Should I invest in a second wife? My current wife has hinted for a long time that I should get a second wife...

Should I invest in a second wife? My current wife has hinted for a long time that I should get a second wife. We gave it a test run last week. It was good and has some perks for sure. But I'd basically need to feed an extra mouth. And deal with an extra bitch once in a while.I'm already tight with my money. Is it worth having a second wife around?


Do it, faggot.

Its another incel thread

>Investing in depreciating assets.
>Doubling down on screech harpies.

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lol only works if you have a lot of money and if you are a muslim. If not you will be cucked by the two wifes too.

Yes I'm not Muslim nor do I have a lot of money. My wife is really on board with it. But I generally make the rules and do things as I see fit. This is obviously a bit different as I don't want it to backfire on me. Extra woman might sound nice at first, but Maybe not after like a year or two

hmmmmmmmmm................ are you mormon/quaker?

Been trying to get my wife in second wife mode for a while. She's not totally opposed but I don't think she takes it that seriously. Would make life so much easier.

I dunno I'm just a regular dude. I don't have an opinion on religion. I just try to be a morally good person.

I sort of had a second wife for a bit.

Wife's best friend moved in for 4 months. We have a 5 bedroom house for just us and she was between a lease and moving to the other side of the state. Got guilt tripped into it, sure.

Complained to my current wife and her friend jokingly "it's like I married 2 woman but only get sex from one". Threesome occurred 2 days later after I said that and I started giving the best friend the D on a regular basis with and without my wife around.

Had this awkward conversation 1 week before she was destined to move out. They both wanted to try and get pregnant from me at the same time, cut the D off from the friend right away and my wife about a month after that. Even though I am still married, I still feel like polygamy is a bit more natural then society thinks after that situation.

The wife is still cool about it 3 years later, and her friend told me if it wasn't for her current boyfriend she'd be fucking me when she comes to visit. Still get nudes and sex tapes every once and awhile while she is drunk with her boyfriend.

Don’t care if it’s not real I enjoyed reading your post

pick one
women are but an illusion
user... not gonna make it

I spend my whole day being productive and making money. My wife takes care of the house and kids. She makes my meals. Without her I wouldn't be as productive. I just thought having 2x the help around here would be nice.

I can't wait until the second civil war pops off and we can start slaughtering you degenerates.

that you baggie?

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it looks just like him lol

Two women? Hell men can't even please one woman sexually.

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That's obviously what the other one is for.

My gf is Muslim and she said if I convert i can have a second wife. I've been dating her for 2 years should i do it?

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May as well hand her your balls in a jar if you convert for her, this is true of all religions.

Haha, mazel tov sir

if you're white and you're looking to have children, then I don't see why not

I'm white and my gf is Algerian so she's like half white. I could get a second Chechnyan wife and breed her

I second this. Fuck you degenerate.

Bagholderextraordinaire lmfao

I don’t see why not my man. Although you mentioned you have two kids, it could be a little weird for them to see daddy kissing two different ladies regularly. Also, how close are the women? They need to be related or lifelong besties otherwise they may get jealous of each other and things of that sort. Also, it’s technically illegal isn’t it? USA anyways. I’d be up for it, do a trial run for a couple months tho.

Yes, too tired to elaborate

Cuckquean is the thinking man's fetish.

tfw cuckquean porn is so scarce
it's not fair

>Still get nudes and sex tapes every once and awhile while she is drunk with her boyfriend.
atleast you tried user, doubt this ever happened

no woman wants to share anyone who she cares about, unless she's a degenerate whore without any selfrespect or there is money involved (then the ''care about someone'' part isn't actually true and i would dump her ass immediately)