In your opinion, what car do you think says "I don't really have money, but I want to look successful" the most...

In your opinion, what car do you think says "I don't really have money, but I want to look successful" the most? Is it the base model BMW 3 series?

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This or a mercadies c class.

Yes, the are nice cars. But 99% of tard lease them to look good.

An 5 year old BMW or Mercedes. Or a new Mercedes C class.

Literally my first thought whenever i see them on the road.

You guys just reminded me of the $30,000 CLA as well. Without any options (which is how you can get it for that price), it looks like crap.

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My 23 year old buddy and his wife just leased a c class. They are poor wagecucks but they literally think that they are somehow rich because they have a Mercedes. It's kind of sad.

At least the c class and bmw 3 are rear wheel drive, and sporty.
This is just wanting a benz logo, the same money would get a loaded accord which is more spacious.

the ultimate shrimp dick "look at me" car

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Mercedes-Benz C Class is for sure the ultimate poser car

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Toyota Aurion or Mitsubishi Verada if in Australia cause they're also low maintainance.

No fucking hatchbacks, those things are poverty magnifiers.

What does an M3 classify as?

Chrysler 300 aka bootleg Rolls Royce

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This is the car that says "I'm an upper middle class, white Millennial that lives in an upper middle class white suburb with a job that pays 28k a year and I still live with my parents and this is my 5 year old BMW 3 series that I got used 2 years ago. Kek

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Bmw is for faggots.with estime needs
Audi is for gentlemen

>I'm an upper middle class, white Millennial that lives in an upper middle class white suburb with a job that pays 28k a year and I still live with my parents

That cuts deep

I know a rich guy that told me bmw is a piece of shit. He said never buy one wirhout a warranty because they break all the damn time and the parts have to be shipped from germany.

Just get a Kia. They have improved so much over the decade and it won't cost you a fortune. Looks good and dosen't scream tryhard.

kias are single mother cars

what do you mean
the charger is a great comfy family sedan with decent comfort and performance

this is literally a clever trick designed to meme goys into spending the extra money on the m3 just so people don't think they're poor

I want to look rich but I’m not
BMW 128i
BMW 320i
Mercedes-Benz CLA Class
Tesla Model 3

>I consume a copious amount of onions
Mini Cooper

>I wanted a sports car but my mommy could only afford a Toyota
Scion FR-S/Toyota 86
Subaru BRZ
Hyundai Veloster
muh JDMed as fuck Honda Civic 2DR

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As much as I love Audi's, I hate to say that A1, A3 , A3 or Q3 screams "I'm female and I got this on finance and I think everyone thinks I'm loaded".
A4, C300 or above and 330i or above are acceptable in my opinion.

show bobs

and what car says "I have money, but I don't want to look succesful"?

Brand-new Toyota Avalon - it's basically an extra-large Camry, fully loaded $42k+

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Also the Golf R, will probably run you about $50k and does 0-60 under 5 seconds

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toyota landcruiser
fucking 80k+ for a fucking toyota SUV

1957 Ferrari 250 Testa Rossa

Lamborghini Veneno Roadster

Nothing wrong with mid range German cars you nitwits

its practically a lexus
its a great car

Tesla model 3

2009 Volkswagen Passat CC

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Motherfucker m3 with a decent package is $70k+

I know, but does it scream tryhard etc...?

Here in U.K. it is Land Rover Range Rover Evoque. It screams

>I'm a middle aged fat roastie who works as a manager of a call centre

Got a new Honda Civic, how much of a pleb am I?

came here to post this

any anons that don't get why this car is awful likely have tribal tats, unironically

but i dont understand why its a bad car
like i said its just a big comfy sedan with decent power and performance
whats wrong with it

Also BMW X4 screams

>Manlet with receding hairline driving an oversized RC car with stupidly wide tyres that will literally never go off-road

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this ^

Chrysler 300

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Not a pleb car. Inexpensive, reliable, and you don't have to care if it gets beat up. Lots of wealthy people drive cheap shitboxes like civics and camrys.

Not at all, a decent, if somewhat boring car.

Heh I just copped a used 328i for $15k, paid for witch my LINK gains. Upgraded from a Nissan Altima, great car so far and people think I have a lot of money and success. 10/10 would recommend.

a little bit, but if you dont care what other people think then fuck it get an M3

kek this is true
I know because South Korea is fucking LITTERED with almost exclusively BMW3s and Benz Cs
yet everybody lives in coffin apartments

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>Zero Proteins
Fucking Beta

nobody gets a car to "look successful" they get them based on how good it is, quality of materials, shape, how well its built, features, maintenance required, etc. and no rich people do not drive toyota camrys or fords because they are shitty, have cheap mcdonalds plastic interiors, and break down all the time.

>Buying a car to show off
>Buying a deprecative asset
>Not buying max performance for least of money

Golf R
Seat Cupra
Civic R
Alfa Giulia Q

Luxury cars are money sinks.
You buy there when they get older.
Also today's insurance prices are fucking retarded.

Do you want to go COMFY, FAST or SHOWOFF user?
You want all 3? Open your wallet.
Want 2 of 3? No problem finding a nice affordable ride.

Honda accord. I subscribe to the Japanese shitbox philosophy

Any VW/Audi/Mercedes A-to-C class owner

I drive a 2010 Mercedes B class on the lowest trim, but it's a turbo.

Am I a try hard?

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You are a single mom with 1 kid in a mediocre suburb. You lack any sense of luxury or comfort but somehow you ended up with an expensive German car.

Good job.

I'm actually a 28 year old earning just under 40k who lives with his parents but has a $1.2 million investment account generating 60k in passive income

faggot ;_;

Sure you are.

Also if true: People with money and no fucking taste are the worst- When there are so many people with great taste and style who have no money to buy nice things. I know. I have a filthy rich family member that has shit taste and is frugal to mentally sick levels.

what the fuck did you just say about my car, pleb?

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why you so bitter user ? take the bus home?

>being so bitter you can't comprehend old people having a mil in their bank account
you cant even buy a proper house with a mil in NYC/SF

this is my exact car, I make $90k a year
how am I doing?

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But chicks, especially young ones, love those 3-series, and I could get laid easier.

what is this exactly

FK2 Type-R is the thinking man's car

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who fucking cares what people think?

I drive a 12 year old C class. I love my car, its full of bumps but still drives like a dream and if you give it tlc yourself it doesnt cost more than a toyota.

Love my car. Doubt anybody would think I am rich or even middleclas.

In Texas it the King Ranch f250

Look at old land cruisers. They hold their value for a reason. Because they are among the best.

if you're 15

Why does his face make me angry?

I am driving a 10 year old golf and my plan is to fucking drive this thing for the next 20-40 years.
thats fucking warren buffet style

Definitely a 3 series or a Merc CLA

japanese cars are for numales

BMW 3, VW Golf, Mercedes A and C and Audi A3 are what all the company lease faggots drive here. Most of them some sort of business edition with a faggot engine. A BMW M3, cash paid, is for people who love cars and don't want to come of as a total poser. Same for a Porsche 911 . An Audi A6 with the largest engine, perhaps chiptuned, is for gentleman with or without a family. SUVs are for posers by default and should kill themselves.

only boomers chiptune

2nd the CLA

Pic related, E60 (bmw 5) with M wheels. Am I a tryhard?

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looks so ugly lmao

anything with a private plate to hide the true age of the car.
So that's basically every poverty spec 3 series and diesel audi.

>not having a twingo
not gonna make it

user I own a Veloster and it is only to get me from point A to point B. It has good gas mileage and is reliable for a decent price...It is very slow I don't understand how you can compare it to a sports car.

haha wow you discovered /fit

the shittest maserati is pretty popular here now that they offer financing

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the small minicooper is fun as fuck. its like driving a go kart. the crossover is pure unadulterated shit

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the shittiest car that runs

they don't import those to america because mercedes has to meme that they are a luxury brand here

this, these are fucking everywhere now. everytime I see one I assume whoever is driving it has a small penis and lives paycheck to paycheck.


>told me bmw is a piece of shit
He isn't lying. My parents had a 5 series that they sold in under two years because it required frequent trips to garage. They went with a Lexus SUV instead. I've heard this about BMWs from a lot of people though, not sure how they expect to stay afloat when Toyota and Honda are moving in on their market.

Anything that is financed.

Golf is a piece of shit and so is everything VW builds.

VW is actually one the cars that breaks the least. But that's here in Europe, in the USA you have a bunch a of smelly Mexicans make em so they are trash.

T. Driving an 20 year golf mk4

It looks like trash, drives like trash and people who drive VW are also perceived as trash and I was the entire time talking about europe so no mexicans are not at fault here.

M4 quads

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o I am laffin
Because it's more reliable than americrap, doesn't mean it's good

BMW = everything below 7 series = poor mans car
Mercedes = everything below S class = poor mans car
Audi = everything below A7 is trash
VW = Every model is the poor mans car, even the upper class ones

essentially any luxury car under $100,000, you could have just bought the non-luxury brand version with all the bells and whistles for much less, you are just paying for your imaginary status symbol, because the reality is any poorfag can lease a car under $100,000.
same applies to any "sports car" with a 4 cylinder.

>toyota camrys
>break down all the time
u wot