
*taps the sign*

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Other urls found in this thread:


i love no anime edition

This is the true /brit/

Attached: Anthy.jpg (768x1024, 185K)

Attached: dead anime girl.png (795x1075, 470K)

yeah fuck anime its for little ugly nerd nonces that got tormented mercilessly they deserve to die die die


whats season of family guy should I binge tonight lads?

love anime

flipping based

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its pc gone mad i say

tooters lads
going to bed now nunight xx

no anime?
cunny'll do

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enjoyed this

going with this one

the body is a temple but only if you're white


the one that when peter becomes a muslem and after that the italian vacation

She did nothing wrong.

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Anime nonces tremble at the mere sight of a real women

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Kernow is a Celtic Nation.

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Attached: janman.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

don't like the inconsistency with the way bates motel portrayed the mother, when in psycho it's implied she's a lot more controlling, mentally abusive and mean to norman

wish i could draw


good night, my divine empress

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Had to roll back a previously stable overclock by .1 ghz recently, felt bad.

actually cancel family goy, the Jow Forums winter world cup is on

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Why is Gaelic in such a dire state compared to Welsh and Breton?

Attached: celtic.png (3145x3266, 1.09M)

hope your little egg stunt doesnt land me in midnight bogtoil

listening to Solitude by King Midas Sound, yes I am an intellectual and yes I have no friends.

Attached: no anime 54.png (1268x868, 544K)

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Reminder that what the nonce with the Danish flag is doing is spamming/flooding, a violation of the rules.

if you could be a dog would you be a dog and what dog would you be

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Because no one cares enough about these pointless meme languages

put effort into learning.

Irish are brainwashed self hating marxists

the top dog

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Attached: remember - no anime.jpg (1024x761, 59K)

can you handle a real woman like THIS?

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do it for the absolute state

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like the one they put into space?

Aren't the welsh forced to learn it in school and no-one actually speaks it as their primary language?

based and redpilled

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Collie. Smart, loyal, good temperament, lots of energy, hard-working, looks good.

Report him then fag.

I wouldnt be a dog but if I could choose it would be some african/asian dog so I dont have to be worried about being locked in a house all day

stop deleting the webm's janny

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why are aryan women so peng?

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might have to play the modern warfare games again 1 and 2 were kino
(3 was so desperate to recreate the shock of the nuke scene as to approach comedy levels.)

watching a documentary about a lizard that runs 40 km/h

Fucking state of this John Wick film.

Attached: index.jpg (275x183, 8K)

Rorke spamming his anime images, pathetic

he already did, but it's against the rules to proclaim a report so he does it that way

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that's what i call a mangina

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based, banish these silly little wog tongues

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make a 1996 one

what's with the /b/ infestation tonight?

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starting to feel a little bit uncomfortable with all those pics of minors

consider myself a poomer

60 million people used to live here...

now it's a paki shithole

starting to see an uptick in vapid social media talking heads being called "influencers"
why is this being pushed and who is behind it?

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but our socialists are the ones who promoted the Irish language, its the capitalists that prefer English because it was the language of business

It's not, the figures are skewed

stop posting little girls

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keep a bunch of Aphex Twin CDs in my car incase I get killed in a crash so the EMT lads will think I was cool haha

Attached: 408.gif (200x150, 501K)

I had younger girls in highschool ask me out who barely knew me(the ones in my own year who did know obviously did not). By necessity this must have been on looks alone. 27 now and still get carded so not much has changed looks-wise, reckon i can hit 30.

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fuck off

Everyone in English medium education in Wales has compulsory Welsh lessons until the age of 16, but it doesn't teach you much tbqh.

About 20% of pupils go to Welsh medium or bilingual schools, where every (or most) subject is taught through Welsh. English is always taught via English.

Peter Sissons: The single currency, a United States of Europe, was all that in your mind when you took Britain in?
Edward Heath: Of course, yes.

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mfw seeing anime in brit

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