GET.YOUR.NODE.NOW BEFORE AMB PUMPS. A governmental body working with Ambrosus to track meat and meat composition.. no more horse meat in my food!

Attached: 15301640526971.jpg (927x859, 246K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nice photoshop kek

This is real.

next time use inspect element, Rakesh
less obvious than photoshop

link or gtfo

Attached: 1530739243877.gif (318x400, 538K)

Link taken down because of NDA

Its real but doesn't mention AMB. Wouldn't surprise me if it was AMB though.

Name had to be taken down due to NDA. Original had Ambrosus in it

Article is real, but it doesn't say anything aobut AMB, likely because they don't use AMB.

4 AMB...
12 AMB has been deposited in your wallet.
Extra AMB for extra effort ;)

It's MOD. It's always been MOD.

It's TE-FOOD they are already piloting in British slaughter houses

You guys have seen me shit talk many coins. Well....I've been saying from 5 months ago, this has my stamp of approval. It passes my list of worthy gamble

>brainlets only look at possible fundamentals and go all in
You won't make it

False. Don't expect anything good with blockchains. We came for the bad news. Whip us with chains. WE LIKE TO BLEED.

>have like $1k invested
>january buyer
just fuck off

Shit is on AMB telegram
Strap in niggers

Attached: スクリーンショット 2018-07-06 0.29.09.png (1878x718, 739K)

>implying pajeets eat meat

First Bear to repeatedly laugh at bulls in Jan and Feb
>they didn't listen
Heavily Fudded Link and Req longgg ago
>both doing horribly months later with very lame recovery pumps
Stay stupid

Well it must be AMB then

90% AMB
10% IBM or some QA private blockchain
I hope they will get their shit together and start hyping up PoCs like Vechain does, chinks know how to sell shitcoins.
whatever brah, your name is forever associated with being poor nucoiner

Definitely AMB thank God I knew these assholes meant business

YES finally its mooning

Courtesy bump