What are these things called in their respective countries?

What are these things called in their respective countries?
>French kiss
>French fries
>English muffin
>Irish twins
>Spanish flu
>Swiss Army Knife
>Russian roulette
>Brazil nut

Attached: Average French People.png (870x443, 577K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Pomme frites

Beso francés [French kiss]
Papas a la francesa/Papas fritas [French fries/Chips]
Muffín ingles [English muffin]
No idea
Gripe española [Spanish flu]
Navaja suiza [Swiss knife]
Ruleta rusa [Russian roulette]
Nuez de Brasil [Brazil nut]
Most of them are just the literal translation

Fun fact: the country of brazil is named after the nut

>in their respective countries

>Brazil nut

what in the fucking shit are irish twins

When you take a poop and it breaks in half in the toilet bowl

embrasser avec la langue, rouler une pelle (kissing with the tongue, "rolling a shovel")
frites (fries)

French kiss: beijo de língua (tongue kiss)
French fries: batatas fritas (fried potatoes). Confusingly enough colonials have another recipe they call also "batata frita".
Spanish flu: gripe espanhola (same)
Swiss Army knife: canivete suíço (Swiss butterfly-knife)
Russian roulette: roleta russa (same)
Brazilian nut: castanha-do-pará (Pará's nut, after the state that produces it)

English muffin: N/A, nobody eats this here. The nearest I've found in Portuguese is a similar dish made in Madeira, called "bolo do caco" (slab cake).

Irish twins: I had to google this, no way there's a Portuguese equivalent for that.