Tfw no USA Greencard

>tfw no USA Greencard
I applied for 2020, sadly my chances are very low since only around 0,25% win one. Any Jow Forums bros who allready won a greencard in the past?

Attached: greencard-usa.jpg (1600x1060, 945K)

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>"Abolish the lottery"

Attached: trump.jpg (400x400, 29K)

I’ve been playing for 6 years now but due to legal migration numbers and shitloads of people playing it the Netherlands has about the lowest win chance in the world

desu as far as I remember Trump wanted to abolish the lottery and instead give qualified people a better chance for greencard so only shithole countries would have negative affects by it.

good luck maybe you win next time

greencard? that is for poor inmigrants

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For me, I get a partner visa.

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if you cant get it trough a job in the USA your only chance is greencard lottery

It will be abolished before I ever get anywhere near winning.
With our winchance you can play for a lifetime and maybe have 1% chance to win

Just go to America. They don't mind illegals as long as you're white. Go for a visit and stay

>They don't mind illegals as long as you're white
Im a mutt so sadly I cant do this

Then find a job that offers a visa. You're German for fuck's sake, which foreigners will they give the visa to instead of you?

I really thought about this once. Perhaps their cognitieve dissonance makes it impossible to register a white person as an illegal

Pranjeev with 5 degrees in software engineering willing to work for $40k in the most expensive region of the world?

Im doing my "Ausbildung"(three year job education) right now so applying for a job doesent make sense right now.

better option! university studies

German tuition is about €600 per year.

$11000 per year ;__;

At least my student debt of 60k will be interest free

>complain about mexicans
>don't let white people in

Ours is €2K but most students including me take on debts to pay for a lifestyle they cannot afford including holidays and cocaïne.
Butthurt. And it won’t, government announced they will raise the interest

what the fuck with interest! you must pay 11000 instantly

Wait until you finish then apply for a job in the US. For better results go to any university in Germany. Don't shackle yourself to Debt Mountain as the Americans do.

An Indian dude from Punjab once told me the majority of their engineers are useless and it's better to hire someone without any studies and train him at the job.

wouldnt make sense, studying is almost completly free here. Alot of americans come here to study because of that.

I can get a J1 visa for $1000 and go to the US for a year. Is it worth it lads, or should I just marry some American girl?

äuslader auch? Ich dachte, es sei nur für deutsche schüler

It is impossible to get even a tourist visa to the US from Russia.

EU universities have 2 rates, Americans(and other non-EU citizens) actually pay quite a lot to study here

I'm eligible through my wife but I have no plans to use it, maybe if Brexit really fucks my shit up.

no for everyone but you have to pay cost of living (food, apartment and co)

Mutts are white in the USA.

I recall Denmark offering free tuition if you can pay for lodging. A bunch of friends went for their Master degree over there. Aalborg and Copenhagen are swarming with Romanians.

Notice how Romanians are EU citizens

except if you're a nordic spaniard with a spanish surname

> or should I just marry some American girl
If it was that easy I would do that too but I dont even get a girl in Germany.

tfw you're

I'm just here for the american flag

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Im almost done and the interest rate is fixed for the rest of your payments when you finish so yes it will still be 0%.

are you an immigrant from europe? where are you from?

Literally me. Look Dutch but have a Spanish face and a Spanish first and last name

It hasn’t been zero percent since 2014 or so, and once again it has already been announced they will hike up the interest rate for loans you took in the past.

Also does any american here know if Administrative Assistants have good chances of finding a job in the USA? Because thats the job im learning in Germany right now,

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Chile-kun sir

>tfw waiver program
>tfw german surname
>tfw no spanish accent
>tfw you can bully mexicans/bolivians

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so you are illegal in the USA? you are only allowed to stay 90 days the wikipedia article says.

no, I'm J2, my dad won a scholarship in his university, I'm just him leech, I try to effort for go to a university and stop my hikkikomori life

It doesnt work like that. Companies have to sponsor you so only high value jobs for very big firms get filled with foreigners

>or should I just marry some American girl?

That depends. Can you compete with Chad?

Attached: Chad.webm (640x640, 666K)

I know, I mean if I manage to get a greencard through lottery Im allowed to apply for any job so thats why I ask.

The US is short on pretty much anyone with some brains, much like western-Europe.

good luck chilebro

No we're not. We're full.

danke doitsu-san,

the geist of my grandpa will guide me to the vaterland someday~

indeed, this country could be more funny in 20 years ago

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I can help you with that ;^)

here state pay 40% of you debt if you finish school on time.

I think the only real option to legally immigrate to the USA, is to get a good degree here, get some experience years here and then immigrate as qualified worker. There is no other option

>green card
do not depends on you, just random
too expensive
we're on Jow Forums

Good luck germanbro, Iktf, I'm literally started uni only because I want to have a degree with help me to get legally to the USA.

Btw maybe try Canada or Australia? Maybe it's a bit easier?


doesn't mean NEETs like you will fare any better desu