Universal basic income won't happen in your life time

>universal basic income won't happen in your life time

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this is why i'm in crypto

UBI will be a must once we are kicked out of our jobs because bots will take our spot.

worst time period.

Although if we restructure how ownership of stocks and dividends worked, we probably could work out something. Something like Distributism. like National Distributism.

Attached: washed up pepe.jpg (250x242, 7K)

But you'll still pay for it.
Get back to work and build the infrastructure for Tyrone and Pablo to benefit from.

This will also probably not happen in our life time.

Thank god

Go back in your grave Marx

Holding Bitcoin is unironically your only shot at UBI. Fail this basic IQ test and you and your descendants will be slaves for the next 200 years.

Ever heard of dividends?

I really hope that pic is you.

>wanting to be owned by someone else

If it happened right now we would unironically be fucked. We need to wait for a better time period, like after the niggers lifted themselves out of poverty and learned to be self-sufficient

>(and here's why that's a good thing)

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Why would it ever happen? Why wouldn't goods just become cheaper and cheaper like they always have through the history of innovation?

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Are you 65?

Forced redistribution at the point of a gun is immoral. What kind of pathetic man wants to be dependent on handouts?

Which will never happen.

like the last 3 times in history and humanity was doomed.

> like after the niggers lifted themselves out of poverty and learned to be self-sufficient
They had hundred thousand years time for that.

seems like every liberal
> muh so progessive

I think you trying to hide behind your money is really more pathetic. If you cant defend it its not yours.

user, I have no idea what you are actually wanna say.
Hiding behind my money for saying that UBI is a terrible idea?

Having the standard of living decline in the wealthiest nation while growth is up and efficiency is compounding every day to due technical advancements is immoral. At what point as humanity do we decide that we house and feed people, we have the resources, we know that people innovate more and take more risks when they are taken care of in this way.
Ever hear of dividends being cut to below 1%

Wouldn't innovation accelerate if you had your housing taken care of.

A feudal serf worked 60 days out of the year for rent and taxes. Here in California it take 168 days at minimum wage.

it will never happen until we fix the shitskin problem.

Yeah what he is saying is that you are a narcissistic self-preservationist that values your "wealth" over the well being of others.

I personally am in the top 10% of earners in the US but we need to do something, how about my fucking tax dollars don't get spread among colleges and government employees and goes to UBI and helping poor counties (race agnostic)

Then listen. Either you gonna pay whatever the state decides should be your fair share of the ubi or rioters will fuck you up and take it by force. Happened countless times. You can view it as protection money.

but who will clean our toilets since the western people think they are too good to do them?
(or since the payment went shit after 3rd world people do it for pennys)

yes we need to do something.
making half the population depending in gov handouts is not a solution
> but people will use their time to be creative and invent stuff
No, no they won't. Humans are by default lazy as fuck.

UBI has been discussed very often and not once was there an argument that sounds good or had not tons of open questions.
You can force UBI, it will only make the rich richer by offering tons of ways for the plebs to waste their free money.

Are you by any chance from the south-east asian area?

UBI is shit, why continue feeding poorfags to breed more poorfags?


if you want your money to go somewhere specific that's fine
if you're advocating for other people's money to go where you think it should go, you're just stealing their shit, no matter how nicely worded
the right answer would be to give more decisional powers to citizens and dismantle centralisation. we're on the crypto board but people focus on muh ubi or muh buttcorn when the financial woes of most people could be solved with well-built DAOs
a good 30 years out because of the average stupidity and inertia, but this is the way forward if we aren't to devolve into a global Brazil

How about Police puts the useless members of society into workcamps?
they can‘t riot if they only get 1 meal a day.

Necessity is the father of innovation?
Give a man a fish?

Why would taking away competition and motivation push anything forward. If your needs are all met you’ll fuck your anime pillow and play vidya til you choke to death on your tendies.

I literally can picture your bloated corpses lying under a tendies conveyor belt with your mouth open and your cleaning robots dusting you like you’re just another fat fucking piece of furniture.

But that’s what you want isn’t it? You want to sip from ((their)) complacency fountain (diseased cock of laziness) until you die. I’d rather die fighting.

>tldr: just because your life is a meaningless waste, doesn’t mean everyone’s will be.

Poor people dying is natural selection at its finest. Imagine neets breeding..yuck

No im from germany(half polish)
Cute how you think police men would side with the rich scum hoarding the money even from them.

have you considered that ubi is called 'bitcoin' and that you were supposed to apply for it 7 years ago

Some kind of Georgist restructuring of land ownership to siphon rents off to a public dividend.

Why would they side with the scum that they have to clean up behind all day, thats spits on them, throws bottles at them?
idiot, go back to your bydlo shithole.

But that would mean doing research and put in the work.
The useless leeches don‘t want to do any work, they want gibs.
if they don‘t get them they riot and demand more.
endless cycle, its time that poorfags get purged.

Chill its just natural selection. You shouldnt be worried if you are fit. If you are not its good anyway. It will come either way you cant hide you will pay.

Thank fuck for that.

Nope won‘t pay EVER anything to a poorfag.
All my money is decentralized, what you gonna do poorfag?
Go starve in the streets.

Why does mankind continue to esteem itself as a god above all. Look to nature for the answers. Survival of the fittest. Period

To be honest, I do not want to shit on poles.
They can get up to a decent cultural point if they stop being retarded (and we stop the banter)
But forcing UBI or any other way to keep the lazy fucktards lazy and *insert toilet cleaning joke*
Free monthly gibs if you accept permanent sterilization.
Starting with non-locals.
gg after 1 generation the nation can bloom.

move to venezuela, you fucking genetic dead end.

Your body decentralized too? You weak degenerate. We will cleanse the genepool from weaklings like you. You relied all these years on societies protection and in turn you treat the society that keeps you alive as a tool. How do you think this will end?

Thats a good idea, cutting balls and wombs off from poorfags.
I‘d be okay with that.

I simply go somewhere else to spend my Riches.
meanwhile you starve in the shithole, still begging for gibs.

The point is not to feed the poor the point is to keep society from turning into civil war. Thats why i use these harsh words because in the end the rich are most likely weak and soft due to their wealth and wouldnt survive such an event anyway.

>Thinking he can hide.
It will be a global cleansing from geentic failures like you nowhere you can go. Automation is a global phenomenon

This will never happen. You're all going to die from poverty and disease fag. The world will be a way better place with less people

They simply pay people to shoot you.
Works wonderful.

Yes and automation is the thing keeping me rich.
The only cleansing you will see is poorfags getting their dicks cut off.

it wont OP but you can be a good example for your kids and buy mass DUBI


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I'm far away from being rich but also not a poorfag.
The mindset is the important factor here, not the weight of the wallet.

I may be not that the well off but I'm working towards to achieve something in life instead of sitting at home and crying "buhuuu tax the rich and gibs me dat for free".
Cut of the balls of poor fuckers (those who contribute nothing and just want free gibs) and wait a few years.

>Communism and Socialism will always inevitably fail

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Well, if you people hate any type of government handouts/welfare/UBI so much you can always move to Africa.

This is always the most likely scenario. A changing of the guard where the middle moves to take upper position, and certain upper class move to the top 1%. Make the right moves in this phase and be rewarded.

>universal basic income is a good idea

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Why do we have to go? Why can't you enjoy cultural enrichment?

We are lucky to participate in the beggining of the crypto market.

Imagine how jeallous will be the ones who are being born now or are still teens without money.

The irony of a board full of libertarians and anarcho-capitalists waiting for a handout.

It will never happen/ Automation and AI will make sure the poor people who desperately need UBI are not needed by the people who control world.

If you are not rich and connected in the coming decades you will be culled.

UBI at this point of history is a meme.
It is a neat idea, but as long as current govmts are in charge of distributing it, I guarrantee there'll be ministries of UBI, loans from Rotschilds to sponsor that UBI, unpopular policies hitch hiking the UBI reform and all sorts of gubmint tom fuckery.

> u liek UBI, u a commi, commi sux
Open ur mind already and look outside of that outdated propaganda.
Commie is gud. How can you call bad a world, where everybody can work as much as they want and still get everything he desires? That is literally paradise.
Neither XX, nor XXI centuries were ready for communism. Neither morally, nor technologically.

then move out of california

i assure you there are places where cost of living is much cheaper

>where everybody can work as much as they want and still get everything he desires? That is literally paradise.

Not for these people. They rather see others thrown in the streets and die like rats to feel superior about their mediocrity instead of achieving a superior position by just focusing on improving themselves lol.

Easier to just farm you faggots.

If you can see the ants being farmed, you're being farmed.