Remind me why we don't enslave these ungrateful monkey's again?

Remind me why we don't enslave these ungrateful monkey's again?
>America and "white supremacists" built this world, show some respect

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muh wasism

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What have you done with your life to serve the white race?

Slavery was wrong; really fucked our country and people over badly

They need to be sent back/segregated

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Because slavery is wrong?

>Jow Forums - Business & Finance

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because white people are ungrateful monkeys compared to jews and asians, cant enslave blacks without expecting the real master races enslaving u

White people built civilization. White supremacists are mainly the low quality whites who have no personal achievements and want to take credit for something.

Most white supremacists pay the way for those monkeys - in more way than one

We? lol like two percent of the population owned spaces, the rest were wage cucks eating potatoes for sustenance.Youre not apart of the club fella

This, slavery was a long-run loss. Imagine how much money spent on gibs for blacks could've been spent on more useful things.

Before the niggers were the slaves for the Jews (most slave owners were Jews, Jewish slave ships)

Now we're all slaves to the Jew, but more so whites because we're also tax slaves for the niggers

slavery is no longer financially beneficial. Even if the south had won the civil war slavery would have eventually been phased out.

>slavery has nothing to do with business or finance

Fuck off, Jow Forums.

That is correct. Not sure why you greentexted it.

go back to pol you low iq inbred

>46 minutes ago

>Business & Finance


>i am superior

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Cuck detected.