The income inequality is 500$
The income inequality is 500$
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Tax the rich 50% and their nethworth on the paper is suddenly 0 and they pay less then they do now.
Why are common people so fuck stupid.
Those fucker are poor because they are stupid.
No matter how much money we transfer to the poor, they will always be poor.
And fuck UBI while I am at it.
The rich will only become richer sonce the poor fucking faggots will waste money on even more stupid stuff.
How about tax everyone 15%, no matter what their income bracket is
the laffer curve is real though.
anyone who talks about the tax rates in the 50s or whatever is taking you for a ride.
there were even more tax loopholes back then, and a much smaller percentage of the population actually was in that higher tax bracket.
meaning basically no one was paying that much, and those who were had no collective bargaining power to lobby against the taxes.
Now they do.
we should just tax everyone at 1% of their net worth every year
all parasites who just sit on money and land will suddenly have to use it or lose it
but then the government is the parasite..
>Tax the rich 50% and their nethworth on the paper is suddenly 0 and they pay less then they do now.
whoa 6000 dollars a year...... dont spend it all in one place, goyim
Tax me 50% and I'm gonna use every possible legal way to decrease my future gains.
Simple as that.
TAX THE RICH does nothing.
The real answer is lower taxes to 0
End government completely and things will drastically improve
We need a free market and true price discovery in stocks, bonds, commodities, and interest rates.
We need competition in money
Any other answer won't work and is shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic for anyone who's not already wealthy
lol yes it does
tell the police to take a gun to their head and threaten to gun them down if they try dodging taxes via shit like offshore accounts.
kek fuck off with this koch propaganda
>Tax me 50% and I'm gonna use every possible legal way to decrease my future gains.
You do know you sound like a retard.
Capitalism is not to support the weak, this guy gets pegged by his wife and goes to work the next day with a smile, don't trust him
They can invest in infrastructure.
There are corporate forms where you have to pay 50% tax already above 100k gains.
And there are forms where you have to pay way less and there are other options with 1% tax.
Going full 50% tax or more just leads to more and companies going full "fuck you taxes" right from the start if they think they will get some serious gains in the future.
There should be taxes but the media forcing the "tax the rich heavily" meme is stupid.
Untax the poor and middle class.
>putting the dollar sign after the number
this +++ would solve all first world problems
This .... this doesn't sound that stupid to be honest senpai
taxing the "rich" is merely a way to increase the gap between john the doctor down the street who will pay his taxes and rabbi shekelstein the 9 figures millionaire who will have elaborate financial constructions to pay just $10000 a year
see any western european country with that level of taxation
any super wealthy person who wants to give any % of their money to the state can do that right now. somehow this never happen, and instead they go on talk shows and argue the state should take money from other people at gunpoint
That's the italian government flat tax idea, it's shit unless you are rich
In what way is that tax structure shit? Seems fair to me. 15% is fuck all. How is it fair that someone who makes $30k pays 15% of their income to taxes while someone who makes $100k pays 30%, and even more so if someone makes $400k+, then we're talking like 40%+, which is the main motivation for tax evasion.
Did you keep in mind the tax brackets?
only from x to y € the specif percentage is due, not overall.
30% on 100k sounds nice
between 18 to 31k its 35% and between 60-90k its 48% and above 50% here.
Of course I do everyone to lower that "somehow"
The patrician answer. Fuck socialism.
Hmm seems there isn't a solid solution.....
5 percent from everyone seems fair desu and is loads of money. It's just the us spends so fucking much on military ffs.
Right. Give the poor $500 amd they will go spend it on rims for their car or something.
>u mek moar munnies so i can tek it or i shoot u
Yes, tax brackets are bullshit. If the government told me to hand over 50% of my money I would start looking into evasion. The percentage you pay shouldn't go up as your income goes up. Flat rates seem like a logical and fair approach
>If the government told me to hand over 50% of my money I would start looking into evasion
I would start looking into reducing the population. Sometimes cutting expenses is the only solution. If the overpopulated number of poor people is becoming a black hole on your personal finances, you have to get rid of them. I would send in an invasive species (Africans). Then when they have reduced your population for you, you can more easily get rid of them than you could your local population. There are many social, economic, and ethical reasons you can't just commit open genocide. It would be cruel. This was you are actually helping foreigners have a good life and even the people who are adversely affected ny this will praise you.
>put all my millions on the blockchain
>spend my money in a country that doesn‘t want to steal from me
I used to make 140k/year. Because I get taxed at 30% I said fuck it, only work 5-6months and not work the rest of year. Now I noticed a lot professionals are doing this and living in Thailand for 6 months of the year
This faggot isn't a co-founder of Facebook kek.
> In the Zucc's dorm room
> begs him for a role and shares
> gives him job of "communications director"
top kek
> quits the company at IPO
> walks out with 500 Million
> triggered because he could have been a billionaire
>goes around saying he knows how to fix income inequality
> recycles old ideas already trashed by based economist
> thinks getting rich = winning the lottery
Trump get rid of this fool
this is 100% how it works in Hungary (except some 22% social security but that tops out @ ~2000 euros), 15% flat rate
i like it, but that's because my income is generated abroad. when you run a supermarket, for example, your income prevents other income kind of being generated/taxed. if you shut your shop down, someone else will build another one because people need to buy shit and people can sell shit.
i think it's more fair to tax different kind of income differently, like how singapore has 0% tax on income generated abroad.
>now that I have all my money, tax anyone who works at 50% so that niggers don't storm my mansion and kill me
Oh no no no. This guy needs to sit on a cactus then kill himself. Unless he's willing to donate 100% of his own money to the government and then get on the programs himself. He needs to shut the fuck up right now.
Zucc wouldn't have given him a role if he just begged. He's smarter and more well of than you will ever be
>The income inequality is 500$
a month, pretty big difference
We have poor neighbors, and these stupid faggots buy a new phone each year. (the newest which is 50% less worth in 1 year)
We already have this. It's called inflation.
are u mad because you won't get 500 bucks for being a NEET?
the problem isnt entirely rich people. the money is devauled so you have to have lots of it to be rich. the truth is inflation is the reason why we are all poor.
Just enough to keep buying all the new apple products to stay socially cool and in
There is and ever will, be the issue that many people do not know how to handle their available funds.
No matter how much money they will get they will always be poor, so to say.
Due to lifestyle, not saving some money, buying the latest shit and spending it on stupid stuff.
>spends so fucking much on military ffs
This is just not even true. The budget is split into required spending, which is the majority and is mostly spent on social security, medicare and "safety net" programs. The bigger problem with everything the government spends money on is that a lot of it get wasted due poor logistics, friends of friends charging extra, etc
I don't know what you're trying to say with your first sentence, but you're spot on about poor people being stupid and thus, the reason they are poor. I'm on welfare right now while studying at uni (in Aus) but because I manage my money properly, budget properly, keep my spending in check etc. I have a nice little stack of savings and have a really comfortable lifestyle and I can buy whatever I want as long as I budget for it. When I graduate soon and have a decent income I'll be comfy af. I've seen the way poor people spend their money. No matter what government programs you give them, training you give them, handouts you give them or whatever they will always be poor because they are pathetic with money, and just in general I would guess low IQ.
Sorry, that was meant for:
Funny how someone like this fag will recommend taxing other peoples money to pay for the dumb fucks. But is never willing to just give all his own money away.
The first sentence was a phrased to fucked up.
What I meant was, that if you start to tax the rich heavily, they will say "fuck you" and move the weatlh abroad, invest in a way so they can't be taxed so heavily or using any other legal way/loophole to not pay taxes.
@ poor people
It is the same when they win the lottery or suddenly become like 1 million $/€ in any way.
A year later they are piss poor again.
Not even all is needed, he could give >90% of his wealth away and still be amongst the rich. Truly a faggot
Taxing the rich won’t work, we have to literally seize all their money and property and guillotine the ones who don’t give it up willingly
>What are property taxes?
I'm in favor of eliminating income taxes entirely. Your having money doesn't prevent anyone else from having it. I propose a single tax on land (and not improvements to land) and redistributing revenues equally amongst all citizens, for the simple reason that your having land does prevent me from having it, and land values are a result of existing features (i.e. a gold deposit which is not created by anyone's labor) or by the community (high value urban land). As was pointed out above, land speculators can depress property values of everyone around them by not improving their land, while relying on the labor of others to improve their property value.
Ending speculation on land (which no man created) and ending taxation on labor (which is entirely created by one's own efforts) is the key to harmony in economic policy.
High income taxes mean it's harder to become rich, but people who are already rich stay rich. It's just a way to ensure the current oligarchy isn't disrupted by new money. That's why a Facebook co-founder is pushing it.
>cops are IRS mercs
>if they have offshore accounts
enjoy having 0 businesses left in the US then
No rich person is "sitting on their money." Its invested in companies that make products and employ people you complete idiot.
Underrated post.
terrible idea
>implying the free market would not immediately expand to accomodate the increased money gibs
>Those fucker are poor because they are stupid.
>No matter how much money we transfer to the poor, they will always be poor.
Unironically this. I come from a poor family, am poor myself, and even I know that poor people will always be poor because of their mindset and the decisions they make with their money.
That's why I am so against UBI.
But if this will be really forced to the people, I'm getting rich as fuck by taking the money from all those who are eager to spend it.
UBI is only helping those wo are already rich.
Man, I sell rims! Gonna' b a billionaire
>create an entire underclass of parasites
>be surprised when the rich conspire to have them all killed
Nothing I hate more than a fucking communist. I'd take a nigger living in my house over a commie
does this little faggot even realize that there are some richfags that actually pay ppl to kill other ppl?
because there are. there is a 0% chance this kind of 50% taxation on the rich is ever going to happen.
the super richfags will hire ppl to literally kill the fags shilling it. screen cap this, u kno im right. power is money ,money is power.
lol, great idea
sets a wonderful example for anyone who was thinking of trying to produce any great amount of wealth in the u.s.!
fuck all taxes
the size of the government should be limited to what they can reasonably charge on tariffs
You have to be a real fag libtard to equate income inequality with real poverty. Also
>lmao just give them like $500 a month
Can you imagine being this out of touch with the underclass?
That was my fucking idea.
Don't take it from me.
All UBI does is make you dependent. Someone else owns you. You're eating their scraps. I wouldn't mind an extra $500 a month, but at some point as you become more and more successful it becomes more expensive to have that extra $500 because you're just getting taxed more to pay for it. So success is punished and poverty is subsidized. What could possibly go wrong?
Good post
Tax the rich 50% and they all get pissed and flee the country. Now you have no money to redistribute AND you're left with the bottom barrel of society. Good job
Not to mention, people who did make that kind of money back then paid Capital Gains taxes, not income taxes, so their rate was still sub20%
How about paying a flat, market determined fee for the government services regardless of your income? Can't afford the fee? Then get the fuck out somewhere else.
Socialists can go suck a dick.
This is actually a pretty good idea desu
Rich is already taxed at 50%.
top marginal tax rate is 37%
Rich were taxed at 90% during the 50's and 60's when there was actually a middle class
What if we keep the current system in place but allow people to overpay as much taxes as they want. That way virtue signalling niggers can put their money where their mouth is.
The wealthiest people only pay a capital gains tax of 15% a year on their dividends. If you're hoping to make it big in crypto, then you shouldn't want this to change because you benefit from it
that is just a tax on currency holdings, which rich people dont have much of
You aren't entitled to a home or education
you arent entitled to a police force or a court system
except you are
>muuuuh rights muhfuckuh!!!
Saying this publicly should be worthy of execution
>End government completely and things will drastically improve
actually everything will go to shits real fast. what anarchist don't understand without government there is no justice. without justice the world is a pretty shitty place to live in where your neighbor can rape-murder your family if he wants your home for himself.
God forbid we should fix national debt by taxing rich folk and letting poor folk spend money they didn't have before anyway.
I unironically want this. Do you realize how many people would buy crypto to hide their net worth? Bitcoin would easily be worth over a million
Oh my God, I want to have that lifestyle.
> Get dominated by your wife in bed
> Have otherwise normal life
It's only a tax on USD holdings. It doesn't actually tax real estate or equities
Question for all those advocating for 0% (or very low) taxes:
How is the government going to pay for all the things it already has a hard time paying for right now with non-low taxes?
Where will the money come from?
Because surely it's going to be extremely hard to reduce the expenses to the point where the country can still funtion with less/no taxes.
Yep, mfw that little anarchist cuck is exactly the type of person who benefits the most from government's protection. Without it he would instantly become some mob boss's bitchboy lol.
There should be taxes but not universal free gibs for people who will nothing but a drain on society and never contribute anything.
As soon there is anarchy, those wo enabled it are the first one that will die and most likely some natsoc-like group will fill the void.
Or go up to the next antifa faggot, fuck him up good and tell him to call the cops or the ambulance. In his perfect world there are no cops, so fuck him up more.
and.... i'll emigrate.
The poor are poor for a reason, fuck em
>There should be taxes but not universal free gibs for people who will nothing but a drain on society and never contribute anything.
I agree, but the amount of taxes is a different matter than how the money from them gets wasted on leeches.
I was talking about hyper inflation you fucking retards holy shit.
Um,wrong dumdum. We have houses sitting empty as investments while there's people struggling to pay rent.
Read 'The Sovereign Individual'
oh boy, cant wait to see how many fucking useless brown people flood our fucking country then
Is this about the belief held by those people who think they can be above the law because they're "travelling" so the police can't talk to them?
No. This book published in 1997 tries to forecast implications of transition from industrial age to information age. Among other things they predicted the emergence of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a non-confiscatable, hyper-mobile bearer asset and a store of value (unlike nation-state fiat). That means governments will have a hard time collecting taxes from high net worth individuals as they move their value into Bitcoin over time.
There is a lot of stuff laid out in the book, read it.