This is the populists we are sending to the Eu parliament (all the parties in pic related but PD)...

this is the populists we are sending to the Eu parliament (all the parties in pic related but PD). I hope they troll the shit out of the g*rmans.

Attached: 2019.png (603x357, 227K)

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>PD isn't populist

no, only renzi was populist


I wonder if other countries do this too

this all you can do digos, do funny performances like in a theatre and let germans do stuff

>checked flag

you will be my populists lapdogs next time

Based Italy

Fucking destroy this abomination called "European Union"

being funny and annoying doesnt destroy anything but your own imagine on the world stage as you will be considered a clown

they are destroying the imagine of the eu in the process

They will fuck you over like all populists do. But sure, enjoy the moment and your imaginary "German butthurt".

are your populists fucking you too?

Based as fuck

Yes. Big time. But their retarded boomer voters keep supporting them because everything is neatly presented to them by the propaganda machine.

Kek fucking BASED imagine if they make smirky statements like that small British guy with no jaw or chin.

it doesnt seem so

Attached: polanduk.png (680x346, 88K)

The graph ends on the very year the populists took power here.

The economy is fine so far, but they are genuinely eroding the foundations of a democratic state. Just this month we have yet another corruption scandal, and the state persecutors actively work to cover it up.

>muh demoplutocarcy

who cares as long as economy works

> says some guy who never lived in anything else by democracy


Gonna vote Baudet soon mietje