>that 30y boomer who thought magic internet tokens was really going to be taken seriously as a currency
NEW YORK POST: Why Bitcoin may soon be worth nothing
>I thought we’d finally get rid of bitcoin. But the fake “currency,” which I like to call bitcon, just won’t fade away. says based expert, JOHN CRUDELE
>[it's] really worth nothing since it’s backed by nothing or no one based
Carter Thompson
They've been doing this for ages though. It's obvious older generations don't understand nor even want to understand that this stuff does have value and can be measured. Who cares what some faggot at the NY times says? Had you listened to them the past 8 years you'd have missed out on every bullrun possible.
Joseph Morales
>says the increasingly desperate boomer for the 7th time this year
Justin Rodriguez
>the goyim knows magic internet tokens are really going to be taken seriously as a currency
(((NEW YORK POST))): uncontrolled currencies like Bitcoin may soon be worth nothing
>tfw I thought (((we))) could finally get rid of Bitcoin. We tried calling it a "fake currency" and blockstreamed it, but Bitcon returned as BCH and just won’t fade away.
Ask Venezuela and Ukraine people how happy they are with their 'backed' currencies.
Hudson Hernandez
holy fuck that's bullish looks like the bear market won't be as long as most people thought
Zachary Cooper
>Does anyone really take this seriously? boomers of all ages do
Ayden Sanders
Probably missed every bull run
Gabriel Ward
Kikes on suicide watch
Good times
Jacob Hall
It will always hold value whilst it's accepted on Darkweb for payments. Probably go down to 1k again since that makes for drug dealer and drug buyers to work stuff out.
cap this
Jayden Price
Ah yes, the Barry Prismall "shallow and clueless low IQ literal boomer who thinks he knows everything" school of journalism
So you're saying Bitmain should shut down 70% of the miners what they have already invested in to stay profitable? >betting against Bitmain >never gonna make it
Luis Johnson
>fake “currency Except that it's MATH that makes Bitcoin more real than the Fiat shekels >worth nothing since it’s backed by nothing or no one Mining hardware, electricity
Ayden Edwards
>backed by no one meme
it's backed by the users, hodlers, miners, ISP's, the internet itself, and self aware code.
people need to be more accurate
Daniel Green
and thats a good thing
Brody Adams
What the fuck is this blog post and why did he think it was worth writing? Very SAD
Cameron Thomas
I'm pretty sure mining hardware and electricity don't guarantee Bitcoin is worth what they say it is.
Tyler King
>[it's] really worth nothing since it’s backed by nothing or no one
interesting, i wonder what he's opinions on bitcoin are
Nicholas Diaz
wow insightful article. I'm convinced. Just sold everything thanks for the heads up.
William Turner
Read that article and thought it was parody. He says nothing except it's just evil. What a fucking joke! He needs to be put on death row.
Colton Russell
It's worth the price you must pay to mine. Base price being 2K. It's deflationary and has value. Ether has greater value because of utility, being a commodity. Both aren't going anywhere.
Carter Smith
That's the whole purpose, retard
Daniel Wright
They guarantee its worth 6k to whomever wants to mine a block.
That you don't understand why someone values bitcoin says more about you than about btc
Nathaniel Williams
Not being able to understand economics, yet giving people this 'great' advice. Lol. John needs a brain implant.
Isaac Stewart
All you need to know that Bitcoin is a scam is that hardly anyone even uses Bitcoin as a currency. Instead, they treat it like a volatile stock.
Because it's so volatile and risky, it is next to impossible to use as a widespread adopted currency by people. If I have a dollar, I want that dollar to be worth at least 99.99% of its worth tomorrow so I can know I have a safe storage of value.
Everyone I see who hypes up BTC is just eager to cash out back to the stupid dreaded fiat US dollar that they spit daggers at all day. They want nothing more than to sell Bitcoin and be rich in USD, not bitcoin.
Joseph Robinson
>New York Post >Believing it's quality journalism
Chase Richardson
this guy is coping harder than those bcash late adopters. imagine being him, holy shit
Noah Sullivan
>2018 and the still dont understand the power of fomo Pathetic.
David Murphy
>the US dollar is backed by its users, forex investors, the federal reserve, general banks, and the internet itself!
so nothing? The concept of there being a hidden criminal currency of gold coins from John Wick is 10000% more feasible and realistic than bitcoin.
Blake Nelson
Ill put it to you goyim this way. As long as people want an easy way to get rich bitcoin will always have value and since that will always be true bitcoin will never die. No matter how many boomer articles get churned out a year. It makes no difference. They still dont understand the power of fomo and they never will.
Joseph Ross
why can't you just give a straight answer as to why Bitcoin has innate worth to you?
There will be no shortage of scams for people looking to get rich quick, but that doesn't mean those scams are reasonable and sound economic policies.
we need a 'Global Bitcoin Day' where every whatever of the month, everyone puts in at least $xx.xx (or whatever fiat) into the crypto space it'll be like recycling
*hacks your exchange and you lose 30%+ of all your cryptoshit*
Evan Howard
I just did. And you still dont understand. Your just as dumb as the boomer that wrote that article. Still thinking in terms of physical value backed money. Your a goy.
Jonathan Lopez
Anyone not stocking up on BCH are going to be very sorry in a few years. Regret not buying BTC that first time you heard about it? Well you've been given a second chance and are literally making the same mistake again. Or worse, you're buying into propaganda and pissing on it, like this sorry guy
Its backed by greed. This will always make it outperform the dollar. And as long as it has more purchasing power than the dollar it will be used.
Cant beleive i had to spell it all out for you.
Jack Murphy
>Fiat money is a currency without intrinsic value that has been established as money, often by government regulation. Fiat money does not have use value, and has value only because a government maintains its value, or because parties engaging in exchange agree on its value
Who cares if currency has anything backing it up, the only thing that makes a currency that is that other people will accept it. Bitcone is just so much better because its the first step into ancapland where people are starting to realize "why the hell are we paying so much to these useless government thugs anyways?"
James Jackson
>graph shows that a gold backed mark is more stable than fiat >I-it's okay that bitcoin is f-fiat. Someday I'll quit m-my job at Wendy's!!!!
Asher Flores
Ancap and Libertarian is a total meme. The average person didn't grow up autistic and friendless, having to develop 100% self-sufficiency without social interdependency
>s-see? South American dystopias like Venezuela u-use Bitcoin!
again, when was the last time you actually spent bitcoin on something worth over $25?
Asher Nelson
buying other cryptos of course
Brayden Johnson
the average person also thinks 2 towers fell on 9/11 and the dollar is backed by gold. the average person lacks critical thought or a desire to understand issues beyond what is immediately useful to their situation. fuck the average person.
Owen Barnes
Well thats not even what ancap is about, if you are in favor of bitcoin and other cryptos or decentralized ways of setting maters then you're probably ancap to the core and dont even realize it, user.
Its not about 100% self sufficiency but about the inherent ability of society to manage itself without the big meanie telling you what to do by threat of force. Which is exactly what we have been doing all this time.
Charles Robinson
>tries to claim that bitcoin is worth shit and it'll revolutionize finance >has never spent bitcoin on anything
like I said. You just want to cash out and be rich in USD, not bitcoins.
Tyler Sanders
unironically, ever Libertarian I've met is on the spectrum. Not even as an insult, but genuinely autistic or with assburgers.
Dominic Hughes
you probably just have low intelligence
Luke Sanchez
You sound kinda dumb.
Cameron Thomas
Libertarians are often that weird lone wolf kid no one talked to growing up but always got good grades.
He then bases his odd antisocial tendencies as the root of his political ideology. This has been literally 100% of every single interaction I've had with a genuine libertarian.
William Price
you're impossible
I just can't wait until enough of the world agrees to do away with jews once and for all
I'm crossing my fingers that it'll happen in my lifetime
Carter Gonzalez
>s-someday I'll turn my $2000 into like a million like I see in those bitcoin millionaire videos!!!!
lol, that's you
Ethan Rogers
So your gonna sit there and pretend you wont fomo your life savings into btc if it hits 19k again?
Have you ever considered making a critical argument about the issues rather than coming to your understanding of issues through making biased generalizations based on personal interactions?
Jayden Ward
boohoo it isnt worth anything ;_; guys
stop buying ;_; guys ;_;
Liam Jackson
It's the technology itself that is valuable. 99% of these coins are useless and more of a Kickstarter than an investment. Most of the coins don't even have a direct tie to the value as a technology. It's like donating money to the stock market.
It's not that simple. - Bitcoin represents the believe in cryptocurrency as a whole, it doesn't matter that its technology is outdated compared to some newer coins. Core devs could always adapt new technology into Bitcoin. It will never be replaced. - Altcoins are the testing ground for incorporating new features, they can end up like shitcoins. - Shitcoins (featureless clones) are literally just a race who can dump the fastest, it's like gambling.
Hudson Moore
>roger ver deposited 0.0025 bch to your wallet for this post.
Brayden Perez
Yeah but they are gonna die soon so who cares.
Nathan Collins
What if some altcoins will be suddenly better than Bitcoin, like better scalability without LN ?
This haha stupid fucks. What's peoples obsession with a reliable trust? Backed by someone and shit. It's a currency people choose to exchange for value. Its backed by the people, and valued by the people.
Too bad for authoritarian who needs a parent dictating them kek decentralization is not for you.
Ayden Young
Fiat bagholders getting rekted since 1913 lmao
And the morons enjoy their own slavery
Gabriel Garcia
This mainly ignored fact kills the bankster.
Luis Lopez
Plenty of people use it as a currency, most people who are rich as fuck from crypto still have nearly all of their crypto.
Jayden Torres
Old people being stupid is an opportunity for young people to profit.