Let's face it, we all wish we were born Americans

Born in such a big,rich,powerful cool and spacious country instead of our small and lame countries.

Pic is Houston, Texas.
The classic American city.
Big , and spacious with huge roads and area.

Attached: houston-texas-skyline-downtown-aerial-footage-090774588_prevstill.jpg (3840x2160, 1.76M)

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based israel bro but you do not want to live in houston.

This. The only thing ive ever wanted in life is to become a hollywood star and rape all the kiddies i want and snort coke off my jewish manager's cock

i want to live in america
but thank god i'm not born as an american

Houston sucks, wouldn't live there if I got paid for it. Austin is the only acceptable major city in Texas.

i agree
fuck being a europoor
and fuck not living in usa everyone there is so beautiful

I live in Houston. Fuck this city and everything it stands for.

I would rather be born everywhere else rather than this shithole.

>This poo river

Chile is almost as good as America. And safer too. On average at least. You could be born in Bolivia or worse, Venezuela.

>Mutilated dick
Fuck off kike.

This is very flat. Must be cool to live somewhere with no slopes and hills.


...and I thought that Finns were pathetic

Thanks, I think you're pretty to

No thanks

Attached: 194724.jpg (1080x1221, 196K)

Yeah but lol

Attached: IMG_5651.jpg (640x689, 110K)

I like their fast food and legal weed but that's it, you have to work too much, i prefer to be a lazy fuck with a cuckshed by the beach

Israel, you should just move already.

>Chile is almost as good as America
hahaha no mate, we can't compare us to America under any means, don't believe in the memes posted here.

>we all wish we were born Americans

Attached: 1545054836528.jpg (552x828, 45K)

>this will never be you
why even live

Attached: america.jpg (800x600, 150K)




Attached: 1537634627355.jpg (500x500, 193K)

Looks depressing af

>a muslim demonstation is bound to a have high concentrations of muslims in it
really made me think

no thanks, I don't want to be those materialistic cunts

No thanks.

Or you could live in a cozy little town like this.

Attached: Chester-Vermont-1024x768.jpg (1024x768, 261K)

Canada is basically like the US but with less social problems. I'm happy where I am, thanks.

Fuck you

>Canada is basically like the US but with less social problems
>country that doesn't have any real safeguard on free speech that is being slowly colonized by China
>and also has nine months of winter every year

And you're not as bad? :^)

Good thread, Shlomo. I giggled.

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Actually no, I prefer Germany

the “i’m totally not seething” “:^)”