Do you like Caucasian cuisine?

Do you like Caucasian cuisine?

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redpill me on caucasian food

holy fuck lmao

never mind it's just a ripoff of middle eastern food

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I like Georgian cuisine

t.fellow caucasian

Oh yea, the infamous american education in nutshell

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dumb 2012 maaymays poster

I hate USAns

I went to Georgia and ate nothing but bread, cheese, egg, meat and sometimes beans for a week. What they do eat is nice but there's no variation

Lmao. This

yank ignorance never ceases to amaze


Did Judith understand that "Georgian" means country, not state?

Why are United Statians like this?

Its slightly more Slav version of Arab food.


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for what

Just imagine Judith's confusion about all this situation
>Sounds very racist
>Everybody allowed, despite of race
>It's somehow related to state Georgia
>Bosses are "Russians"

>Many russian patrons
little green men

you get middle eastern food, put it next to slavic food and you get caucasian ''cuisine''