Innocent babies

>innocent babies

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friendly reminder that there is absolutely nothing wrong with abortion and the only people who care are bitter virgin freaks who want to punish women for having sex

ok, this is epic

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Put condoms up there too then

Woah, time to vote conservative.

>violent crimes
I wonder what those crimes are.

I don't care about abortion but how the fuck were there 40 million of then? There's only 160 million women.

What constitutes as a life?
Once a being can think?
But that's 5 months out of the womb
If we go by that there would be 4 month post-partum abortions
Once it can feel pain?
That's at 27 weeks, but abortion is only legal for up to 20 weeks
How about once it can survive outside the womb?
The 50% survival rate is at 25 weeks

Tell me, what constitutes a life?

Yeah, nvm all the women and married men who are against abortion, retarded white knight.

>the """"""""""conservative"""""""""" party

>noooooo killing babies is BAAAAADDD

>inb4 muh bundle of cells
why should my tax dollars fund the fact that you can't use protection

Because it's not real.
Do you believe every sourceless infographic you read?

>literal “why won’t someone PLEASE think of the children?” calling me a white knight

>oh look something inside a women
>that surely will not be a thinking human
>nah just a bunch of cells
>better kill it

Based Singapore

i feel conflicted

You have to have an income to pay taxes, NEET.

>there are only 160 million women

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Abortion should be legal up to the age of 15. Fight me.

wtf I love abort now

Suicide may be an option for you, Jow Forumstard.

and Wh*toid get reparation for abortion and introduce immigration, what a sarcasm

>single celled life on other planets is fawned over and celebrated
>ethical debates about "what constitutes life" centered around human fetuses in the womb


Post a source you triplenigger and I'll give you a reply.

>i use the n word

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Well theres unless underage girls are getting pregnant too

Nooo you can't abort your retarded fetus that's immoral!

*shop vac hums to life in the distance*

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You are misinterpreting what I said,please read it again.

>abortion is wrong
>but eating meat is okay
>but spraying insecticide is okay
>but the war on terror is okay
>but logging whole forests and killing thousands of animals that called it home is okay
>but ocean pollution is okay
>but global warming that kills thousands of species a year is okay
Typical conservatard logic

you don't have to be conservative to be prolife