Is this correct?
Is this correct?
yup seems about right
reconsider austria
Had colonies, pls gib orange
No. Even if you were to consider the Roman Empire Italy, Rome wasn't the birthplace of Western civ. Greece was.
I like the original version() a lot better.
Iceland is relevant, for it has conserved many pieces of northern European cultural heritage.
Austria had a large historical impact, you can't just remote it to "High".
This, OP what the fuck? Also by being in the name of autrisa hungary alone hungary did far more than switzerland,denmark and ireland combined. This takes into account currently relevance and wealth way too much.
No because Russia should be red. Which of many of Europe's cultural, artistic, musical, agricultural, literary, architectural, scientific, industrial movements did Russia start? none of em.
Upgrade Austria though.
Poland should be yellow.
Denmark should be light green.
Belgium orange.
Austria green.
Hungary light green.
Finland red.
Norway red.
Romania orange.
Ukraine red.