaptation of Lupin III

It looks like complete shit from the PV. Yet another crappy French comedy

Check user reviews, not the media reviews

Users find this movie actually good

The AMERICAN com^pany NETLFIX will make a TV show on Lupin with a BLACK guy as Lupin

thanks a lot

That's what everyone thought it would be. But actually it turned out that it's a 100% faithfull adaptation of the manga/anime, completely catching the spirit of the source material and an absurd number of references to it. So basically, if you don't like the movie, it means you didn't like the series in the first place.

Well, except for the fact actors are French and the action is set in France. That's quite a big point.

2. Yes

Is this actually an adaption of the Anime is some form? or just sorta looks like it? I don't speak french. It doesn't look even the same kind of comedy as the original city hunter, even with the perving on girls and her having a big hammer.

It's an original story approved by Hojo. Didn't watched it, but all critics say it's extremely faithfull to the spirit of the series (though it seems it took more inspiration from the anime than the manga).

Director said in an interview he'd try to make a City Hunter vs Cat's eyes movie if this one is succesfull.

Huh. Do you know if any subbers are working on it? How new is it?

Not him, the movie is very new. Released few days ago in cinema. English version will arrive soon normally

>But actually it turned out that it's a 100% faithfull adaptation of the manga/anime

>Ryo Saeba
>Nicky Larson

Shut the fuck up.

>live action city hunter
oh cool I love city hunter no idea they were making a movie on it I'll check it out, thanks fren :)

Don't care about the critics, it looks bad

they even have cameo of Nicky Larson's VA and the singer from the OP in the movie

Hell yeah man, loved watching city hunter when I was little.

Cool, unironically very nice. I hope French animation industry succeeds and eventually take over shitty uninspired calarts.

French name like Darth Vader is Dark Vador in french

lupin isn't popular here like it is in italy

I dont watch a*ime.

get wild and tough hitori dewa tokenai ai no pazuru o toite

Damn this is French?
Even more reason to watch it

hammer must be 100t

Attached: city.jpg (600x483, 55K)

why so many dislikes in the video?