What do you think about Belgium?

What do you think about Belgium?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Belgium.svg[1].png (1200x1040, 2K)

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I don't.

do you like the flag


racist tintin comics


they have the cutest accent in the world and I dunno where'd we'd all be without all that great beer that they make

fuck toy

wtf wasn't it just a flipped germany flag

my favorite dutch province

Good guys (except for that thing in Congo)


Should be french, all of it

If you ain't Walloon, then you're just a buffoon.

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I sometimes mix België flag up with yours.

I agree

Gottferdom, I hate and love this country

When I think Belgium I think cocks

isn't the french part just welfare scum that lives of the hardworking dutch?

For me, Belgium is chocolate, waffles and beer. And that really weird mix between Frenchies and Dutchies


>For me, Belgium is chocolate, waffles and beer.
Absolutely and unironically based and redpilled.

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It used to be the opposite before ww2. Maybe it'll switch around again some day?

>falling for germanic propaganda

I love Jacques Brel

Very good taste. I have one in my fridge right now :)

They are Anglo

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Meme country

>Cute girl with flemish accent

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this must be the first time I feel envy towards eastern Europe

flemish girls make me hard

I like Belgium, but I have stereotypes that they are pretty dangerous country.

Reminder that we don't exist and you all are mentally illed people imagining all this stuff.

coolest flag


Belgien, belgien über alles,über alles in der welt

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They invented french fries

what do belgians think about germany?

It is.

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Can't speak for all Belgium, but Germany is rarely mentionned here outside of euro politics, economy,cars... most people enjoy visiting the big cities like Berlin, Koln (not so sure if they like the locals)



Walloons are confused germanics aswell

Brussel is part of the NEETdom like it should

Even our right wing politicians think your country is shit now.