hey nordcucks why so fat?
Hey nordcucks why so fat?
Women are such a joke lmao
Anglos are fat like no others
We're not fat, this just tells that our women are even less fat than we are
This doesn't say anything about who's fatter.
For Denmark it could be the case that 0% of women are overweight and only 4.7% of males are overweight.
Are you this much of a brainlet?
>oh my, I'd better watch what I eat, wouldn't want my health to deteriorate
>tfw no thicc hungarian gf
safe to say if you add overwieght too those numbers will double
think we know why turks are horn dogs for swede puss
I've seen this map several times and it just doesn't make sense. By this logic 1/4 of all norwegians are fat but it's not even close to 1/10. So unless there is some hidden communities of fat fucks somewhere it's got to be some kind of bullshit like classifying a 1,90 m male weighing 95 kg as fat.
spoken like a true american...as his gut hits his keyboard
Boomers tend to be fat. Your average 20 year old Norwegian probably isn't though and those are the people you see the most.
I'm med and there is nothing that makes me hornier than thinking about unleashing my seed deep inside a blue-eyed blonde Swedish woman.
Even hotter knowing that our offspring will look more med since her Nordic genes are recessive.
Oh look, its another northern Europe hate thread
>I'm med
did you mean
>I'm mutt
I think I found him
The average Hungarian girl in Hungary is 172cm.
The average Romanian girl that's ethnically Romanian too is 165cm. They also starve themselves and yoyo diet. Guys here used to be 175-ish but most Police officers that are first line duty are 185-188cm.
They aren't fat at all. But you will find some that are.