My ancestor

My ancestor

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darius is cooler, conquering egypt and ending thousands years of history and culture

>From its opening, 300 also attracted controversy over its portrayal of Persians. Officials of the Iranian government[111] denounced the film.[112][113][114] Some scenes in the film portray demon-like and other fictional creatures as part of the Persian army, and the fictionalized portrayal of Persian King Xerxes I has been criticized as effeminate.[115][116] Critics suggested that this was meant to stand in stark contrast to the sheer masculinity of the Spartan army.[117] Steven Rea argued that the film's Persians were a vehicle for an anachronistic cross-section of Western stereotypes of Asian and African cultures.[118]

>Iran's cultural advisor to president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called the film an "American attempt for psychological warfare against Iran".[136]
lmao Persians are just like nignogs

I remember watching that movie in a discount theatre and when the Spartans were killing all the Persian warriors they were wooing and yelling "get some" while waving their fists.

That being said, I like Ali Shariati.

You legit Iranian? How'd you find your way here? A few of you guys used to post on Jow Forums about 5 years ago.

My ancestor

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I liked the movie
4channel isn't blocked

They being the audience

So you're not going to get monitored by the IRGC or anything? Also where'd you learn english?


So where'd you learn english? Also how's life? The sanctions hurting the economy? How's the weather? How's the government? What's the most aesthetic city in your country?

My ancestor :)

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>where did you learn English?
actually many Iranians know English
It caused inflation.I changed my money to dollar before sanctions so it was beneficial for me
It's nice
>best cities

southern Iranians are black

Thanks for the answers. Did you serve in the army? Do you guys have conscription? What's your favorite food? Do you guys smuggle in alcohol? How's public transit? How do you see your country going in the next 10 years?

My ancestors

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Not yet
>favorite food
roasted shrimp
>next ten years
I have no idea

Alright then. Honest opinion of us?

Looks like Finland before the Hyper War.

Darius was the good guy. Spartans were pretty cruel and evil.

USA is the enemy Iranians need to stay united


Well hopefully we don't go to war. You seem to be fine conversing with me though.

>spartans are good
>persians are evil
That's just annoying.

Freedom, democracy
Our king Leonid

I thought he was italian

unironically my ancestor :)

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It will be fine as long as you leave the NFL alone.

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>Freedom, democracy
How can people be that retarded?

Are you against democracy?

Western apologists believe that their civilisation started in ancient Athens and that, since Spartans gave Athenians enough time to btfo Persia at Plataea and Salamis, Athens survived as a culture. These retards believe that if Persia had won the war, there would be no Western civilisation today, with the emphasis on individualism and rationalism that they love and that makes the West the "best" culture according to them. Can't wait for China to take over and take all individualists to re-education camps desu

My ancestors

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So powerful, makes me proud.

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my ancestor

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I am against slavery.
But Athens was destroyed anyway.
And what about the fact that Sparta used Persian money to btfo Athens later on?

My Ancestors. :)

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Why does he care about some Afro wearing handegg playing fag?

Looks like Rummelsnuff

For some reason he likes American athletes. He also talked about Michigan State

I guess that's how they appeal to American zoomers on social media

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Hello collectivist scum :)

Please go away back to your little Nazi forum called POL ——> (that way)

Speaking to French people on twitter in english is a very strange move to me.

>Athens was destroyed anyway
Athenians were able to flee the city before Persia occupied it, went to Salamis and defeated Persia decisively.
> Sparta used Persian money to btfo Athens
That happened much later, at the end of Perikles' golden age and after half of Greece had been forced into the Delian league. That was the starting point of "Western civilisation" and there was no way back. Spartan victory at the Peloponnesian war led to the 30 tyrants ruling Athens as Spartan puppets, but they didn't last because Athenians missed their democracy, so they killed the tyrants, killed collaborators like Sokrates, and reinstalled Athenian democracy. Plato and his academy friends made the "Western" ways more stable and detailed, and Alexander's (later Rome's) conquests made the birth of the "Western world" irreversible, which is funny because neither Macedon nor Rome were Athenian democracies.

based iranian

unironically my ancestor

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I knew it

wtf iran I thought we were frens

Mine too. But I lean more towards my great great grandfather Genghis Khan's side.

My ancestor :)

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My ancestor

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Man it's cool how you guys can banter about events from thousands of years ago. Makes me wish that we had a history and national identity.

My ancestors :)

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Spartan society required a majority of it's population to be slaves and it's system didn't allow many advances in culture or nation. They couldn't expand because if they did the slaves at home would revolt

The slave population of Persia was actually one of the lowest in the ancient world. The Persians had a new system of administration where locals would get to keep their culture, freedom and have a degree of self rule, only the ones at the very top (Satraps) of local adminstration had to be Persian. This led to a very stable empire that could expand across the entire ancient world. How are Persians the bad guys?

You mean Timur?

>mogs Leonidas and makes him look like a manlet

My ancestors :)

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das cambyses ii dat vanquished Egypt

Rare sensible realpolitik in Jow Forums. Based.

You didn't mention Shiraz and Tehran is a fucking shithole.

My ancestor

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