Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 8.28.29 PM.png (466x486, 245K)
What did he mean by this?
Kayden Edwards
Benjamin Lewis
He had jet lag
Juan Bell
Bitmex CEO target is 50k, Bobby Lee 50-70k. Tom Lee's target is actually very conservative at 25k by EOY. We have
Christopher Kelly
normies are coming?
Jack Young
he's getting desperate to save bitcoin
Tyler Ortiz
He has information from the future and he’s trying to tip us off
Ian Bailey
>bullish confirmation, and trend reversal.
you're a fucking moron if you think the chart shows any of that
Camden Reyes
Owen Butler
based pajeet of loo
Jayden Richardson
just a bagholder trying to lure suckers
William Edwards
He means he's fucking balls deep in BTC and his bags are so fucking heavy his business is about to go belly up if BTC doesn't rise (and it won't, because it's a ponzi)
The cunt hasn't even spoken about scaling, transaction fees and times at all. He's either a fucking dumbarse gook or holding heavy heavy bags.
If he had any sense he'd be throwing all his money into Bitcoin (BCH).
Christopher Cox
kek found the brainlet
Landon Kelly
>buy a Polysation
Jayden Barnes
Yeah OK champ, you keep bagholding your useless shitcoin, I'll keep investing in Bitcoin (BCH).
Andrew Cook
That you have to add that little bit in brackets should tell you all you need to know
Logan Green
you realized that onchain scaling is for brainlets right?
Roger Ver doesn't understand the tech and this is why he thinks BCH is better. But he's incorrect.
Thomas Hall
ETF will start the boom
James Russell
Noah Gomez
ever had a strange need to acquire a reputation for being wrong?
Jeremiah Campbell
>Bitmex CEO
Literally a nigger
Andrew Lee
He is a white presenting black
Wyatt Ramirez
I don't have to use it, I use it so as not to confuse deluded corecucks. Bcore is not Bitcoin, if you had any fucking brains you'd switch to BCH so that growth can continue.
What has bcore achieved in the last 12 months besides the introduction of segshit? Quite literally nothing. Not a fucking thing. NOTHING.
Where will bcore be in another 12 months? Absolutely fucking nowhere. Eventually even the most deluded corecucks will switch over when it becomes 100% apparently the kikening network is A) An adoption stalling tactic and B) Mathematically impossible.
Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin.
You realise offchain scaling is literally not Blockchain right? Why don't you just go buy some shares in paypal? Same thing you stupid corecuck.
Jack Torres
His thesis is that millennials will save it
what a joke
William Stewart
kek how about you look into how the internet and computers work and see that protocols are literally made to be stacked on one another.
brainlet. you will most definitely stay poor.
Colton Parker
Smart contract adoption fueled by the success of the ChainLink project will solidify the future of bitcoin.
Matthew Sullivan
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. BTW I have a degree in software development.
Stay poor, corecuck.
Connor Russell
nice larp. 99% of dev would agree that sidechains are a better scaling solution than increasing block size.
I know exactly what I'm talking about.
Nathan James
>99% of dev would agree that sidechains
Source? Fuck off full of shit. There's not a dev in the world who would agree with your stupid contention.
No, it's totally not possible that the person you're arguing with has qualifications.
>better scaling solutions
Where are they? The vapourware called the 'Lightning network'
>I know exactly what I'm talking about.
You have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Bitcoin (BCH) will re-dominate the market because it is exactly what drove the market to exist in the first place, you stupid fucking kike.
Chase Bell
dude I'm an actual developer and I know for a fact that:
1. Noone that understands the tech would ever think that bigger block sizes are better than layer 2 solutions. Layer 2 solutions are HOW programs works. ALL PROGRAMS. There's not a single program or protocol that doesn't rely on dozens of stacks underneath it.
2. No one says "software development degree" lol, you're obviously a stupid larper who fell for the bitcoin cash meme. I don't blame you, most non tech people fall for the meme.
Robert Hernandez
You can stop larping anytime you want, I don't actually understand why you're arguing about my VALID qualifications. I can go and upload photo quite easily to prove my point but I won't.
The fact of the matter is you can have as many layers on top of Bcore as you want but it won't matter because it will still choke to death under 1MB blocks. END OF FUCKING STORY. THERE IS NO ARGUMENT HERE.
Even your fucking vapourware 'lightning network' REQUIRES large blocks. You're a fucking liar and obviously you're paid to post this fucking garbage. You can put the LN on the Bitcoin chain and it will work much better because it has low fees to open and close channels as well. You forgot to mention this little fact.
You're fucking full of shit, you don't know what your'e talking about, and you're obviously paid to confuse the unfortunate people reading this thread.
There is absolutely no need to strangle Bcore at 1MB blocks, no need at all. You haven't even provided a reason why 1MB is a special number. And don't bring up the 'duhh hard drive space' non-argument, or the 'muh decentralization' non-argument as both these points are moot considering that Blockstream (the private fucking for profit business) completely controls development of Bcore (BTC).
Tell me what is special about 1MB blocks, one fucking reason? One single solitary fucking reason? You can't give me a fucking reason, because there are no reasons to strangle bcore at 1MB. If Blockstream can't provide a single reason, then there's no reason some larping corecuck can fabricate a reason for 1MB blocks.
Robert Lopez
Looks like the paid shill was here to spread FUD and then leave.
Bitcoin (BCH) will prevail.
Joshua Jackson
BCH will succeed as much as Craig Wright has succeeded in life. Lol.
Adam Davis
Buy bazinga sir, soon moon.
Sebastian Clark
>Craig Wright
Richer than African nations
Banging cheap yellow pussy
Beautiful house, car etc
Extremely well educated
Chad in every sense of the word
What exactly hasn't he succeeded at?
Angel Ortiz
He means the whales are going pump this shit again.
Ethan Edwards
Bitcoin is digital gold at this point.doesnt fucking matter if it’s slow, or old tech.Its the news generations gold.A bar of gold looks nice but that’s about as useful as it gets unless you want to melt it in to something more useless and pretty.Doesnt change the fact it’s once of the best stores of value.
Gabriel Brooks
It means he has loads of bitcoins and he wants to dump on you unsuspecting faggots.
Carter Price
You believe the shit that he posts? Lol. He's a professional con man.
Dylan Moore
k, thanks for the baseless accusations
Andrew Brooks
Lol. Baseless. Can't prove he's Satoshi and cheats on his taxes.