>be me >7-8 y/o >walking down the street and see the black guy approaching me >almost pitch black skin with shiny white sporty clothes >for some reason i thought he must've been football player since i never even knew they existed before i saw them on tv playing it >get excited because it might've been my only chance to see that kind of creature in person
what are your feelings when you meet black people? even tho i've met around 10-12 of them in my life, i still look at them in awe and wonder how can human be this different than me, i feel good when they are friendly to me, it feels like an animal which decided to not eat me
Out the window of my parents' car driving through h*lsinki as a child. They always move in packs of at least three.
Brandon Thompson
I don't remember, but I ate small rocks with a black kid at my kindergarten when I was like 4-5.
Jackson Fisher
Do Finnish really do this?
Noah Powell
When I was 9 or so we got an adopted Nigerian child on our all-white school. She was adopted by a single mother whose biological son was a good friend of mine. The biological son had blue eyes and blond hair and he told me when he went to Nigeria, people thought he was Jesus. A year later another kid was adopted, this time a young boy. He always had snot on his lips and he wasn't very popular. Both of them had a strange smell (later in life I learned it was the greases in their hair). More things I remember from those years was that swarthy kids were considered weird, and so were children with divorced parents. I guess that's how kids work.
John Ramirez
As a kid around age 10 I was bullied by some venezuelan blacks that were visiting and I am ashamed to say I have always felt distrustful of black people after that.
Ryder Thomas
Lincoln Turner
Lol I went outside and saw a black man, they aren’t rare here. Since America is the successor and son of Rome, we are a slew of different ethnicities and races.
Elijah King
All black people in my city lived in the same neighborhood on the opposite side of the city. Haven't really interacted with one until I was in uni. But I saw first arabs in elementary school. No one really cared about races desu.
Oliver Carter
Will Smith in some movie. In real life probably as a 8-10yo kid (in Moscow), it was winter and i was concerned if he's cold.