This enrages and confuses the american

This enrages and confuses the american.

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>he doesn’t have a bidet built into a toilet seat
Lmao. You’re living in the past.

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I have a bidet like

Nobody has those in Europe anymore either.


We do

This confuses most people in Europe as well 2bh. Someone at my house a few years ago asked if it was something to wash one's feet

In modern houses? C'mon don't bullshit me.

Here it was required by law to have a bidet installed until they changed the law last year. New houses can now be built without it.

yes, the law requires every bathroom in private houses and hotels to have one

I could swear I didn't see one at the hotel I stayed in italy around 10 years ago. I was a lot younger though so I believe you.

Do you use a the bidet, after you wipe with toilet paper? or bidet first, and then toilet paper to dry?

you use bidet after your black boyfriend is done fucking your european sissy ass and cum starts leaking out

Toilet paper first, bidet second. Then we use a towel to dry, it's a separate towel just to dry your ass.

>until they changed the law last year
AFAIK only in CABA

Buenos Aires = Argentina, the rest of the country is irrelevant.

>it's a separate towel just to dry your ass.
yuk, and everyone in the household uses the same towel or what?

I've been to Japan and tried this ass cleaner thing. Didn't have any expectations but MAN was my asshole feeling clean afterwards...

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Good to know.

ITT: plebs and savages

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>Having a sopping wet asshole
I mean I guess it makes sense but it's just weird and unnecessary. Just press hard when you wipe damn.. Use wet wipes if it's that bad.

It's difficult if you are an ape like me. So much hair, it's clogging everything up.

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>>Having a sopping wet asshole
So it does confuse the American.

France just doesn't have toilets period. A country house for 17 will have 3.

It works like a charm and it saves a ton of toilet paper

Yes but when you use it your ass has just been cleaned so most of the time there is no shit left in the towel.

I tried to use one in Prague and it was an ordeal. I tried to test the pressure before using it, but turned it on too quickly so a superpowered jet of water flew across the bathroom for like 2 metres. Then when I actually sat down and used it I got ice cold water shot at my balls.

Finally when I managed to get the targeting computer calibrated, it shot super powered ice at my asshole and legit hurt.

Never again.

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Why would you need more than one toilet

In Brazil we used to have bidets like those, nowadays most houses have hand shower bidets like pic related. Much better and space saving than the monstrosity of a regular bidet.

Towel = Toilet paper
At least that's how things work here, never used a towel to clean my ass unless I'm out of the shower.

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Pretty common here at homes

R8 mine

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You're not supposed to go out with your ass wet, you dry it after using it with a regular toilet paper.

Thats the one, why the fuck are they so powerful dude? Legit could cut steel in half with the beam it shoots out.

How the fuck do people live without some kind of bidet

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this is the patrician choice. why the fuck only we use this.

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I didnt know what it was for until age 17..

guess I need a bidet. I always have skidmarks. but then again I find myself sniffing my own boxers before I put them to wash. not sure why I do that but I just always want to know the smell

I want one, aren't they expensive? Also hard to find here.

That's a weird ad.

what's with the angle of the nozzle? why doesn't it just point straight down?

Based and cleanasspilled.

What the hell I've never seen a bidet like that

My grandparents house had both a bidet and this hose thing.

cant hold their weight

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why make that huge seat but keep the small hole? surely that tiny hole can't handle the footballs that 500 pounders are dropping