/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico

Seafood edition because when I see food I eat it


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Pink nipples > brown nipples

schizoid out

Not necessarily, I dated a Japanese girl for a while and she had pink nips

>jew spreading his nipple fetish across multiple threads
Reminder that he even went to /dixie/ a few days ago to talk about them because he is that obsessed

>you don't think I'm an insectoid right user?

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I never brought up nipples in dixie.

sea food is not for me.

Every nipple is a good nipple.
Except crater nips, they're weird.

>he's got short term memory loss
About what you would expect of someone who can't even get a high school diploma I guess

Thoughts on po'boys?

Inverted nipples are hot. I want a mommy gf with lactating inverted nipples.

Grandmother would sometimes make them, not a fan of the shrimp ones preferred oyster


>going to sell 50 dollars of magic the gathering cards Wednesday
>might mystery shop a five guys chain while I'm there
living the life buds

>another nipples post

I have gyno. Not full blown man tits but my nipples are pointy and sometimes show through white shirts

Easily the weirdest nipple colour I ever saw in person was when I dated a redhead for a lil while and her nips were just about literally white, like a lot lighter than her already lily-white skin

I had one gf with inverted nipples. I never told her because she was super insecure about them, but I hated them. They were no fun to play with.

Saw a spider on my bed and when I went to grab something to kill it, it was gone.
Guess who won't be sleeping alone tonight, this lucky fella.

I can't get behind that.

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sounds unironically based

>We will stand by our Muslim brothers and sisters.

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can't you just suck them out

>magic the gathering

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Inverted nipples are top tier. Maybe you guys are just gay? That's cool if so

She said her mom used to have them but they went away after the hormonal changes of getting pregnant, so I was looking forward to that. Then we broke up lol

>Inverted nipples are hot. I want a mommy gf with lactating inverted nipples.

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I agree, I made some with frog leg meat and they were really good.


Depends on the severity of them. Hers were super deep so you couldn’t.

I saw a webm on /gif/ once of a dude literally fucking a girl's nipple hole. desu his dick was small and her nips were huge but it is possible

I'm not a fan of porn. I want to make love to inverted nipples in marriage.

>not a fan of porn
>spends all day talking about nipples
How delusional can you get?

You got something against MGT?

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>it’s another “fruit salad for dinner” episode
I need to hire new writers

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>if you like women and voice it, you must like whores and sexual immorality!

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I played with one of my ex’s nips so peristently that she started lactating when I gave em a lil squeeze. Not really into the whole mommy fetish shit, but it was pretty hot and ngl it tasted amazing

Maybe I am, would explain a lot.
Fruit salad is for after dinner, not dinner itself.
Something has gone wrong somewhere.

i should probably clean my room before my roommate gets mad at me.

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Cute. I'm saving this image.

>claims to like women
>obsessed with other men

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t. Jordan Peterson

>can't stop posting about me
>calls me obsessed

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do you brush your teeth after eating pussy

and my roomie is marie kondo.

>can't stop posting about nipples
>thinks I'm obsessed

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I usually make it for an easy breakfast but I'm too lazy and poor to get a real meal

Will u guys fucking stop being autistic and just bee yourself and have fun? God

I lied about having a cat back in Elementary school haha

I am 100% obsessed with big milky mommy gf inverted nipples. My secret is out.

He is being himself, which is a nipple obsessed faggot

do you brush your pussy after eating teeth

>get written up for calling out one hour before my shift instead of 2
>come in this evening(more than 10 hours early) and say I cant come in
>"tough shit, you have to come in or try to talk to the manager early tomorrow"

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>eating pussy
theres nothing more beta than this

I lied and said I had ridden a horse just one time, back in Grade 1 to get attention from two horse-obsessed cute girls and the teacher called me out in front of them LOL

What about eating ass? Or sucking dick?

Well if you stop being lazy and poor you'll be able to make better meals.
There I've fixed your life, no need to thank me it was my pleasure.

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Eating pussy is literally gay. Sucking clits = sucking cock, and submitting to a woman is the ultimate embarassment

Sounds like assholes. Just quit and go work for the competition.

watch curling

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why don’t homeless people

>gf has become friends with my mum
>comes over to see my mum more than she wants to hang out with me
>both nag me at the same time
What the FUCK

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Good morning, everyone.

My name is Pastor Dr. Martin Sempa. I'm here in the capacity of the chariman of the national task force against homosexuality in Uganda.

We are making legislation to make sure that sodomy and homosexuality never sees the light of legality in this land of the part of Africa. I've taken time to do a little research to know what homosexuals do in the privacy of their bedroom. One of the thing they do is called anal licking, where the-, a man's anus is licked, like this, by the other person. Like ice cream. And then what happens, even poo-poo comes out. The other poo-poos out. And then they eat the poo-poo. The other one they do, is they have a sex practice called fisting where they insert their hand into the other man's hand and it goes all the-, into the anus all the way, and it is so painful they have to take drugs. But they enjoy it. Now if we have any children, please step out. This is a parental guidance moment. That child can be moved out. So, I've done research. This is what they do: Number one, you can see a man here having sucked the other person's rectum and the other person is poo-pooing, and this one is eating the poo-poo all over the place. Tell me, when you have a law against homosexuality do you say accept eating poo-poo? I mean look at these guyses here. Bishop. Aaaah, stagafiliza. Huh? Hajat? We do not want this sickness. This is sick, and it's therefore deviant; we do not want it.

Now, they start off by touching each other's genitals and smearing each other. Then this one smears the poo-poo all over the other person's face. As if that is not enough he puts the hand deep. As Africans we want to ask Barrack Obama to explain to us, is this what he wants to bring to Africa? As a human right to eat the poo-poo of our children?

When I was a kid my mother used to force me to go to auditions like the Disney Channel and Nickelodeon and I would scream and cry the entire time.

Thanks for subscribing to my childhood trauma blog

>Well if you stop being lazy and poor you'll be able to make better meals.
Good advice for all poorfags desu

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>be canadian
>invent "sport" based around ice shuffleboard
>get BTFO by your neighbors

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fuck them both to assert dominance

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wish I could have had that opportunity

HATE this. Once upon a time I lived with a girl, my mom kept telling her secrets and my gf would never tell me saying it was between her and my mom. Still don’t know what the FUCK they were gossiping about.

>fuck them both to assert dominance
I've read that doujin

Wtf are you me? They’re doing this too, and I know if I break up with her my mum will never let me hear the end of this

curling is based and made for unironically great sport last(?)yr
surprising number of qt's on some of the women's teams too

see me at the championship BITCH

my head hurts

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You really don't. It's you with 100 other kids and their parents just to get a guest spot on some dumb game show

I can't even remember the name was. I know it was Lost Temple of Doom or whatever because that's what she put my older brother on

Chads and roasties out

you'll have to speak up, this GOLD MEDAL is too loud


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You should go to a doctor that doesn't sound good

still was experience in the entertainment industry. it's your own fault if you didn't take advantage of the experience

curling is one of those sports were it's just better to watch the women play. lot's of qt's from around the world curl.

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Nice THANOS reference

take some pain medicine with a glass of water and go to bed.

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she looks like shes part potatoe

I am nauseous

I never wanted to work in the entertainment industry. It was all my mother's idea

The only thing that seems appealing to me is being a producer/investor (idk what the difference is)

double dippin

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no im having fun reading

>canadian "women" cant even beat gooks, ch*nks, or japs

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i tried.

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just ate spaghetti-Os with franks, half a sub and some twizzlers

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with Frank’s what?

franks as in cut up hot dogs

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fair enough I guess.
wish I would have pursued acting when I was younger. I had a lead role when I was in grade school. I was a natural..

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>i’ve Barely eaten anything for like a week
Where did my appetite go??? :^)

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