This Is So True

This Is So True....

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yea 8 years he he quit boom

Americans are the biggest mongoloids in human history. Prove me wrong

> Mfw you can't.

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Congrats on your first Jow Forums post

Thnx m8

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Literally got into the white house at the absolute bottom and had a 0% fed funds rate the entire fucking 8 years

vry depp

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Republicans are so low iq i doubt they even understand the cartoon

hey, i agree, but
>reading political caricatures

Tfw genius IQ Republican

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obama was a disaster. HE had several major crashes and food stamps and welfare skyrocketed. He enriched jews and niggers ONLY. Death to traitor obama

obama is the worst president of all time.

There is some truth to this however the orange man also knows how to create fake optimism so idiot burgers get more into debt.

The same thing happened with Hitler, Germany fell so low that it could only get better. He was credited with the recovery but it would happen anyway.

US runs on a 8-9 year cycle. A recession is on the horizon and the stupid Trump will be credited for it.

The next president will be a complete communist. US will eventually collapse like the soviet union.

You guys are complete morons and fucking twats, the stock market has more to do with the Fed not raising interest rates and bumping money into this fake economy. Jesus you guys are biased fucking idiots.

>Germany's economy was so bad it could only get better
No. What a shitty argument. Is this the power of the high-iq city dwellers?

I hate that there is a small minority of commie posters on Jow Forums that want to pretend like they know shit about economics. I wish they would all fuck off back to plebbit and die.

Is this what people actually believe or just what some payed shills are ordered to shitpost on the internet?

"The last president was the worst ever, because we need to create a false equivalency to the actual criminals on our side."

So really it's Bush we have to thank then?

November 2008: 10,453
November 2016: 19,926

Obama Total: +9,473 in 96 months
Obama Average: +98/month

November 2016: 19,926
July 2018: 24,153

Trump Total: +4,227 in 21 months
Trump Average: +201/month

Trump is currently beating Obama by +103/month


I strongly recommend studying the federal reserve / current banking meta before continuing to post here.

lmao, OP needs to just unironically kill himself at this point

>the absolute stat of Jow Forums

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Oops these facts seem to be problematic for our dense frends

It'll be fucking hilarious how when stocks dived earlier this year all of a sudden stocks didn't matter and actually its a good thing if they fall. Now they've half way recovered and stocks are good again.

Now the GOP is yet again skyrocketing the deficit which will rack up debt for decades, 10 years from now if a dem is president and we are still suffering the implications of the GOP's massive deficits trump fags will be manipulated into blaming dems again. And the cycle continues.

would be dope desu

Why can't America and Russia unify the world and bring eternal peace?

>Fails to understand momentum
>Fails to foresee incoming crash

Russia as an ally against faggot commie refugee states in Europe would be good.

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>ruin country with your faggot commie nonsense
>everything needs to be fixed again
>costs money to fix your fuckups
Shitlibs. Lmao.

The world economy is propped up entirely on debt and government spending. If the government stopped spending money there would be a collapse not seen since the great depression and it would be international. Congress knows this. Would you want to be the one to pull the plug on a the bloated debt system? Can it even be done? It's much easier for congress to keep playing hot potato with the economy than to be blamed for poking a hole in the balloon.

"upcoming crash" the increasingly nervous libtard says for the hundredth time this year



Lmao, so cutting taxes and spending more is "fixing shit" now, wasn't it just 4 years ago you guys were non-stop bitching about the debt?

Of course it can be done. Cut spending in bloat, increase tax revenue in ways that don't impact the economy. Clinton was close to a budget surplus. Then we had bush, two unfunded wars, massive entitlement expansion, shit we are still paying for. Obama came in an increased spending the least amount of any modern president, actually decreased the deficit.

Now we have the GOP and yet again record increases in the deficit that will impact us for decades, and you retards will be manipulated and used yet again, lied to that its the current admin's fault and not the massive GOP deficits that has caused pretty much every financial problem since the 80s.


Clinton ran a surplus because he inherited a boomtime economy and at the same time sold out a large part of the economy for brief GDP boosts, which cost us more over time (like NAFTA)

> comparing average performance over 8 years to average performance over a year and a half

Obama also got hit with a huge recession when he took office. Don’t really care either way but it’s not a fair comparison

way to go, Trump.
went from 42% to 4% unemployment.

Are you just now realizing Jow Forums is 99% propaganda? People here don't know shit, and everyone has a bridge to sell you.

It's what some people who have no grasp on real-world history believe. It's not a crime to be stupid or ignorant.

True but Trump squandered the cash overseas that should have brought in billions in repatriation. I like Trump on a lot of issues but his tax plan is pretty retarded.

Obama started from the absolute bottom-an aardvark would’ve had his growth record after 2008.


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Hyperbole. It's more like 70% propaganda.

Agreed. I love that Trump sees problems and wants to fix them, but the reality some of his solutions are making things worse.

That 42% number was a lie. They were just making shit up to sell their "America is doomed, vote R" narrative.

Low energy post. Sad.

Let me guess, you're one of those Fed conspiracy theorists?

but user everyone knows the market boomed suddenly and all the niggers went to work all of a sudden because they all believe in trump

>it’s not a fair comparison
you think this matters to a pack of Jow Forumstards who buy high and sell low
all that matters is obama is half black, everything he did is wrong after that

That's exactly why treasuries sank and the stock market went on a rampage after the election. It's almost as though business freindly regulation and reduced tax burden is bullish for the economy. Obama did nothing to help business. The FED with ZIRP for his entire presidency helped the market not die. And BLS stops counting people as unemployed when they stop looking for work... So yeah, fuck the Obama economy but soon the Trump economy is going to tank bigly and libtards will scream Drumpf bankrupts us reeeeeeeeee. But it was the FED all along.

Because Russia is white and the kikes that run the US hate whites.


This. The economy will very likely go to shit but it goes far beyond presidential administrations. We might as well go back to monarchies, most can only conceptualize presidents as emperors anyway.

King noggo actively tried his best to stifle the economy and raise unemployment rates. He was very good at what he set to do. Even tried to fundamentally destroy access to Healthcare for American families and never once did anything that was the least bit good. I'd literally rather have Satan as president because at least he'd eventually get bored trying to hurt us. Nongo is still behind the scenes attacking us. Truly one of the worst presidents. Good that we finally got a decent one after such a long time of consecutive duds. 2024 will be interesting. If he's willing I'd love to see a third term, but great guy he's done enough for us. Hopefully he finds a good replacement for us.

>Obama controls the job and stock market
It’s not that simple.

>le Drumpf is le Hitler
How contrived. Sad!

Babby first shitpost

3rd term ?

>these are the incoherent boomers you share the board with

cmon lad, i don't mind differing opinions or political debates but can you atleast keep it coherent and free some your psychobabble. you cant just say
>he tried his best to stifle the economy and RAISE unemployment rates
>nongo is still behind the scenes attacking us

you dont care though do you, misinformation is as good as disinformation

>implying the 2017 bull run wasn't because trump won the election

Good luck when the liberals win and ban crypto altogether retards

>ruin your country with faggot commie nonsense
this means nothing, you cant derive any meaning from this. what is the faggot commie nonsense?
>everything needs to be fixed again
>costs money to fix your fuckups
nigga the deficit is going higher because of TAX CUTS which is feeding stock buybacks, thats not fixing anything lmao.

fucking cuckpublicans

>Obama creates system to artificially deflate unemployment
>Takes longer than expected to see mass decrease
>Trump in office and gets lowest rating for unemployment
>No way to call it out without ruining Obama legacy.
Fucking madman.

Except fed has started to hike rates AND CEASED qe so kindly end your life zoomer scum

>that one liberal that makes threads on Jow Forums just to trigger themselves

Those memes did a number on your brain. Just take a break from the politics bro. Take a deep breath.

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That is the limit of the average plebs political knowledge.

because russians are lazy alcoholic faggot communists

Pretty sure NAFTA was Reagan's idea.

Fake and Gay.
Obama was the worst president in the history of the US

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jesus christ... it's hard to imagine such levels of stupidity... but you just displayed it. Grats.

Yeah, but Obama didn't have the advantage of replacing his cabinet with Goldman Sach employees, filling the pockets of military contractors, and blowing up the deficit with 1.5 trillion dollars worth of tax cuts. All those things make investors very happy, or at least the investors who invest in Dow companies.

Besides that, some of the decreases during the years 2015-2016 had Trump calling for NAFTA being abolished and starting trade wars. Not sure what's going to happen to NAFTA, but the Dow is reacting to the current trade war.


Wrong thread, faggot.