>being poorer than the congo of europe
Being poorer than the congo of europe
>mountainjew only cares about wealth
>Mountainjew stores infographs
Like chocolate pottery
Only those who are jealous of us call us mountainjew
>Mountainjew replies complaining about being called a mountainjew
Like lightly steamed bread with delicious Swiss cheese thrown in it welted pottery
your country is 10% said congo of europe lol
>imagine being this delusional
Whatever dude, just go to your job in Mr.Shekelstein's bank, so you can feel superior to others.
Sweet summerchild I'd never complain to someone who has it worse than me. No, I was pitying you. Sorry if you thought that.
Tessin? That's the North Africa of Europe
whats this shit??
fuck, latinamericans are worthless
>The mountainjew is now triggered so he keeps replying
Like pottery
Explain what is this map
GDP? Never, since in PPP Italy is not the top 10
High net worth wealthness?
Brazil is 4,5 trillion
Britain is 2,1 trillion
This shit doesnt make any sense
The only country with numbers in Europe is GB
But i doubt Italy is bigger
"But PPP"
Yes, is what measure the wealth produced by the countries
Nominal is a FMI (american) meme
Please, explain this meme map
Mr Shekelstein pays us so good that everything costs double as much as in our neighbouring countries. Why is everyone so poor compared to us?
>replies by saying that someone keeps replying to him
>not being able to read
>Mountainjew keeps after hours replying because he's so Butthurt about my short posts
Like pottery
Mexico, Central America, and those ASEAN countries should be red.
The map literally says continents you fat retarded burger.
>continues to replies with complains about someone replying to him
>reading comprehension
Are gold reserves?
ALL gold in the world worth 8 trillion dollars
ALL gold
So, please, explain what is this meme map
fuck off mutt
It's all written on the map
>american education
Italy population = 60.000.000
Chile = 18.000.000
>the congo of europe
bit rude
For all the absolute fucking retards reading this: It says Italy is richer than the combined wealth of all of South America, Africa and Oceania.
Which is not surprising because all those nations are dirty useless subhumans.
happier than you mohammed
dunno what's taking into consideration haven't read the page
Please search the purchasing power index, along with cost of living and monthly income. You'll realize that the diference in the monthly income in Switzerland it's higher than the difference of cost of living, therefore the purchasing power it's higher. I've never been there, so I can't asure how much it's the difference of prices there in Europe. I just speak for what I saw on charts.
Also I wasn't triying to justify our or others' poorness, just pointing out that always a swiss do something in here it's about how wealthy they're and how poor and miserable the others are.
Euro subhuman,get raped by some migrant
>spain 10th
confirmed for meme ranking
most likely a meme, what the hell is total wealth anyway? is artistic wealth considered? colosseum alone is worth more than africa
Your post is literally anti-vax tier
>claim something without no real base to it
>do your own research
>has problems reading
>gets mad at others for it
Never stop being retarded indio user
They count primary real estate in those rankings (where the person lives)
A house in Europe cost much more than a house in Latam.
If a guy has a 100ms house in London and other guy has a 100ms house in Mexico City (and not more than a house) the guy in London will be much more rich than the guy in Mexico City. But both are wageslaves without any financial wealth
Do you want to know how much rich is the population in a country?
Search for financial wealth and the concentration of this shit.
I can assure you that in fucking any country the top 20% will hold 100% of the financial wealth (In Europe this number is the top 30% because the financial wealth is less concentrated)
They count primary real estate in those rankings (where the person lives)
A house in Europe cost much more than a house in Latam.
If a guy has a 100ms house in London and other guy has a 100ms house in Mexico City (and not more than a house) the guy in London will be much more rich than the guy in Mexico City. But both are wageslaves without any financial wealth
Do you want to know how much rich is the population in a country?
Search for financial wealth and the concentration of this shit.
I can assure you that in fucking any country the top 20% will hold 100% of the financial wealth (In Europe this number is the top 30% because the financial wealth is less concentrated)
Stop being retarded.
If you´re not in the top 20%-30%, you´re fucking nothing.
(i´m in the top 0,02% in the world, btw)
dont fall for the jew's d&i
we are friends
some italians might not like you tho, know quite a few marriages that got ruined by some brasilian thot
Funny how you're wasting your time on a chinese forum arguing over the wealth of foreign countries.
It is indeed funny seing South Americans sperging out and showing us how retarded they are. Take this guy for example:
>A house in Europe cost much more than a house in Latam.
>If a guy has a 100ms house in London and other guy has a 100ms house in Mexico City (and not more than a house) the guy in London will be much more rich than the guy in Mexico City.
Stupidity at its finest.
>be you
>get pointed out thet you care only about wealth
>brings an unrelated topic about, why others are poorer than me?
>gets tell that that wasn't my main point, but either way what are you saying has no base according to some charts, so just check again
>gets mads and makes no argument rather than moving the goalpoast... again.
I didn't claim anything, you were the one that resort to the nearest straw man to prove nothing. Beside for the claim that you made, I thought you should know about the diferences, but apparently you don't.
yea australia is poor, don't come here
shut up australopitecus i do what i want
Realtalk now:
I was moving the goalpost after this because while I know what purchasing power is, I had no idea what the hell you meant with this
>You'll realize that the diference in the monthly income in Switzerland it's higher than the difference of cost of living, therefore the purchasing power it's higher
I felt stupid first at first and didn't want to admit, but after rereading it for a couple of times I have to say that this was only the case because your English is fucking horrible.
That being said a country's purchasing correlates with it's wealth and depends on it or the other way around, so fuck you nigga.
no we are poor you wont like it
>yugoslavian countries have bigger economies than europe
Time to lay off the mspaint
>we're full, don't come here
>we're poor, don't come here
When will Au*traloids stop lying?
And it's time for you to lay off the spraypaint. Read that shit again.
True, Italy has one of the lowest suicide rates in Europe
>a country's purchasing correlates with it's wealth and depends on it or the other way around
The purchasing power, it's the cost of living in relation to income, that's what I meant with my horrible english, those are the numbers that you have to check before making asumptions.
Also my statement was about what you said that the cost of living in Switzerland doesn't compensate the big wages, which isn't true. In relation to my first statement the purchacing power of Switzerland it's one of the highest, therefore the big wages compensates the high cost of living.
Italy has 60 million people, pretty Crazy I thought it was like 40 million.
buddy, the size of an economy means jack shit. India has a huge economy and is shitty place to live in, just like Brazil. I'd rather live in the Netherlands, Luxembourg or many others with a smaller economy than Brazil.
>Also my statement was about what you said that the cost of living in Switzerland doesn't compensate the big wages, which isn't true.
Wait, you started all this argument about purchasing power because you believed that this was a serious and thought through comment?! Nigga I was having fun posting halfassed bullshit.
>those are the numbers that you have to check before making asumptions
Please... Everyone (atleast roughly) knows them.
Then, was just a misunderstanding?, what a waste of time for the both of us, anyway I'm glad we came to a resolution.