The world never spared one moment to thank us in the middle east

>invents civilization
>invents agriculture
>domesticates cows, pigs, goats, sheeps, donkeys, camels, etc
>invents wheels
>invents soap
>invents irrigation
>invents cities
>invents stratified society
>invents organized religion
>invents toilets
>invents biology
>invents writing
>invents banking
>invents chemistry
>invents economics
>invents perfume
>invents calendar
>invents swords
>invents rulers
>invents astronomy
>invents currency
>invents carts
>invents government
>invents trigonometry
>invents algebra
>invents calculus
>invents arithmetic
>invents glass
>invents alphabet
>invents metallurgy
>invents musical notation
>invents scissors
>invents coins
>invents caravans and long-distance trading
>invents sailing
>sets up civilizations that have lasted millennia
>majority of people believe in one of its religions
>ideas dominant on all continents
>has more contributions than all other humans put together

now say thanks you

Attached: DAS RITE!.jpg (800x585, 179K)

More than half of these things are destroying the planet
Why are arabs enemies of nature?

all of that is India sorry sandnigger

Yeah but what have you done for us lately?

Gulfies had nothing to do with that.

thanks you

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hope you all get exterminated

Thank you Middle East, very cool!

you forgot:

>invents beer

>900 AD
>be me
>living pretty good, own a farm, go hunt, discuss politics, care for my family, groom my beard
>strange man arrives from East
>calls me a dog and insults my cool beard

thanks middle east

>invent beer
>ban beer

>domesticate pigs
>ban pigs

>invent prostitution
>ban sexiness

>invent art
>ban graven images

What the fuck is your problem?

That are black-african inventions, retard.

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All ancient middle eastern civilisations were white.

Did he actually say that?

UAE is nowhere near the fertile crescent, you dusty Arab

They look danish

Attached: Fayum mummy portraits.jpg (6782x7685, 2.95M)

>Arabian Penninsula
>Inventions from the Tigris/Euphrates, Indus Valley and current day Iran

Fuck I fucked up. Sorry for the typo.

true. he ain't never told a lie.

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>the mesopotamians were arabian

>the mesopotamians were indian

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I unironically believe that I'd you were part of the Roman empire you are European. If you wasn't, you aren't.

wrong. everything modern civilisation has now, is thanks to Africans.

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yet somehow the nordcucks claim the heritage of rome?

Arabs had nothing to do with it. It was all Mesopotamians (Iraqis) and Egyptians.

The various Mesopotamian cultures existed for thousands of years while Arabs were sitting in a hut fucking a goat.


If you aren't Red or a Chink your ancestors did nothing to aid the advancement of humanity.

Attached: Roman_Empire_Trajan_117AD.png (2534x1540, 357K)

>half of europe coasting off roman and greek achievements

Nobody does that, American tier post
We inherited their scripture and a few other minor aspects that's all.

why do NPCs love to say shit like this so much?

alphabeth not scripture, I need to go to sleep

Pre-islamic arabia actually had some interesting things going on themselves such as the Nabataeans

>UAE sandnigger thinks he has any relation to Babylon.

No one's coasting other than you Oriental types who weren't part of the Roman Empire..

Pre islamic middle east

Thanks based arabs

lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh muḥammadun rasūlu llāh


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You odn't inherit shit from them. You just larp as them.

But right now not much is going on so it might as well never had happened.

and with Paraguay nothing was or is ever going

thank you for sparing a moment to say this!

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Based arabs
Only a Jow Forumsfag would deny how much technology and culture europe got from the arabs

And yet here we are, the middle east is an inbred fanatics shithole

Anything from the recent 500 hundred years or so?

You still suck at all those things. Everybody does it better than you so nobody cares.

Most of what europe got from arab science and culture was between 8th and 14th centuries
>arab numbers
>link to far east literature
>irrigation methods for crops
Just to name a few..

That is a meme most of it is Persian, and these guys also got a shit ton of their science from the Greeks.

>arab numbers
They were Indian.