This watch cost me $5,000 faggots

this watch cost me $5,000 faggots

stay poor FUCKERS

Attached: imsorichniggers.jpg (5312x2988, 3.93M)

But it looks gay so kys


>brags on a taiwanese snowboard forum about his overprices bullshit toy

>wasting more than $50 on a watch
this watch cost me like $15 faggot

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Lol only 5k

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cost to produce: $5

cute hand
post butt

>he spent 5k on a watch

do you clean your ass as good as you clean your camera lens?

Pff, I give you creds for picking a watch with leather strap.. but it should be simple, like this.

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What a coincidence, someone with the exact same watch sucked a friend's cock whilst he was on vacation in India

This watch coster me 50 euro's and it's 50 times more comfy or goodlooking that that big-ass gargbage pos you're wearing OP.

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your hands are also cute
post butt

nice cup

Since 25 year old boomers are too poor to buy expensive sports car or mansions they try to buy status with few thousand watches instead

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Nice onions arms you ginormous faggot. What are you compensating for, a tiny dick?

lool thats a shit watch

get a ro

Why the fuck would you ever pay 50 fucking dollars for a watch? You do realize that people buy expensive watches because of resale value right? Well guess what, YOUR WATCH HAS NONE. You just wasted 40$, that's right, 40$, because that watch of yours is worth just as much as a 10$ watch. AS IT HAS NO RESALE VALUE. You're unironically more dumb than OP.

What a waste of money


cope little bitch.

>brown band in 2018

user.. I....

my god your hands dude..

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Hey if you're happy with it, good. Treat yourself, you deserve it

Kirino worst grill

>monster ultra

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kill yourself kirino is an angel

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That sweater looks really comfy and nice.

Are you a femanon or self identify as metrosexual? You have very delicate hands which are accentuated by your lady watch

> 2018
> still wearing mechanical watches
Pic related is me stuntin' on you poor nerds with my stainless steel Apple Watch.

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>Lewd hands

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Dinosaur paws don't look right with watches

It’s a timex. Unbelievable how many people took the bait hard

You radiate onions but you pull off that fifty euro watch so much better than OP

cute cup user

Looks like you borrowed that shit from Christopher Columbus and are about to set sail to find the new Americas.

>clearly reads TIMEX on the watch

Wowee :o)

These millennial faggots don't know anything about watches. They've only used their mobile phones for timekeeping.

DOGSHIT! Uncouth fucka!

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I prefer my Garmin Fenix but good job there Chad wannabe

looks basic for 5k watch. could had bought rolex with that money

Kirino is a slut.

my god. you won.

guys its a fucking timex.. 100 bucks max

looks feminine.

A timex digial watch is the only acceptable watch to wear in 2018. Anything else is try-hard and you deserve to be robbed.

Holy shit, my nigga Archie

what's the point of analog and digital at the same time

Cavemans trying to cope with their backward genetics.

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congrats you're a materialistic whore, it's worse because you're male (presumably)

Looks like they put a watch on a pigs foot

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5000 Bucks for a watch that looks like something you can buy from your local flea market

looks jewish

$50, sharp and glows in the dark.

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