Don't worry. I'm about to help our number go up.
>Japan and Finland share 30-32 places
I knew this were just a meme
ähhh is this good or bad?
it is still pretty high tho, for "first world countries"
Sure feels good to be a gamer
>tfw in the top 10
feels good to be a superpower
>guyana and suriname in top 5
what even happens there
it's your fault my father
At first it was like...
...but then.
>tfw Azerbaijan is in the bottom 10
Why you guys are so depressed tho?
their weather sucks, and their 1%ers are even worse than ours.
>tfw Rossiya's homicide level is worse than Central Iraq and very close to Mali
Are you ok Russia?
Why do inuits commit so much suicide? I see the same stats in Alaska and territories.
Nowadays it's the same as the european average. France has more suicides
but france is a shithole, scandi countries are supposed to be perfect
I wish all common russians committed mass suicide to let our oligarches/government to rule their kingdom without servants.
y tho?
Yeah but you're still being outdone by two nigger and indio countries. What happened to white power eh?
you're only behind the US in immigration
BASED russian thots patrolling themselves
I am in excellent condition.
Don't worry, they will kill you once automation is perfected.
Based, death to femoids.
boys kill themselves too don't worry
>be chad alpha in russia
Bravo Russia
Live is overrated.
Why are beautiful people killing themselves? Are you just excluding the uggos?
they are average
No. I dont.
If I commit suicide, then I definitely prefer the rope than the roof. When falling a high chance to stay alive with disability
Why no freeze for death in taiga?
t. Siberian
wtf belgium has higher rate than we
I live in the south.
fucking christ... we can't even stay on the top of a single list. I can't bear to live like this, time for self-immolation
what a faggot
accept the challenge :)
WTF is going on in Lesotho? Why are their women killing themselves?
>Highest desperately in east europe
This what happens when you put pussy on pedestal "muh wyminz are best in da world"
Yeah well, if life sucks shit in some Latvian potato village they just go west and become housewife to some rich Indian IT guy in London while lame bydlo becomes alcohol addict and kills himself at 35
>Latvian potato village
Rural villages aren't really a thing here. Most of the people live either in single homesteads or towns/cities built during industrialization.
Your women still like to come in uk and breed with shitskins, correct?
I Know it's true and its pretty sad cuz the average one looks like this, but they're dumb that's for the most part so oh well
thank you for your service
Why do Russians kill themselves so much, is it a cultural thing or what? Whats the primary reasons
No meme answers pls
When I was 10 the dude jumped from the commieblock and landed right in front of me. Since then when I pass a coommiebock i tend to lock my gaze way the fuck up high.
> all those qts who would rather kill themselves than be my gf and live a confortable life of leisure in the USA
Life's hard and not everyone can endure it
volga finnic traditions
I look down on the ground, because I saw my neighboor from balcony.
I am still searching for him.
Nobody asked to be born.
No one has the obligation to keep living a life that they don´t want
this dude be like
>not my problem
I want to protect Slavic boipuccy from an heroing
Probably related to Lithuanian DNA though. Slavs assimilated tons of suicidal Balts right after arriving to Russia.
>you will never dominate this guy's boipucci
How to save a russian qt of suicide?
such a warm pleasant feeling of dead russians
>Russians are ugly
Enough am*rican propaganda for you.
Well, I might contribute for the 2021 one if needed.
>US almost higher than Japan and Finland
>'another one'
>Guyana and Lesotho
it's actually good old ethnic cleansing
oh fuck you
i honestly got scared that you were talking about basketball FIBA rankings for a sec
yikes but nice quads
Mass sucide when my fellow lith brothers
this is gonna be pilėnai 2.0
What's the difference between one group of eastern trash taking itself out more frequently than the other?
Why are Lithuaniana so good at basketball?
lot's of Lithuania migrated to the USA in the late 19th/early 20th century.
Subsequently, when they returned in 1920's they brought back a lot of American culture, a part of which was basketball.
For example, a guy who was Lithuanian was also the USA team captain in the 1936 Olympics, leading the team to gold medal. Later, the guy lead Lithuania to European champion titles in 37 and 39. So we just inherited basketball traditions form the USA very early.
When I was in rehab I met a guy who survived hanging
If I was born in Putin's Russia I'd kill myself too.