What's your favourite non-country flag?

What's your favourite non-country flag?

I really really like the Aboriginal flag

Attached: nZOwcEO.jpg (1920x1080, 1.63M)

i saw this flag everywhere in melbourne but never once saw an abo

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_Provo,_Utah_(1985–2015).svg (1).png (1280x739, 39K)

They're massive leftys who love identity politics but at the same time Victoria has proportionately way less than every other state. It gets worse though. The Torres straight islander flag is also often flown alongside the abo one even when there's like 3 of them in the entire state

>i saw this flag everywhere in melbourne but never once saw an abo
There aren't many abos in the big eastern cities.

then why were there abo flags

Attached: 1517693952950.png (420x410, 433K)


Attached: islamaustralia.jpg (1920x997, 272K)

True, almost everyone there was some limp-wristed greasy looking hippy slurping a coffee. Most inconsistent with my prior assumption of Australians.


I like this one. The one with the blue looks retarded

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Catalonia.svg.png (2000x1333, 2K)

Because M*lbourne is the biggest lefty shit hole out country has to offer

It makes white people feel good without having to do anything

please don't lump the rest of us in with M*lbourne.

Melbourne is the equivalent on London in the UK. Other states are more Australian, just like how Yorkshire etc. is a better example of a truly "English" place than London.

Attached: 1241351.png (313x313, 26K)

yeah you've never been
most people are asian in the CBD and I have barely seen abo flags there

Attached: Flag_of_Tamil_Tigers.png (313x188, 28K)

is that some kind of laundry multicolor detergent?

This discussion was settled a long time ago.

Attached: Ryukyu.png (1280x852, 34K)

I didn't go to the CBD you mouthy little shit, I went to south yarra

south yarra contains apartment buildings full of chinks too lol, though it does have lots of cafes
still no abo flags

That looks like some anime shit

It’s pretty based.
Top: BLACK BVLL descending on the wh*Te man
Middle: the rising sun of KARA BOGA’s vengeance
Bottom: the blood of anglos flowing like the all-encompassing ocean

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Belgium.svg.exe.png (2000x1733, 7K)

I must have imagined them then, thank you for notifying me user, how silly that my eyes have deceived me so. And my camera too!, madness...


no worries lad shit happens

ry*kyu is as fictional as anime

>hoax country

>just like how Yorkshire etc. is a better example of a truly "English" place than London.
lol there's probably more asians in Yorkshire than anywhere else in Britain.

Exactly. Truly English.


i think he meant Suffolk or shropshire or somewhere

South Yarra is young white trendy-town you shutin fuckwit, the pom obviously isn't living in a schizophenic fantasy where e sees asians everywhere like you.

Attached: 273907573_bb6b0050-0ade-45d9-91a6-94c442199296.jpg (1024x683, 80K)

Welsh flag is pretty cool.

Attached: 1522647132163.png (1280x768, 205K)

saw this at the chemist today


have that one on my desk :)

Although i hate G*Thenburg, their flag is one of my favourites

Attached: grp-gridimage-887cc4.jpg (425x283, 37K)

This one

Attached: Республика Босния и Герцеговина (1992-1997).png (2000x1000, 55K)

Attached: 1xHoQEp.png (1800x1100, 14K)

Attached: 1280px-Sami_flag.svg.png (1280x950, 33K)

Braise Dengri :DDDD

Attached: Peace_Congress_flag.svg.png (350x233, 31K)

Greenland and Nunavut have absolutely adorable flags

Most Abos are pagans

for me, it's my flag


My region's flag

Attached: sr.png (1024x683, 161K)

the one with the triangle looks 3rd world

>a fucking stack o' rocks!


They at least went with something original compared to 70% of US flags which is just slapping the state emblem on a blue blanket and calling it a flag. Also they’re Injuns so they get to have unorthodox shit

That's just an assortment of random things on random colored squares.

Attached: 780px-Flag_of_Tavastia_Proper.svg.png (780x520, 44K)