WTF Japanese really did this?

WTF Japanese really did this?

Attached: r7G4ejB.jpg (500x367, 28K)

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it's ok because they made all my favorite kawaii animes xD

why would take pictures of that...I mean I would understand if there were smartphones around at that time...

XDDD :D I love my epic le Japanese cartoons and manga,Japan so good :)))

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This but unironically

according to an American propaganda film, they believed that they were descendants of the god of the sun

Now they're decedents of whole different kind ofn Sun HEYYY YOOO

Yes, and your grandpas allied with them

They still kill babies today by forcing adults to watch anime.

Can someone explain this joke?

This but unironically

i am russian, my grandpas were the good guys

So your grandpas raped poor germans qts instead huh

You can't be russian in germany.



probably not, they fell in Kursk

yes, they committed many warcrimes in Korea, China and the Phillipines, crimes that they still deny to this day

Attached: japanese war crimes denial thread.gif (1064x589, 981K)

That baby deserved it because of his inferior race

Attached: 1550137804369.gif (498x359, 408K)

RIP anonovskys. That battle must have been a sight to behold but also a hell to experience.

>tfw no Battle of Kursk online game Jow Forums anons could play together

Yes, and it really makes me wonder why people hate America for nuking those animals twice.

Yeah, just like those armenians, kurds and pontus greeks, m8


thank you user

I have a hard time believing alot of historical photos. Staging them was probably common

>Staging them was probably common
What advantage would the japanese have by staging putting a baby on a bayonnet?

It was staged by americans using POWS for anti japanese propaganda obviously. That is a doll

Have any nice stories of them and how they killed filthy nazis?


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oh no no no lol

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for chinks ofc

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All did it. During war people don't do like people.

got a better source?

Pft, I thought japs were based.

>Jow Forums tier infoscreenshot
Wow i always knew the nips were innocent!

Synthetic image for Propaganda produced by the Communist Party of China.
Moreover, poor synthetic technique.

Attached: JT6OJVRU_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)

The thought that that could very well be my grandparents getting stabbed is very real. My great grandparents must have did some shit to get through that period of Japanese occupation. I imagine I would’ve died easily there since I’m somewhat of an idiot.

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This but unironically

Sadly they didn't finish the job.

do you love japan?

Attached: I am Canadiang.jpg (5155x5118, 3.9M)

Japaneses are subhumans

This but unironically

This but unironically

didn't the US around ww2 tie men to chairs, and experiment with them to see what it would take for them to die, like removing their organs/cutting off limbs etc.

i read it years ago. japanese aren't the only twisted ppl

do you still love japan?

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is he memeing her? she's not looking

I's okay to blame japan but why? why do people believe obvious fake pics?
even many ''''liberals''''' still believe them. It just feels so dumb.

Nips have to be the only ones here that blatantly deny their war crimes (maybe minus turks and israelis), at least unanimously. It’s disgusting and you should be downright ashamed of yourselves. I certainly would never defend half the fucked up shit my country does. “Honorable” culture my ass.

This but unironically

if I say the pic is fake and people are so stupid, is it considered denying war crimes?

Was the Rape of Nanjing also fake? Or Unit 731? Stabbing babies is the least of your crimes by a wide margin.

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Nah that's not my point. If anything, people should stop making things up if it's important.

...okay, but you guys actually did kill babies during Nanjing so what are you even trying to say?

This but unironically

>you killed babies
>so it's okay to make fake pics and let it spread as an actual evidence
that's how it works. at least it shouldn't be

I think it just shows how its arguments have had low standards

>kill babies

The capsules were made in China from dead babies, whose bodies were chopped into tiny pieces which were then dried in ovens before being pummelled into powder....

Attached: baby-soup_fb_2741425.jpg (300x300, 44K)

*that's not how it works

they do it even now

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the babies were dead anyway before being made to pill form.... but that photo is just fucked lmao.

I love when people pretend to care about 40 million dead Chinese

>you killed babies
>so it's okay to make fake pics and let it spread as an actual evidence
Holy shit are you actually equating murdering babies with posting fake pics? You nips are the most amoral sacks of shit on the planet.

I'm not equating them at all retard

they deserve to hang for what they did

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