>wtf???? you don't believe in evolution??????????????
Wtf???? you don't believe in evolution??????????????
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intelligent design is for retarded abrahamfags
fuck monotheism, im happy you tards are busy blowing each other up
unfortunately for you idiots it's not a matter of belief
>dude it's not a belief. its a fACT. i mean i'm not telling you this just because i am parroting my high school science teacher and hip cool friends, i am telling you this because it is a TRANSCENDENT FACT.
it is a theory as it has always been
belief doesn't make it true, evidence does
Tell me again how I’m related to some dirty monkey. Evaluation is a joke pushed by the Jews to make your faith in God Diminish. God created man like he is today
there is evidence for evolution
there is none for godfag design
"related" is not a word scientists use to describe our relationship
this is why scientific theories should not be popularized, people tend to distort the meaning with their interjection