Tfw born working class

>Tfw born working class
>Tfw not of any royal descent, even if I trace my family tree back generations everyone was poor as fuck

Any other Yuropoors know this feel?

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My ancestors are pisspoor peasants

You mean, the majority of euros?

>Any other Yuropoors know this feel?
yeah uh most of us probably

Most people yeah

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I am Bernadotte

My ancestors were priests and regional scribes.

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I'm related to the Norwegian royal family my great uncle has huge land holdings and this sick castle mansion thing I got to visit last summer.

I'm not related to any royalty but one of my family member is portrayed in a famous painting exposed at the Louvre

My first known ancestor was a blacksmith from Southern Germany who moved here in the 1500's according to our family tree.

All living people (europeans at least) descend from some past monarch in some way

>tfw born in rich peasants family
All my ancestors were rich land owners but with no royal lineage.
The best thing i have is that some of my ancestors were oreficers

>descendant of manlet sheepherders and miners from south carantania on my dads side
>descendant of italian traders/ somewhat rich italian landowners and costal istriot slav croats on mother's side
the bar is not set high in this country so I am more than pleased

They were farmers but they owned their own land and were kind of a big deal in the area and the village is named after them.
I own a lot of forest from my ancestors :)

We are still farmers and the family owns the lands for ages. We have painting from the harvest of 1789 There were so many people working in the fields. It was a pretty big deal to own the land and people even payed rent. But everything is automated now. Even the harvester is autonomous. Sad.

are there any upper class *nglos on Jow Forums? if so fuck you lmao

Yep. My grandfather is just leeching off the fields he rents. he hasn't worked in years himself

Grandted he's in retriment age but he "retired" when he was in his late 40s

Nope, old Visby family here.
Have both lords, super rich merchants and nobility in the family blood. The church books tracks our name back to 1387 and already then my ancestors had power here. Though many families here do.

Great grandfathers: carpenter, Russian army officer, coal miner and stonemason

Grandfathers: concrete worker and draftsman

Parents: medical doctor and accountant

Sibling: medical doctor
Me: intend to do medicine or law

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>The church books tracks our name back to 1387
Why do we have such good records? I can trace my family directly to 1400s. Both sides

>tfw will be rich one day

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You should read this book if you're interested in the history of social mobility and class in Sweden (and around the world).

Btw is your surname latinized?

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Legit story, I could give you a surname but I won't because that makes me easily traceable.

My family used to be of High Class in France. My great-great grandfather (I'll refer to him as L from now on) was Commander of Royal Army infantries. with many properties in Switzerland too. They fought against the Republic during the Revolutionary Wars and the head of the family (L) joined the émigrés and aided Prussia too. He fought alongside the Duke of Brunswick.

Long story short, they lost lul. Most of my family escaped to Brazil, but (L) was sentenced to death.

Generations later, here I am, shitposting on a Botswanan Machete sharpening forum....

>Btw is your surname latinized?
Not him (obv) but in Sweden there were actual Latin names also ending with ius. They were mostly priests and merchants. I don't know if that means anything since I know a guy named Helenius and his family is utter white trash at least these days

Visby is and have been a very closed off society for a long time. Historical records and church books have almost all been saved for a long time.
Just for example, we have 92 medieval churches on this island alone.
The city wall is from the 1200s and still standing etc.
>Btw is your surname latinized
No, it's one of the pure Swedish ones. Though it's spelled in the old fashion way so it almost looks German.

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>all ancestry said "it's almost harvesting season"

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>Not him (obv) but in Sweden there were actual Latin names also ending with ius. They were mostly priests and merchants.

Yeah, they represented an upwardly mobile educated class often including noveau rich merchants. However the nobility generally has older names.

Of course, you can find people with a high status surname anywhere in the social distribution (especially since the Latin surnames have been slowly regressing to the mean for centuries).

Apparently my great great grandfather was the head of the village he lived in. That's as close to royalty as I'll ever get.

>Historical records and church books have almost all been saved for a long time.
Same here. That's why genealogy is a bit boring here. At least up until the Christianity took really over. Prehistory there's just some legends no one knows what really happened before and who lived where. Well there's still village names etc that remain from that time

Looks interesting, will read.

t. Sven Adlercreutz

Literally everyone on this site. Everyone who says otherwise is a larper

That's a Finnish family

t. Anders Gyllenhaal

I have distant relatives in the Gyllenhaal family but they are from Älvsborg so wrong part of the country.

>On my father’s side
Ancestors were upper caste that worked together with the Brits, and had the privilege of education and wealth. Seen Grandfather’s letters, perfectly written in Colonial English.
>On my mother’s side
Ancestors were lower caste, Christian Protestant converts. My grandfather was a British Sepoy, was stationed in France and Italy, read British journal accounts of him, has an entry on the memorial website dedicated to him as well for his services to the Queen. He carried a Uncle’s family has his medals and diaries. Died from lung cancer a year before I was born due to excessive smoking

>He carried the two bullets that hit him on his shoulders with him for luck*

What's the rank of your surname? Untitled?

Ebin. Did your father's parents object to the marriage?

My family name is a so called soldier name. Made up during the 30 year wars (1618-1648) when pretty much every single young man was forced into the Swedish military and to make it easier to give specific orders to all the men with the same names they made new names.
It's pretty common names these days, some less than others.

This explains it

We are ranked nr 26. And with that you will find it (if it's available in English I guess)

>first known ancestor was mayor of Rome back in the 16th century

>We are ranked nr 26
Hello Leijonhufvud.

He said it looks German so it's not that

I have a little bit of Polish nobility.

Note: 95% of burgers claiming noble ancestry are lying

Nothing wrong with having nothing but peasant ancestors as long as they're all White.

>I trace my family tree back generations
I don't even know the names of my great-grandparents

It is that actually. Though I guess it's not really German looking but more, old Swedish (which share a lot with old German).

How is that possible? Just look at church records.

Oh fug. What does it feel like to be noble?

>He said it looks German so it's not that
The first member of that family was Christiern i Brunzebierghe. I'd say that looks pretty german kek
There's a lot of new names around Europe with no history what so ever. Mostly due to wars.

her tits are noticeably different sizes

my great great great father was in the Spanish American war fighting for Spain. that's literally the interesting history my family has.

My paternal grandfather married twice. And lived with both wives regularly, shifting here and there.
The first wife, was an upper caste lady arranged by their parents, both were young teenagers.
The second wife, pay attention, is my maternal grandfather’a younger sister. She was also lower caste and Protestant, had Anglo education due to her older brother being part of the Raj’s infantry, and worked as a nurse at a Governmenr Hospital. My paternal Grandfather met her at this hospital, fell in love with her and married her. My father was born to her.
I’ve heard stories about how my Grandfather used to get kicked out of the first wife’s house if they had an argument and would come to my grandmother’s house, who would find something to argue about and kick him out as well kek. He’d sleep and eat at a sevrants house, until the first wife would send someone for him and my grandmother, not being a cuck, wouldn’t. Both of them are amazing people, especially my grandmother who would travel miles to work on her bicycle at nights alone, to and fro between her house and the hospital she worked at.

family can be traced back to some city/town in virginia to about 1740. before that is lost to time.

Feels pretty good, though I hate family reunions. It sucks when 250+ people show up and everyone tries to be fancier and more "look at me I'm a fucking noble person" than the rest.
Luckily it only happens once a year.

Aren't most of you cunts just financial people and lawyers etc?

All of my family records from before 1849 were destroyed in a courthouse fire. Both sides of my family had their records in that courthouse. Everything after 1849 is pretty straightforward. They were farmers, coal miners, ranch hands, etc. Basically any low paying working class job you can think of. Know from an ancestry test that I’m almost 96% Swedish though.

Fishermen, ship builders and factory workers. Where is fennoswede gold?
t. cai-göran

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My ancestors were priests and nobles.

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My ancestors apparently either owned or traded in slaves

did they own negroids?

Jopp. But people like to act better than others. My first job was selling ice cream for gods sake.
Some of us have big trust funds and family money though not everyone. My part of the family is somewhere in the middle I guess. Our biggest asset is the properties we have inherited.
(imagine if we still had the wealth of our family in the old days, jesus christ, I'd be living in a castle)

Sorry for the wall of text, poor grammar and ultimately not answering your question, I’m tired.

No, they didn’t object at all.

at least one of them did. grew tobacco.

We checked out county records in North Carolina on my mom's ancestors and one of them had their occupation listed as "overseer of Negroes".

>mfw coming from a long line of farmers of peasants
>mfw I am going to inherit a lot of land some say
>mfw I will never be unemployed, people will always need to buy food
>mfw I can sell tiny spots of land near towns for massively inflated prices to people looking to build houses

With the climate change maybe I can grow Tobacco or some shit soon, who knows. It's great honestly. No shame in working the land.

Were they in Eastern North Carolina? We might well be distant relatives.

Yes lol. Surname was Outlaw.

My grandfather came over from Germany in 1945 when he was 24. Honestly don't know much about him but he worked as a railroad builder until he was 62 and then retired. I think he's parents were shop owners or something like that.

Moms side is a bit easier, she's from a Swedish farmer family that shows up the church books from 1450 (ish) and forward.

Could well be. Mine lived around Craven county.

>Craven county
Wait, is the town River Bend in that county? I have family there.

>Ah, yes, I descend from a noble family which I can trace back to the 1500's starting with Carl Eriksson who served as captain of the regiment of-

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Damn. They had some flooding wreck their house a while back. How close do you live to that town?

Out of state. One of my relatives was in the evacuation area, but I think her house was fine.


Cool. Or not I guess, sucks that people lose their homes to stuff like that.

Yeah, especially since there isn't much wealth there.

Yep. My dad helped out a bit and sent some cash to our relatives at least but I know many in that area don't have that luxury.

its pretty fucked

Well, it's a reliable indicator of status. If you owned slaves it meant you were doing pretty well financially.

Reminder that black people are more likely to be descended from slavemasters than ytpipo

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Unironically funny how most blacks are more "white" than black even if its a fucking meme tier 56%

>Unironically funny how most blacks are more "white" than black even if its a fucking meme tier 56%

Incorrect. Mean European ancestry of African Americans is in the range of 20-25%

>be american
>cant trace my ancestry past my great grandparents
It has its benefits

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I have never bothered to check

I'm pretty sure they were peasants or some shit

I'm unironically inbred. There's handful of families which have interbred since 1500s. Hardly any outsider blood

They are all gypsies. Romani TJET

Do you have a big brain?

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No. Weird there's not really any serious heritage diseases or other malformations and all my grandparents are still alive and they're almost 90
Men of my families are pretty chad tier when it comes to looks (I'm not tho) you wouldn't think we're that inbred

Relatedness can get surprisingly high before you start suffering ill effects from inbreeding. For most of history, people didn't go very far from their place of birth to find mates. What really gets you into dangerous territory is when first cousin marriage becomes common.

My family used to own a cruise ship company, then they sold it and bought property instead. Then they sold the property and bought property outside of Sweden. Which they then sold and bought more property and bus company here in Sweden and Norway.

And I'm a lazy NEET living in my parents guest house at 27 kek.

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Sounds comfy. How much are you going to inherit?

My greatgreatgreatgreat...grandfather was the bastard of a swedish king so no but yes at the same time

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I don't know kek. But people seem to live long in my family so it's gonna be a while.