We're in agreement then?

We're in agreement then?

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why are turkey and north africa green?

what's the ottoman empire again?

Ottoman Empire, Carthage, Emirate of Cordoba. Forgot to color Tunisia btw, here it is.

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Norway and Denmark should be bumped up to yellow, especially Denmark. Ireland should probably be orange. Other than that I have no qualms.

ancient persia/ottomans/phoenecians

uhhhh okay...

>bulgaria and denmark are orange
>serbia is chartreuse

Serbia basically caused ww1 which caused ww2 and led to the world we know today. One may argue the war would’ve have happened anyway but we don’t know for sure.

Serbia too high, cyprus shpuld be greek

has switzerland ever done anything except defended the pope once?

How has Serbia exactly shaped the world culturally as it is today? Are you Balkaner diaspora shitting up Switzerland?

Black people created civilization, white "people" stole it

also belgium above denmark wtf

Pretended to be neutral in every war while secretly helping one side for profit.

that's some very slim butterfly theory shit.

We started the Swiss reformation, including Calvinism, by numbers today more people follow the teachings of Zwingli and Calvin than follow Luther, especially in the US of A, and then Anabaptism also started in Switzerland. Other than that, we terminated the Duchy of Burgundy for good, preserved the French catholic monarchy by genoziding their protestant enemies and causing the Huguenot migration, invented the Red Cross, had a couple geniuses like Euler and gave Einstein a free college education and a slacker job so he could write his theories and we invented LSD and milk chocolate and Turbo's.

>Pretended to be neutral in every war while secretly helping one side for profit.
You don't get it, when you're neutral you have to play both sides and profit double. Secretly helping one is stupid thinking and bad for business.


Switzerland was known for his mercenaries, so Swiss were involved in a lot of war.


calvin was french though

i honestly cant see switzerland having a higher impact than denmark

French born, baptized into the reformed church of Switzerland, teaching Zwingli's and especially Bullingers theology in Geneva, Switzerland. Most protestant movements outside of northern Europe are at least partially Swiss made, missionaries from Geneva, bible translations printed in Switzerland, and theological seminaries. Back in the day they had a tremendous impact. Lutheranism largely stayed local in Germany and northern Europe, but Calvinism made a global impact.

>Maximum historical impact
You seriously? Dude, smaller play at CoD and other shit with SOBИET CУКA ЯUSSIANS

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>my liberast ass is on FIRE

How's Albania better than the most Balkan countries and same with Bulgaria


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alright you can have him, you did give us rousseau after all :)

Turks are more influential than you think. But then again youre a mexican

-15, Lahtawhole
Welcome to dolbylnya

>origin of major league world religion
>revolutionized military warfare in the late medieval
>wiped a country 5 times its size from the map
>did beat the piss out of Germany before it was cool to beat the piss out of Germany
>early adopter of industrial revolution with major contributions to modern science, including one of the highest per capita patent and nobel prices for science

t. seething liberashka

Greeks also invented gayness

I look down on Russians as much as you do, but that's not an argument

I fixed, dont thank

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Whether people like it or not, Turks have been involved in European history since Attila the Hun 1600 years ago.

This is unironically true. Dating back to the Greeks and Romans, Europeans have always stolen their knowledge from African civilizations.



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Yes, but apart from introducing coffee and waging constant war on Europe their impact was minimal. I wouldn't know of a single Ottoman contribution to science or technology of the time.

Not argument? But all the history of russia is an big argument!
>Could not invent their writing
>About three centuries kissed ass of mongols
>Fo mire the century the rulers were Poles-crooks
>Next, the rulers was a maniac-psichopath

>Science and Tech

History is longer than the last 300 years. Turks invented vaccines (i know anglos claim it).

>not blue

Rn up and rop != invented

Ireland was the only civilized part of Europe after the fall of rome you imbecile.

Ottoman Turkey, in its entire history as a "western" nation/entity, did not make a single contribution to western science, technology or society, except coffee and trench warfare.

If they knew about vaccines they damn sure didn't tell anyone about it, write it down nor spread the technique.

Am I right, Jow Forums?

How would you rate Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Bulgaria?

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And Serbia

Why everyone thinks what Russia so strong?
I just want 2 understand.

Italy and Portugal on max, for Renaissance and maritime traidtions and later colonial empire, Switzerland and Belgium on average, Bulgaria low, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia on very low.

Umm... second/third largest empire in history?

Austria should get highest rating, we are literally responsible for two world wars :p

Imperial Russia did have a massive impact on central asia, Soviet union was short lived but peaked in science and had a tremendous albeit not especially positive impact on the world.

Yeah, I'm in doubt as about how high i'd rate Austria. I didn't know whether the Habsburg Dominion should be taken into consideration.

does it really count if most of it is a frozen waste land? As opposed to Rome/France with a lot more I guess useful land to space ratio?

To loudly said.
Population of russians live near Moscow and St Peterburg,the rest territories very cold and poor, they easy useless 4 life.

>peaked in science
In the nuclear science, expect that.
For the rest he was buying/steal technologies from USA, driving into slavery own people.

I wouldn't say that. Siberia, or at least the western part, ain't a frozen wasteland. Neither is Poland, the Baltics, Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, northern Iran, Manchuria...

The Russian Empire's territorial accomplishments are impressive

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Lol, im relized. I just thought about Siberia and Far East.
Judging the time of XIIX-XIX centuries, then agree. But in XIX century already slumped

Пиздeц, кaкaя oцeнкa в шкoлe пo aнглийcкoмy?

Шкoлy дaвнo oкoнчил тaк тo, yчили oнoмy чepeз жoпy. Хoчy co cвoeгo ccaнoгo A2 пpoкaчaтьcя дo B1 хoтя бы


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>Turks invented vaccines
lol source ? i'm intrigued

I don't know much, tell me more about it maybe?

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how did greece "create civilization"?

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>how did greece "create civilization"?
How's the area depicted on the map called again?


The whole area, the continent.


Ireland should be yellow

icelandic sagas bro

aryan civilization created

Well rome was the biggest empire in europe and it was the antique civilization that put the foundations and led to the birth of other newer civilizations later but greece influenced rome(and modern civilization) from the start and preceded it, maybe that is why.

In that case the phoenicians influenced the greek to develop a civilization with writing. The phoenicians themselves were influenced by the egyptians which in turn were influenced by the mesopotamians and possibly indus.

There isn’t only one genesis to civilization

Sweden seems to be a penis and Finland testicles.

good post

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Denmark is cum

Sweden should be green too

Cyprus had city states as far as 1500bc. It had strategic importance for millenia and helped shape European trade. It was similar to Greece and developed philosophy

Wow, it's like a 12 year old boy made this map. MODS!

Fixed it for you.

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Norway too low, should be at least yellow

sad uneducated opinion but avarage for the west

t. magyar

Would almost agree but put Switzerland to low historical impact and like half of green countries to light green

I’d argue even a few hundred years before that.
The progressive and final fall of the Byzantine empire had a massive impact in Europe.
It also caused a massive influ of Greek knowledge into Western Europe fuelling the Renaissance.

The Greeks carried all their books with them as they fled from the Ottomans, perhaps wrongfuly as they were probably the most tolerant society around at that time

>Italy light green
As expected from an apezilian.

I kek'd.

hes not wrong but not right either, italy didnt exist like now, Rome was a city state and the northern parts of the peninsula was filled with gauls for a long time

Are you dumb or just baiting?
We’re not saying RuSkI so stronk, we’re saying they had a massive historical impact for the better or the worse.
They caused the fall of Napoleon, the fall of Hitler, communism to spread around the world as a somewhat viable solution, invented the biggest bomb in history... obviously that last one isn’t to say “woah so badass” but if they achieved that, they managed to do some other pretty big stuff

>that shitty chart

Craddle of something something

Why is Portugal green tho?

>Italian history is only Rome
You're a nigger too, even if we only count the history of united Italy since 1860 Italians achieved a lot and Italy was and still is an important geopolitical player. For christ's sake, we were the birthplace of fascism, which changed the world irreversibly.

And anyway, if German achievements prior to 1870 count, so does Italian history prior to 1860.

i mean creating civilization and no im not a nigger butthurt digo

How is Poland so low? Sweetie remember the Commonwealth?

First colonial empire?

that was greece

>Other than that, we terminated the Duchy of Burgundy

>major historical impact
>italy isnt blue

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