Can you speak in public?

I am scared

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only when drunk

No i failed highschool swedish and english because i refuse to hold a speech

everything's easier when drunk :-DDDDD

This user gets it.

Except maybe walking. And making it look like you're sober.

I imagine myself being the CEO of a big company, presenting a new product to the world.

It fills me up with confidence and I always do great.

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It all depends on the dose user, 3 beer and I transform to Chad. 3 more and I‘m even more autistic then sober.

In general, only one beer can make me feel better, a little bit more confident.

I'm F- in social skills but at least an A- in public presentations. Had to do a presentation in front of 40 strangers yesterday. I was really energetic and even managed to say some puns to ease the atmosphere. I'm pretty good at faking chadism when in reality I'm a loser.