Scandinavian Cities

Finland isnt part of scandinavia, please remain us out from those pathetic german cucks.

Attached: russian trying to invade peacful finland.jpg (712x967, 87K)

Best places are Malmö.

You made me realize, the öresund bridge and malmö is just a major plot to flood Copenhagen with Muslims, destroying Denmark once and for all.

>tfw my city gets no love

Attached: Smart_Aarhus_crop.jpg (2000x1044, 647K)

would make for a nice tshirt

Attached: tshirt.jpg (634x696, 103K)

Looks actually pretty epic, those who get it are good peoples. Least in Finland.

if i wore that in finland are there ant tibla who would attack me?

commies and ruskies

Tripoli is the best city