When you get grilled out at work for doing a poor job

>when you get grilled out at work for doing a poor job
>when your crypto wallet is 10x what he'll make in his lifetime
>when I only have this job because I was bored while others can't miss a day because of bills

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>Unproductive low IQ waste of a human life bragging about getting lucky striking it rich in crypto on Jow Forums to a bunch of 20 year olds living in their mom's basements.
Have you considered donating your money to the poor, user?

op just got his taint roasted

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Letting that happen to you and coping by bragging on a latvian basket weaving forum instead of quitting
Oh wait you probably lost everything since you got into crypto in January.
Kys nigger

>getting lucky
crypto has been around for almost 10 years, mainstream for at least 5 years, and if you bought bitcoin when it first became mainstream you would be a multi-millionaire today.

there was no luck involved, everything was right there in front of you. if you managed to miss out on crypto you really need to reevaluate your life, because you're not going to see anything else as obvious as that in your lifetime,

Why didn't you buy NFLX 10 years ago? Do you think all Netflix shareholders are/were geniuses too? Reality is that most people who bought NFLX or BTC 5-10 years ago just got extremely lucky EVEN if they thought/think it it was obvious. Making a single good investment decision is not even close to being a statistically significant indicator of your abilities as an investor. You are unironically completely delusional if you don't think there was any luck involved. And this is coming from someone who got into crypto/BTC very early too.

We did buy Netflix faggot. Did you think the price went up because a single guy bought it?

Read my post again, brainlet. I didn't say that. There are plenty of investments that seem "obvious" in hindsight, but that doesn't mean everyone (or even most) who invested were smart.

>working some wagecuck job when you don‘t have to

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>Get high paying job because bored
>don't get into narcissistic shitfits of slavic boss because I don't care
>get fired because I'm "to assertive"

And I'm not sure what you mean by "we", but I can assure you that the vast majority of people who bought BTC at

go away soiddit


nice nitpicking. like a true valueless under-the-shoe street scum

>getting a job because you are bored

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It became mainstream last year faggot. Less than 10% of adults in the world own any form of crypto.

So how many mortgages and 100x longs did you take to invest in bitcoin if it was that obvious? If you claim there was risk thus no luck involved at all you're seriously delusional.

>I was too much of an idiot to buy it so I'm going to say you just got lucky to make myself feel better

Giving money to the poor would be retarded if he "got lucky". Is he supposed to just live in poverty after that? It's not like he can make that money again if he is as dumb as you suggest.
Which makes me think you are the mentally deficient one, not OP.

>Unironically thinks buying/mining bitcoin requires a high IQ.

It's pretty obvious you've never done anything intellectually challenging in your entire life lol.

>less than 10%
>kys you fucking idiot


>less than 10% (propably less than 5%) adoption
>below 1 trillion mcap at ATH

Is that Jordan Peterson or Jared Taylor?

Oh I forgot I had this thread open on another window
OP story is fake I don't even own crypto

lol at the absolute state of shitcoiners
how many people hold pennystocks you retards?
this shit is even worse
you idiots are the last retards at the bottom of the shitcoinpyramid
deal with it

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keep coping you idiot
even noel norman who bought btc and eth at the top from coinbase is'nt as justed as you shitcoinfags here
should tell you something


I bought BTC very early as I said. Sounds like you guys are the ones coping with the fact that you haven't done much in life and have to tell yourself that your biggest achievement (buying BTC) makes you smart. Making one good investment (or several highly correlated ones) decision is not statistically significant.

Giving money to poor people is retarded regardless if he's dumb or not. Poor people aren't his responsibility, it's the government's. You should only help your family and ignore strangers that won't benefit you. If you feel kind, donate to some animal sanctuary considering some species are going extinct

Damn some people are clueless.

>requires a high IQ
That's the point, it didn't. It only required a luke warm IQ to realize that it would moon again after 2013 and yet you most of you dumbasses still didn't buy until 2017.