>Fashion and cosmetics brand Zara was recently in trouble because one of its advertisements featured a female Chinese model with freckles. >After Zara shared it on Sina Weibo, China's equivalent to Twitter, some of the comments suggested that by selecting her as the model, Zara meant to "insult and defame the Chinese", because 'unblemished' skin is the dominant beauty norm in the country. >Images of her freckled face have provoked a storm of outrage and abuse, spreading under the hashtag “Insult to China.”
Reminds me of when they got pissed off at some Italian brand last year because they had white guys paired with chinese ladies saying that they were superior
Landon Wood
Thoughts? chinks man fucking chinks.
Aiden Edwards
dont care, never will
Nolan Lopez
Chinks have really thin skin
Nicholas Lopez
3 chinese flags in a row that's a bingo
Brayden Brown
hol up can full Asians actually have freckles though?
I like how they stand up for their people by saying one of their own is an insult to their country simply based on her looks. They didnt even use her because she was chinese, she was just a random model. I'm starting to think they have a national inferiority complex.