How/where do I go to get a loan for crypto...? My bank?

How/where do I go to get a loan for crypto...? My bank?

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If you are this stupid, your too stupid to get a loan.

Do not get a loan.
You are a dumbass if you came here for actual advice on even how to apply for a loan. Jesus fucking Christ are you even 19 yet?

Yes to your bank

Its more intelligent to get a loan for crypto than getting one for a car


cash advances on as many credit cards as you can get, just pay them off and cut them up after your first mission, it will set you back a little but it's all profit from there my fren

this is what i was thinking. maybe using changelly to purchase crypto instead if i should opt for just a cash withdrawal instead. I don't want to exactly walk into bank of america asking for a loan for bitcoin.

Just remember that lying about the purpose of the loan is subject to a penalty (its illegal).

so can i just tell them it's for investment?

they can't give you a loan for bit coins, but they can still loan you money. credit cards will be the easiest but also the most expensive option. however, the interest is merely 20% over a year but it will kick in straight away, no interest free period.

the easy bit is having everything ready to go and when a good ICO pops up you withdraw the money, change it using local bitcoins, and buy in.

the drawback is you have to eat interest while you wait for the tokens to be released and then for them to moon, it can take up to a few months. then you make your 3x, 1x + 5% in fees + 5% in interest back to the bank, you pocket ~1.85x or something

if you fuck this up though you're going to be poor forever unless your parents can afford to bail you out of the mess

no you fucking cannot, they won't give you a loan for a fucking investment user

no parents. so How fucked, like white collar prison or what

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sauce bitch

Collections. Bankruptcy. Never having good credit.

bankruptcy i guess. how much money are you intending on borrowing can't you just get a fucking job?

10k. not alot.

what kind of bet were you intending to make because you can also borrow money from the exchanges. you can in this way for example take a mere $100 from the bank and leverage 100x from the exchange resulting in a 10k bet, that way when you lose all your money you weren't in very deep.

but think about how rich hed be when he 100x his 10k bet

that amount of money is not good for people user, hard work and good values should come before the 100x 10k bet or they will spoil

Well. considering in december i made my 1k bet into 40k at ATH.. Still haven't lost any money but it sure ain't worth that much now...

if I 100x timed 10k i still probably wouldn't do fuck all with it besides what i intend to do with a 10x or 20x

well then my only advice is work out how you would pay back the 10k if you fuck up

I would probably just skip out on it I don't really use credit for shit.

if we're still sliding down a year from now you will want it to increase your wager, don't be a fucking pussy

Girl who plays Joi on bladerunner dunno her name

Its illegal to use loans for investing/speculation

I'd probably do it myself if I wasn't to young to be able to get a loan