Why are Canadian posters considered Chinese?

Australia and New Zealand are a part of China. I don't see you folks saying they are Chinese. After all, their universities, economy, and women belong to the Chinamen...

Attached: cooler canadian flag.png (1258x757, 46K)

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ok, zhang

Hello Zhang

fuck off chink

Good day Shang

That’s an unironically fantastic flag.

British Colombia is a part of China as well

Estonian women are cute.
Hello Poop, let me flush you down the toilet.

Attached: haha8.gif (360x200, 2.96M)

They need a based and redpilled Chinese leader. Canadians are better off under Chinamen rule if you ask me.

Chinamen are better off under STEPPEBVLL rule.

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Not even chink but if I see this Jow Forumsshit posted ONE MORE TIME i'm gonna flip. I know they're your ancestors, but I see this posted every day almost to anything China-related. Chinese are subhuman cucks but there are better ways to mock to them than a fucking Jow Forums screencap, which by its very nature is the lowest of the low

Mongols used to be threats and based centuries ago. Then they got docile and regressed. In 2019 they have been absorbed to be a part of China and are now a part of the Chinese people. Just like the Manchus, Xiongnu, Tibetans, Tangs, Uighur , Hui, Zhuang, etc...

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>subhuman cucks
If they are cucks, so how come Chinamen don't make Jewish interracial nigger porn? That comes from the United States and Western Europe. Hmm why are those regions so insistent developing that where as Chinamen have better things to do heh? The reason is because statistically, those nations have more gays in 2019.

Attached: bang.png (498x499, 68K)

>Then they got docile and regressed
no they didn't, tsagaan khas kills chinese tourists and once collapse inevitably comes mongolian nomads will once more know the warmth of tight chinese pussy

Attached: tulevaisuudessa ei kinkkejä.jpg (828x466, 62K)

chinamen are busy slaving away for their government that adheres to a jewish ideology

You are Chinese, if you are not you are a disgrace to the white race. Either way leave my country asap.

(I'm on vacation in Spain)

A third of Mongolia has been absorbed to be a part of China. During the Yuan Dynasty, that was when the Mongols truly became Sinophied and Chinese. In 2019, they are now truly a part of China and there is nothing you can do about it. They lost and threw their legacy.
China is our country no? Eh you are better off being under China.

Attached: innger mongolia.png (1024x815, 272K)

Aren't most of the "Chinese" in Canada Hong Kong folk who left Hong Kong by 1997 because PR China took over?

Aren't they Cantonese speakers?

This is what happens when a man leaves his house unguarded. A horde of dirty chinamen move in, steal all the silverware, eat all the dogs and rape all the women.

haha so Canadians get the weak and defeated Chinese. That's why they are a host to refugees.

Attached: hehe.gif (340x257, 904K)

Because the Americans who make up most of this site hate Canada more than they hate Australia/New Zealand

Vancouver is crawling with chinks. Like literally 50%, neighborhoods with Chinese writing everywhere. The rest of Canada not so much


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They are going to laugh it when Canada becomes China.
There is a lot of Chinese in Alberta.

Hehe it's not even a meme either.

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Ching Chong?


Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-15 Australia Has Been Gifted to China .png (1268x3591, 1.21M)


Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-15 Here's why China is buying up so much of Australia.jpg (1340x2266, 844K)

Attached: aus-Chinese-Invasion-planned-for-Werribee.jpg (684x396, 33K)

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Attached: what are you gonna do.jpg (620x383, 141K)

>Aussie women wanting dim sim cock

You're havin' a fuckin laugh cunt

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