Why doesn't Venezuela just pass a law against inflation?

Why doesn't Venezuela just pass a law against inflation?

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Why doesn't the USA stop terrorising South America?

We literally don't?

because Venezuelans do not give a coup d'etat to the maduro tyrant?

good idea, they should pass a law against starvation too

Why most australians in this board so pro-maduro?

why don't Venezuelans just stop coming into my fucking country ?

They do?

Why don't you guys just stop coming into my country?

Yup. Not sure the exact stat now, but a few months ago it was like thousands of them everyday.

>support retarded laws like price control
>turns out the position taken by every single economist ever was right
>country turns to shit
>become "economic refugees"
>go and turn some other country to shit

Why doesn't America just pass a law against dying for being shot?

Murder rate in Venezuela is 90 per 100k per year. By contrast, Chicago, a city of 2.7 million, had 20 homicides in 2018.

Why doesn't Maduro just shot a few holes into the Venezuelan economy to stop it from inflating so much?

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>missing completely the point of my post
It's stupid to think that you can pass a law against inflation, that is just a consequence of globalism and every country has to deal with it.

It's literally just one Iraqi retard.

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>missing completely the point of the OP
It's stupid to think you can make goods affordable by passing "price control" laws.

Your governments literally have, for decades. Even in respect with Venezuela, they have been employing targeted trade sanctions with the aim of destabilising their economy and starving thr people, a modern form of siege warfare. The US has also poured big money propping up the right wing opposition to the government, which has flat out refused to take part in the democratic process. America is also involved in supporting the anti-government protests and is openly treatening military invasion, which would be an act of terror and massive human rights violations. I mean for fuck sake, one of the new goons in the government working on intervention in Venesuela was involved with the fucking Contras.

It would be good if they were but I doubt it. Most Australians seem to be Jow Forumstard run off or hiding away in generals.
As for why, it's pretty simple: the Maduro government is legitimate and illegitimate US backed opposition is trying to undermine the entire political system without a single fuck about the people.
America is a terrorist state by any definition we have used to label others. Anyone supporting American Imperialism needs to die.

What could've possibly caused Venezuela to become a bigger shit hole than it already was, the economic policies that every economist ever said is retarded? or America?

>regime change made venezuela's horrible economic policies

Your country has sanctioned them to hell and back, as well as blocked them from international banking. If the USA had to deal with what it has done regarding Venesuela, your country would have completely collapsed into civil war already.
Your country is primarily responsible for this mess and you all deserve to fucking perish.

The US is responsible for a lot of shit. Not Venezuela and maduro's policies.

Venezuela killed itself, and they only ever got to where they are by selling cuba and others oil

That isn't me, so stop hiding from the boogeymen in your mind like a pathetic, intellectually bankrupt coward too afraid of leaving his echo chamber.

What is your country?

>not responsible
Yes it fucking is, you fucking piece of shit.
You have no fucking idea. Educate yourself and stop fucking posting.

You know that Maduro say he can talk to the birds,right?

>Educate yourself
There is literally no better indication that you have no evidence than this.

Your sanctions did though

Oh yeah those sanctions which weren't even in place until Venezuela fully became a shit hole must have been the cause.


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Trinidad mate. (just hover your mouse over the flag)

>It's stupid to think you can make goods affordable by passing "price control" laws
That's not stupid. But inflation it's a completely different concept from the example you had shown.

Are you aware of Maduro's paramilitary? Do you know that he shoots protestors? Do you know that he, his family, and friends, live like kings while his people starve?
Do you know that he rigs elections?
You just can't be in favor of his government just because it opposes American Imperialism: opposing both is the logical choice

He shitposting
Just look his flag

Inflation is only one of the many actual problems in VNZ. Shortages is another, possibly worse problem, and that is directly caused by price controls.

They were blocked from international banking because they seized foreign assets in violation of international contract law. The sanctions actually have a bunch of clauses to make sure people can buy food and medicine, and general goods and services from the outside, including. The sanctions are on the regime itself, not the people. They didn't choose to turn their money into toilet paper. And even then, there are clauses that allow the Venezuelan government to renegotiate debt and make all sorts of arrangements to bring in food and medicine to the country.

The only reason Venezuela was ever prosperous was because it could charge international market through the nose for oil. Now that oil is cheap their house of cards collapsed. This was when chavistas started nationalizing shit from companies that weren't from Venezuela. Lots of companies started pulling their assets from the country so they weren't stolen. Nationalized factories were mismanaged and output fell, so profits were down. Wages were risen anyway and were paid for by printing money which meant that the money in their wages was worth less. Prices rose because production was low and monetary inflation was high, so the government decided to freeze prices so people could afford to buy things. But now things were still worth much more than the money they were traded for which meant selling things for money actually made you poorer. Everything bad happening in Venezuela can be explained by the terrible economic policies the government forced onto the people (lets not forget Maduro dissolved the democratically elected parliament with the help of the people he packed the highest court with).

At this momment, Maduro is actively blocking humanitarian help from reaching Venezuela and denies that there is an humanitarian crisis. They could be having three meals a day starting a month ago but the state wants to ensure all good things come from it, get it? Maduro needs to convince people they need him.

Yes, but like I said, you can control shortage and regulate prices of some products. But you can't regulate inflation, it's just a consecuence of doing things wrong.

Also shortage it's not that easy to resolve, unless you bend over to other countries, you'll be doomed. Just a few countries can be relatively sustentable by themselves. The laws required to do that, will mean to get Maduro and their regime out of Venezuela, which it's pretty hard without a bloodbath.

why didn't the us government ban gravity to prevent the 9/11 jumper dying

Because it was an inside job

>trusting US propaganda about a country they openly talk about overthrowing the government of
People this dense should be used as commerical shipping boat anchors.

You didn't reply to that moor yet

[Wall text]

US politicians also openly talking about overthrowing the government here. What is your point?

Now I understand how the "X for dummies" it is such a success in America. Holy shit. That is like economy 101. Laws don't mean anything on paper.

based. America-bashing leftyrats have fled the thread

>gets even worse sanctions
>wins in almost every possible way, BTFOs america, creates its own modern engineering

>gets sanctions cause they're commie isolationists
>get free gibs from bloc and cuba
>make retarded economic policies and kill your cunt from within, can't even supply electricity

[Bottom text]

Socialism is inevitable. Fuck white people and fuck rich people. God i wish a country tried REAL socialism so all the free marketards would shut up for once.

>Aryan supremacy
>Conquistador rape babies
Learn the difference

>Why wont people eat each other in poor countries?
>solves over population
>solves hunger