Is your dad racist

Is your dad racist

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No hes leftist cuck.
He does hate albos tho, but who doesnt.

I don't know him

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Extremely. And a loudmouth with a short temper. Been in jail at least 4 times since I was born.

My dad is a milquetoast liberal/leftist who in his later years has become extremely open minded and accepting

Except for gypsies. He hates them with a burning passion and calls them cockroaches. No one likes the gyppos.

Mom and dad are 110% hippies who got me weed for my 17th birthday..

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Nobody in my family is, not even me, im xenophobic though

Probably a little like most boomer dads

In Europe even the most fervent anti racists will give you a pass for hating gypsies.

my dad says that latinos are very lazy, specially venezuelans
probably has way worse stereotypes about black people but doesnt say it out loud

My dad is the norf meme man so yes

no it's more like he's unable to be racist even if he tried
my mom is though

*Takes a nap in the middle of work*

According to me, no, according to my sister, yes.

Dad is a metalhead from a small town in northern Sweden. So yes.

He dislikes the Polish.

>tfw will never have a cool metalhead dad

And mom is a folk musician who plays nordic folk music.
The result is very strange family vacations to medieval weeks and pagan festivals.

Dad here, yes I have a whole reading list I gave my son

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Yes, kinda

No, he died last year

no he's ev*ngelical so he thinks n*ggers and k*kes are people

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Not purposely, but will sometimes say things that aren't politically correct by accident. Basically just standard boomerisms

mum is
mental though

Probably friends with Varg.

dad hates all brown and black people
and so does my mom

Kek, I've never met him but I wouldn't be surprised.

Yes he hates arabs even though he looks like one

I honestly thought you were making a joke about Varg at first.

he only hates wh*tes, he works bashing their skulls in, but he thinks that’s too low of a punishment for them

dad is aligned with Jow Forumsfags, so yes. he isn't very outspoken about that, but he unironically believes in all kinds of conspiracy theories about aliens/putin clones shit like that

Your dad wants gas the kikes and nuke israel?

>tfw dad gets angry at some fake news

im glad if he is

dad wants to protect the white race while being brown
im white as snow, very hard not to laugh at him

He probably think jews are the ones pulling the strings in israel

Call him a shitskin and tell him the milkman cucked him.

lmao actually same
His mother looks 80% amerindian

My dad hates yellow people and avid Putin supporter

Funny thing is I brought many yellow girls to the home

yea, he taught me to be racist towards all brown people including d*naroids

i love croatia can i move there
im not a nigger

No. He's leftist. Old commie.

Openly he claims to be accepting and liberal, but he seems silently disdainful of minorities and seemed rather annoyed when I was dating a black girl

If you have a source of income sure.
I suggest continental Croatia minus Slavonia or Istria if you need the sea. Otherwise you'll be surrounded by brown people, both native and tourists.

My dad is a leftist too, not very open minded but this is because of his upbringing. The only ones that he doesn't like is gyppos too.

I am unironically moe racist than him and I can't change, help

Nah, he just makes casual racist jokes tho. Seems like a latino thing in general though.

But what about n'bugu?


No. Never a bad word about anybody from him.

Today he was even talking about how he couldn't understand antisemitism, "how can anybody just hate jews ", lmao.

Not enough
Based and redpilled
sad.weve clearly lost our way

only while he's driving otherwise he's a turbo liberal hippie

Yes and so am I

my parents are more racist than I am

I honestly dont know how this happened

no. he’s a lawyer and damn does the motherfucker want to be atticus finch. he is the smartest man I know personally by a long shot (that man has superhuman dedication and work ethic) but he started using terms like white privilege and was shocked to hear I didn’t agree with every left leaning opinion he had since its ‘atypical’ of my generation

>that man has superhuman dedication and work ethic
Being a worker insect doesn't make you smart.

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my mums racist but not in a good way. she likes jews because she reads the daily mail

i'm racist in a cool way


my dad is really racist and i am afraid of telling him who im dating except that its a girl

He hates black people, but so do most white southerners.

No, not against blacks or mexicans at least even though he grew up going to segregated schools
He has dawkins tier views on Muslims though

No, worse, he's a Leftist. He's even the type that gets shocked and offended on other people's behalf. He's a hypocritical, disgusting, degenerate asshole, like much of the Left.

He's moslty apolitical but votes conservative. Sometimes when there's a lot of immigrants about he'll mutter something like "it's like being in a foreign country", but that's about as extreme as he gets.

Zionist, not evangelical christian though

My father doesn't talk about race nor politics. Once during the refugee crisis he said the refugees are coming here only for the money but that's about it. I have never heard him hating on anyone.

My grandparents are/were way more racist openly.

Very similar.

my dad looks like a swarthy blue eyed frenchman and get autistic fits every time he sees a group of niggers, arabs or pakis while out.

Both parents are. Reminds me I once had to stay in emergency room for the night, and the nurses gave me a bed next to an arab woman who was there with her family, so my mom literally screamed at the nurses to give me another bed. And it worked

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(In combination to being very intelligent). He was a Rhodes Scholar recipient in Australia.

Doesn't like em

Watching local news down south makes the reason obvious.


my dad is one of them anoying rich liberal types despite living off bennies for half his life

He's a typical shitlib