Well? Is it true?
Well? Is it true?
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They just admitted it.
I don't even care about the holocaust lmao
Basically this.
I care.
Also I think Turkey and Germany are illegitimate cunts due to their crimes against humanity. Seriously. We have to plunder them asap.
most people don't care about bad things that happen to other people
Turkey is illegitimate and should be divided evenly between Greece, Armenia and an independent Kurdish state.
Germany is legitimate, but at the moment in a misguided state.
(yes, I support Armenia)
I couldn’t even point Armenia out on a map
I only care about the genociding my girlfriends sloppy pussy all day tomorrow
How is Turkey illegitimate?
I commonly heard about it, by using it as an argument saying how China can "clear" all Uighur/Taiwanese/etc.people from its territory and nothing bad will occur
I mean why would turkey admit to it? Look at Germany as a result of the holocaust and attention given to it they’ve written a cultural blank check to any Jew or victimized group that identifies with it
Why would you own up to a genocide when seeing that state of affairs?
because i fucking said so ok?
>independent kurdish state
kurdish claims on anatolia are as illegitimate as the turkish ones
Turkish claims are illegitimate why?
*hides thread*
What's so hard about admitting it tho?
Yeah we killed alot of niggers and enslaved them and we're sorry.
See,was that hard?
China already genocided the Tibetans.
They will get away with anything else that is similar.
Portugal is absolutely irrelevant, your cunt could confess about nuclear bombs and nobody would ask for reparations, you're better off asking the EU to answer in your cunt's behalf, just as spain and italy are europe's peru and ecuador, you're europe's bolivia, embrace it
Didn't even know Portugal had African colonies honestly.
all turks and germans should be relocated to the steppe and their lands handed out as prizes in a lottery
So I guess Moldova is europe's Chile?
The Chinese government killed even more Chinese people at the time so no one even remember its existence
Turkey extends eastward beyond Anatolia though
Kurds can have that land
I care, it's a stain on the world Atlas
People would care if it was shoved down their throats in every movie, documentary and political debate like the holocaust is.
Instead, it is a genocide of (almost) white christian people by muslims, so nobody cares.
>armenoshits start rebellion
>kill thousands of turkish civilians
>fight and disrupt turkish soldiers
>declare a war against the ottomans
>ottomans retaliate
>kill around 200.000-400.000 Insurgence
>400.000 civilian casualties due to famine and forced exile
did russians apologize for killing and raping german civilians? No because germans had it fucking coming just like how the armenians did.
based, fuck armenians you can genocide them again any day
Armenians are the worst drivers
I'm jealous that Turk get to kill off the subhumans polluting their country and we have to put up with ours.
Our time will come lad, and when the time does come, remember what you had to live through every day when they had the power.
based aboriginal
based paki
I hope you will cleanse your land from anglo subhumans
Based. Armenians deserved much worse.
I only care if someone i dont like is denying it
The time of the European caliphate will come indeed Inshallah
Turks are so based.
Quit whining about the Uighurs, they had it coming too, CCP just finishing the job the Manchus started
They bombed a few people but you can't really compare that to treason during wartime.
Hello Zhang
i swear to ALLAH we will free our turkic brothers from your dirty regime
If that were the case, they would be imprisoning shitloads of Han too ... okay, never mind
Are you retarded?
since when did white people participate in the oppression olympics
Turks are based. If they tolerated Armenians, there country would have turned into a shithole like Syria. Our tolerance toward Christians and Alawite mountain dwellers is our biggest mistake.
In the US we care by just hating anything Islamic.
their own book said they should turn the other cheek
we spread the cheeks and put our dick inside
no regrets
all christians must be exterminated
i dont care about the 3rd world
Too bad, you're a part of it.
Death 2 Kurdish and Turkish pigs.
no. you are
>Y-you don't even care about A*menia, you just want to ruin Turkey!
More cope from Turkey, as usual. They're afraid because their demographics are so fucked up, kurdistan is rising mashallah
Its just an online meme at this point
>swede saying this
I dont even care about greek genocide desu
This thread is so sad
Can we kill 1.5 million Armenians again :DDDDDDDDD