Ask your questions to a French Arab

Ask your questions to a French Arab

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did you go to khutbah today khoya?

Become the atheist or die.

have you thought about running children over with a truck?

Do qt French grills like brown men? asking for a friend

How many little Anglo girls you raped Mohammed?

when do you leave ?


I am atheist lol



Jamais pierre, jamais

Are those baguettes whole grain?

French women do not like Arabs, maybe they like Mexicans

That's a fucking lie

There are several varieties of baguettes

It's the truth

Why are you in France?

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What difference between French Arab and ordinary Arab?

My parents came to work here and decided to stay

if you're not leaving, are you praying the good god ?

There are no big differences, maybe mentality and quality of life
What is the good god ?

the christian one of course

I am an atheist so Christianity does not interest me. But I do not see any problem getting married to a Christian girl and having Christian children

ok then

are you that namefag named ahmed

where do you come from exactly?

No, but I've already seen


If you are an athiest then how are you muslim?

Who will you support when the caliphate is at the door of France?

I am not m*slim, i am athéist


extremely unbased and extremely bluepilled
dawlat al islamiyya baqiyya bro

Are you an Islamist?

Tu connais l'UPR?

Oui pourquoi ?

yes, i am conservative whitoid who has converted to islam
my paki friend is fucking my sister right now but he doesn't let me get any close to his and instead i have to get him more girls :(



>ce sentiment quand on est un juif homosexuel mais aussi on pense que la france aujourd'hui est bien raciste et islamophobique, est les français arabes/musulmans sont piégé dans les banlieues, et on espère qu'ils peuvent réussir dans la societé français mais en même temps garder leur couture s'ils veulent en n'assimilent pas. Mais tous les arabes te déteste parce que on est un juif homosexuel et aussi américain

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Les arabes/musulmans ne s'intégreront jamais dans la société Française

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they cant because they refuse to integrate.

Comment on peut aimer L'UPR sérieux ?

T'en as qui s'intègrent mais c'est pas la majorité

mais l'idée de liberté, égalité, fraternité, il dit que peut-être la société peut prospérer sans l'assimilation parce que nous sont tous humains, n'est pas?

Tu connais pas les maghrébins de France toi et puis la France c'est pas l'Amérique. La France à vocation à intégrer pas a ce que des société parallèle pullulent sur son sol

liberte egalite fraternite are valors that cant be mixed with muslim valors.

Les mèmes, Bilel...les mèmes

do you have a qt sister?

Beslama bougnoul, do you speak arabic?

since when do Tunisians here call themselves Arab? Maghrebis here all seem to sperg out if you suggest they are anything other than 100% Berber



The majority of Tunisians consider themselves Arab, it is in Algeria and Morocco that there are many Berbers

do you hate the brits?

are u Muslim?

J'aimerais bien que tous les maghrébins soient comme toi malheureusement c'est de moins en moins le cas. Continue de montrer l'exemple user !

t. français



Les maghrébins sont une cause perdue, très peu s'intègrent et beaucoup ont de la haine contre la France bien que profitant du système social

which side are you going to pick in the next race war?

France, why ?

que pense-tu du film "La Haine"

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Bon film même si un peu gauchiste

How big is benin?

Maechaellaeh wtf i love tounsi nao


Are you a syrian boy ?

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Quand est-ce que votre famille est arrivée en France ?

Ouiiiiiiiiiii comment tu sais khey ?
parcourez vous la mena ?

go back to africa

Fuck you. You are not French. You make France look like a shithole. I wish I could visit France as it was in the 60s but nooooooooo YOU have to shit it up with the rest of the niggers.

fuck off


Dans les années 70

Oui, nous avons déjà discuté


Fuck off amerilard, i am French and i love France

>I wish I could visit France as it was in the 60s
you would unironically have way more chances to be robbed.

Fuck you I bet you or your parents came here since 1965 you shitskin. Thanks for ruining the US.

You are not French and never will be. You are an arab shitskin.

is there any actual french ppl left

>french arab
thats like saying youre a catdog, when youre just a dog. pick one faggot. you know what you are

And I would prefer that. At least I would be in a beautiful ethnostate and not have to deal with arabs and niggers.

Like 50%, similar to the US.

it wasn't an ethnostate retard

Il est grand temps que tu revienne à l'Algérie bougnoule

More French than you amerimutt

i speak more french than you you piece of shit

vazy on aten de voar

Have you had relations with native French women?

Hahahah so you are a disgusting morrocan or algerian

Fuck off back to your 3rd world shithole. You are NOT equal to me, 90 IQ shitskin

How do you like your fellow tribesmen bringing the trucks of tolerance?

can any european even tell the difference between them?

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Je suis tunisien


Why insult me? Since when does the situation in France concern you as an American?

Les françaises se sont-elles habituées aux bites circoncis?

Are you a virgin?

I dont know

Certaines oui d'autres non

Yes ;_;

Because all formerly white countries are suffering the same fate, at the hands of third worlders who commit disproportionate amounts of crime and are net fiscal drains to the economy. You are an atheist and speak English so you're probably better than the average arab but it's your kin as a whole, plus niggers, that have turned vast swathes of France into a shithole.

surely you don't know what you're talking about, if you believe France was a better country because of the tiny things you saw pictured about it in the past you're just fucking clueless.

Yes, really sad for the white countries but no one told them to let in migrants. the whites got into shit alone

La Tunisie est meilleure que l'Algérie au moins.
La culture bougnoule est trop toxique pour l'occident, trop d'eux ne s'assimilent à la culture/ société française.
Le plus grand problème à mon avis c'est l'islam.

Mais pourquoi vivre en France et pas en Tunisie?
As-tu un nom/prénom arabe?

you are and idiot :)

*ahem ahem ahem*
Je suis proche du retard selon les gens ici mais je peux dire que je pense que la fr*nce a besoin de importer de le afrique du nord 5% de bougnouls supplementaires a mon avis parce qu ils en ont deporte injustement dans les annees 60 parce qu ils "pensaient" qu ils n avaient pas d addresse. En outre, je ne pense pas que la fr*nce a besoin de plus de non-bl*ncs, alors n allez pas la visiter.
t. personne aux cheveux blonds aux yeux bleus
mais cela signifie que t‘as etes l historie grenouilette? u///w\\\u

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If it were 100% white now, it would be better economically, in terms of crime rate, and psychologically. Diversity is associated with increased mental illness, increased loneliness, and higher crime. Non-French have higher crime rates, pay less taxes and take mpre welfare.

La vie en France est meilleur qu'en Tunisie quant à mon prénom je m'appelle Adam. Tu es Français ?

for what it's worth, i'm whiter than you
and you should go fuck yourself

Comment tu peux être blond si tu es Syrien ?

it was almost 100% white back then ,there were more crimes and more poverty.

je le teins blonde :^3

you don't really show you're white by acting like an insufferable illiterate dick.
