How do the French feel about based Bardot?

How do the French feel about based Bardot?

Attached: brigitte-bardot.jpg (1200x1046, 316K)

Other urls found in this thread: Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl.pdf

Old whore

Truth tellers are always persecuted for it.

dumb hoe

Those days she's more a joke than anything, and those old enough to have worshipped her back in the days are walking corpses now.

t. raphael unmgongo

her heart was in the right place

She was adorable.


she is mocked even by real hoes

i do not know her but i think it is because she is at right politically, even maybe far right

Hey that's not fair. Paul McCartney is still doing great for his age and he's talked about fapping to her when he was a kid.

you dont know shit about her but the couple of films she made more than 50 years ago

>Paul McCartney
At least, Bardot accepted the fate of getting old
Poor Paul with his wig, sad

It's almost as if men and women are different. Shock.

She looks increasingly like a chipmunk as she's aged.

Attached: download.jpg (1024x1364, 140K)

Just proof that women are apolitical until their butt starts to sag and then suddenly they go crusade against all the injustices of the world.

quick rundown pls

>One of the most influential French film stars of the last century
>Great beauty and style icon in her youth
>Devoted to animal rights and wants to stop halal slaughter in France
>Despises Islam, has railed against it since the 90's
>Wants a return to traditional French identity and values
>Has been brought to court 5 times for "inciting racial hatred"
>Marine Le Pen's stepmother and may be entering politics soon

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I've seen her views, and in the US she would be a centrist. I think she focused too much on her beauty, and wasted her chances of becoming a serious actress.
at least she was marianne... that was cool.

Attached: bardotmarianne.gif (420x600, 174K)


Time is ruthless

She's proof women age like flowers and is typically the Young Girl principle. Materials for a Theory of the Young-Girl.pdf

Perfect consumer and perfect seller.
Nowadays, the Young Girl is the fag, the tranny and the migrant.
But back in hers, she was the pin-up, the girl you saw on ads, that made you want to buy stuff and obey the jew.
I even suspect her appeal for animal protection to be a premice of the whole vegan movement.

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