How do you start a Mafia Gang or Traid

i am getting into the business of crime i have a few go to men & from the outside looking in it seems like a well oiled structure but its not its just a handful of men with a few connections if challenged will crumble

> How do i get enforcers men to do the dirty work how to i build a true organization with rules and an acknowledgement of the hierarchy

read the Prince and got some good ideas from there what other books should i read

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lol OP is going to get murdered.

The 0xbuttcoin thread is this way - that's where unimaginative low intelligence scumbags like you below.
Don't you have the talent to make money white collar? Or is it just you watched too many Tarantino films?

>read the Prince
The one translated and edited by a Jew, right?

you gonna get fucked kiddo. Stay with your shitcoins

>white collar

Credit Card Fraud bring in some $

Youre going to get rolled over and wake up hanging upside down in a warehouse with your balls cutoff. Enjoy.

You'll probably need to kill some people to gain power and respect. Are you ok with that?

>The one translated and edited by a Jew, right?

whats the true red pill version of the prince or its equivalent

The Art of War maybe

So what will your gay Mafia do to make money?

Anal, fisting, walk some puppies, cleaning, house-sitting, baking, tea-bagging and felching.

>got some whore in 3 brothels
>linked with some businesses that running numbers
> import party drugs and other stuff you cant find in my country
> card/atm skimming
and a few other stuff

Do you even know anything about card skimming?

You are fucked. I unironically have experience with the crime world.

>How do i get enforcers men to do the dirty work how to i build a true organization with rules and an acknowledgement of the hierarchy

By being legitimately more badass than the badasses who work for you or at least having this illusion.

People in the crime world are literal psychopaths who are experienced with using violence, the first time a crazy mother points a gun at you or comes at you with a knife, you are going to have to handle that situation with a iron will and don't you are going to bluff your way to the top, when you don't back down you are going to have to physically prove your worth.

The problem is some low-level fucktard starts fighting the "boss" his people are not simply going to stand around and let you do it.

Crime is something you are born into, the power structures are already set-up. You would need a shit ton of money to get into crime as a new comer.

I'd skip the card skimming, it seems like it'd bring a lot of heat. The rest are just giving people what they want, morally ambiguous.

CC ISNT BIG IN my country so its mainly ATM skimmer

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>import party drugs and other stuff you cant find in my country

Please just stay away from this stuff as soon as you register on the richter scale you are going to get killed and most likely your immediate family as well.

>>the power structures are already set-up. You would need a shit ton of money to get into crime as a new comer.

this is literally Machiavelli first chapter already know how to infiltrate and hold on to power in these structures

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go to 3:16

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you watched too many movies, go get a real job

>got some whore in 3 brothels
the brothels are not run by the local mafia/bikergangs? thats odd

>linked with some businesses that running numbers
what does it mean?

>import party drugs and other stuff you cant find in my country
what kinda drugs?

>card/atm skimming
that shit actually works?

Read Pimp by Iceberg Slim

Then change your mind because you're going to eaten alive you stupid faggot

>drugs and whores
I'm fine with it. Just be nice with your whores and allow them to quit if they want it.

>card skimming
You fucker. I can understand giving people what they want but can't legaly have, but I can't stand plain stealing.

What now?

I have read the prince. Its a mindset, applying Renaissance Italy political maneuvering to modern networked criminals is dumb as shit, you probably don't even know who the local top guys are. The Prince was also inspired by a Borgia, someone who was born into wealth.

This is modern life where everything is extremely interconnected, you will be working with criminals who most likely already have corrupt police, judges and lawyers working with them while also being networked with other criminals with hundreds of people working for them trying to make a name for themselves. Making a name for themselves means fucking up someone like you.

Your best bet would be to join a existing organization then moving up the ranks and causing a schism. I doubt you have the brain power for it if you where the guy posting about how unfair life is and you want to become a criminal.

tried it and almost killed my boss cant eat shit from people i think are lesser than me

>the brothels are not run by the local mafia/bikergangs? thats odd

living in a country where its neighbor is imploding and all their women will work for food so its a free for all with wholes

> what does it mean?
my country has a government approve gambling 3 times a day and small business takes bets and pays off higher to what the government pays so people rather the illegal gambling

>what kinda drugs?
my country only has weed and cocaine so when i brought in thing like MDMA and psychedelics they jumped on it thinking about bring meth but i need a real set up first to deal with the back lash of meth

>that shit actually works?
YES you set up a skimmer on a busy ATM on Thursday Friday Saturday take them off after a few hrs and clean out accounts

Oh so you live in shithole with non-white criminals? Go do it and disregard every single thing I said it doesn't apply to you.

so what is your plan when they catch somebody that works for you and he rats you out?

why are you so butthurt towards the OP?

but im white there isnt much but like 5% of us here

me being white with connections to outside the country is what allows me to have drug connections in other countries and get shit noone else in the country have

to be honest if you're too dumb to figure this shit out on your own you will get eaten alive out there and actually wind up dead. The guy who said get a real job was right. Stop being such a pussy and learn to take criticism and better yourself from it.

You are weak, OP. I could unironically kill you and you couldn't even try to stop me. What makes you think you are fit for this?

in most cases ratting isnt worth it and if it comes to that these people have family and children to worry about

I am not I was giving him real advice.

This completely changes everything.

>im white there isnt much but like 5%
>me being white with connections to outside the country is what allows me...
you are gonna get your head chopped or buttfucked in prison, idiot. Literally asking for it. Learn a profession and get a real job

doesn't sound like a solid plan, so what are you going to do when somebody doesn't want to go 10 years to prison and cops keep squeezing information out of him? dude will sing and sink the whole ship, I seen that stuff happen.

realistically it doesn't even need to be a rat, somebody could be butthurt about you and just give the cops a tip where to look for.

those are just one of those things

most of the people i deal with even my GF and my brothers i clone their phones and check their messages and conversation to keep ahead of those things but if it arises depending on the situation i will deal with it accordingly may have to network some more and get connections in the police

de que pais sos mogo, que necesidad de meterte en mierda..

>How do i get enforcers men to do the dirty work how to i build a true organization with rules and an acknowledgement of the hierarchy

You go and ask about it on a mongolian basketweaving imageboard ofc. Fuck off , really bad LARP. Sage. Oh and don't forget to KYS.

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thats one thing im now gonna say


colombiano... no tuvieron bastante crimen ya? que te crees capo escobar o algo? tomatelas

dont even ask that question because im not not confirming or denying

im a citizen of the world

>citizen of the world
soon to be citizen of a shithole prison

OG's will agree with me

>if u cant do d time dont do d crime

Op dont be the cliche that realizes this after 5 years in jail


Depends on the country you from; if the min wage in your country is $1k a week for flipping burgers dont be retarded and risk your life making a few hundred a month selling coke

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Colombia is the only country that fits in with what you describe. I'm sure you could be a nice niche crime business there from making mdma and lsd more popular, you can get kilos in from the netherlands ridiculously cheap from dream market as well.

> i should run away to the land of opportunity and then flip buggers

You sound like u know your shit. In oz min wage is $25 an hour. In uk you get 1k a week for being a security guard and in Sweden they give immigrants 1000euros a month and a free flat

why be a bitch in someone else country when you can be a king in yours even if it may be a shorter reign

i came into this business because i hate being a other people bitch and eating shit from people i see as inferior to me you want to to now adopt a slave mentality and run away for a foreign government to take care of me to flip burgers and have peasants look down on me

But can u do d time?

if that time comes and im taking all mesures it wont if i cant take the time i will go out in a blaze of glory and you will hear about it on the news i will say some shit about HODL GANG or some meme shit while going out

>in Sweden they give immigrants 1000euros a month and a free flat
tell me more about it. Do I have to be a sandnigger for that ? how the fuck does it work

U know your best friend will rat on you for less jail time right?

Family probably wont but friends will

Not only sweden but germany too. U have no fuckin idea how rich 1st world eu countries are. 2nd world eu is shit tho.
Ever heard of google grandpa?

even his family will. Colombians have no dignity

thats why i trying to build an hierarchical structure of fear and i said stop fishing for locations

Colombia is possibly the absolute worst place you could decide to get into crime. Nothing means anything to any of them. You could get your throat slit by the other bosses top dog or by a 15 year old on a scooter. If you get into crime there you will be dead within 5 years. But this is a larp anyways.

You absolutely do not get 1K a week for being a security guard in the UK, you fucking bullshitting plebian

D best part is the person who will report your ass will be that 85year old cat lady neighbor. She dont know about no god damn omerta. Just that you seem shady

I lived in the uk 2 years ago. You get 1k a week for being a god damn street sweeper. In my country a street sweeper gets 650$ a month

> again one of machiavelli principalities i cant remember the exactly words but its pretty much always keep your community happy with you

>hierarchical structure of fear
we got a badass here. How do you think that works out in the end? either a bigger badass puts a bullet in your head or someone in your 'ranks' gives all the info about you for a few bucks. As i said, death or prison is your outcome, there is no other way for a pleb like you. Escobar had the biggest hierarchy of fear .. dead on some roofs

>keep your community happy with you

this is it

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escobar literally threw millions at the community to keep it happy with him. Dead on some roofs at 44

>escobar didnt follow the laws of power
this is how you deal with your underlings

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Fuck you guys, I live in Finland next to sweden and I'm so full of it when our countries are invaded with sand and niggers that do nothing, live off of our welfare, rape, violence and sell drugs. Fuck I do hate em and I'm hoping for a change to this. I have alot of nigger friends, but wouldnt even flinch an eye if they'd be imported away just to get Finland white again. Sweden has lost it already, sucks for them but what the Swedes first, winland comes behind.

Ayee and if you want to do crime, come to finland. This is a paradise for criminals and the average criminal in finland are stupid as fuck. Its really hard to get yourself in jail here. I was in the underworld when younger and made a killing with drugs from silkroad.

Classic white male. Your women love arab/black cock. Dont be selfish

Yeah its true that the fat and ugly ones get the nigger dick cuz any white aryan wont fuck em, our women are actually really racist and cant stand the smell of a nigger

do you need to have some kind of professional skills or higher education so they could let you in Finland ? Or I can just walk across the border and now I'm a finnish citizen living off government gibs ?
I'm from russia, thinking about living this shithole for good. Will they let me in If I tell them I'm a raging faggot seeking for a refuge from tyrant Putin ?

>a xix century book is gonna make me more badass than escobar. He failed cause he didnt follow these laws
now i know for sure you dont have what it takes
>this is how you deal with your underlings
yes, this is how you will be dealt with

>>a xix century book is gonna make me more badass than escobar. He failed cause he didnt follow these laws

i live in a country where 70%+ Have an IQ of 85 they cant compete with someone with a 120+ IQ

I'm not sure how its with you, because you dont have the safetycolor. But there are many ruskies here in finland, all of them are very good people and some of them are doing hard crime with the estonian boys. I think it would be easy for you to get a doublecitizenship, come here and have a blast. Finland is a good country but the taxation is a joke.

>i live in a country where 70%+ Have an IQ of 85 they cant compete with someone with a 120+ IQ

Aftism doesnt work really well with "gangstas". Good luck confronting every ape that is going to chanlenge your face

You might have a higher IQ but what do you do when the 85IQ violent psychopath comes and wants to kill you?

I got a cashiers cheque for 15k in someone else's name.

They keep dropping the thing in my mailbox but the address listed dosent even fucking exist.

Returned first 3, cut 4th one open to see it's legit, 5th one just fucking shower up yesterday.

I'll sell it to you for 8 dollars in eth, tree fiddy in btc

They dont need to compete. They just kill you, take your money and rape your GF.

they are easy to manipulate and once you establish your hierarchical structure of fear/power they will respect it and see it as something untouchable its all about reaching that point

Not for psychopaths my friend

you need too know which one of them is gaining power how their network is set up how to make them fight among themselves never let unite the one that equal to your power behind you and crush the rest never letting any rise to power that may threaten you

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But that is easily said then done.

Op lives in a third world shithole. He will get shot by a 12 year old over his shoes.

What a cuck. U know nothing about women. During sex they LOVE to be taken. Who is gonna take her harder? You or a Nigerian who spent his life ploughing fields bare handed?

Ok mr G. U know who r d most dangerous men? Those with nothing to lose. U r surrounded by them.

noone said it would be easy you are fighting the war for the only true currency POWER what do you rather do go to your wageslave 9-5 job come home play fallout watch tranny porn talk shit about your meme coin rinse and repeat FUCK THAT SHIT


you know how powerful it feels to see someone become a slave to your drugs or waste their whole pay check to your roulette machine or dump $300 to fuck a whore you look down on for 30 mins

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Continue on this path, and you're going to fucked up bad in the afterlife. The horror, the pain, the torture, agony, and suffering will be far beyond anything you can imagine and experience in this physical Earthly dimension. And unlike Earth, your pain there, will be eternal.

>power struggles
>their network
>crush the rest
lmao as other have said. You watched too many movies, man.
Its as simple as "hey that guy is some kind of dealer, bet he has cash and drugs on his house"
>steals your shit, rapes your gf, kills you if you resist,

yeah its all in your head buddy. We all wish we were damn Corleone. Get back to reality faggot

Back to /poll/ and reddit

>We all wish we were damn Corleone

No we dont.
OP. If you actually are smart there are better ways to scam the system that wont get you buttraped

Google bdsm and try to guess why 99% of women are subs. Now guess why Merkel has no problem Blacking her country?

Now guess why women love assholes and savages

You lose again cuck

> do you think im walking around looking like some gangster nigger the handful of my lieutenants who know what i do think i have some big connection with some drug cartel and i dont just the darknet its all about selling yourself even if you are selling a lie i could put my head on a block that non of my "lieutenants" will try anything and the ones that will have very little info about me or fear me thats why i want to build the HIERARCHICAL STRUCTURE OF FEAR / POWER

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Yeah, this is Jow Forums & not PUA you faggot



such as?

All it takes is a 12 year old from the favela to spot your iPhoneX and he'll just shoot you for it

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