Please help me Jow Forums I feel very lost

Please help me Jow Forums I feel very lost.
>23 years old
>Living in Canada (Ontario)
>No highschool diploma
>Working a low paid job ($35-40k/yr, no growth from here, no benefits etc)
>No real prospects or skills (Only basic things like knowing about technology every mid 20 boomer knows)
>~$45k invested in crypto and stocks (my only notable accomplishment)
>Crappy car
>Saving most of my money but expenses are about $500-600 per month living with my parents
>My parents will kick me out by next summer for sure

What would you suggest for me to do so I can make it? I've looked at joining the Canadian Forces or maybe doing some certification that can let me get a better job with growth. I'm horrified of being stuck as a poor wagecuck for the rest of my life. I lack willpower and work ethic, maybe I can develop those these years.

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Just threaten to kill yourself unless your parents let you stay with them. Works like a charm heh

It will not, long story but this is the last year I can stay with them.

>I lack willpower and work ethic
Stop being a deadbeat and just pick something and do it

I get overwhelmed with hundreds of options. How am I to simply decide one area to dedicate my efforts toward?

army probably isn't a bad idea. just walk into one of the recruitment offices and say you're looking for more info.
i'd take your money out of crypto and individual stocks

You don't have hundreds of realistic options. Think about what you might actually do well at.

I read and hear about all the ways people have made it and begin to imagine myself doing that stuff. I could still probably make it to university for next year or do a trade or start a business or a thousand other things is what I mean.

Canadian Forces

Check out their technician jobs.

Do either of you have any experience with the Forces you could give me more info about?

Not really, I worked with a guy who was a electronic tech with the army. He was able to find a job almost immediately in my field(instrumentation) after finishing.

>I could still probably make it to university for next year
very difficult without high school
>start a business
pretty much impossible without willpower

I think you only need a grade 10 to get in.

Wow that seems like an interesting one. My main concern was that transference to civilian jobs would be limited in a lot of niche trade areas though.

What part of Canada are you in?

I am only missing a few credits, I can do them very quickly.

Alberta. Lots of ex-army guys in the trades out here. Start a trade, union up, work when you want.

HVAC and Instrumentation are good trades, check indeed for 1st years and apply to those.

Same boat as you man except I'm 22, ameriburger and have only 2k saved up.

My girlfriend just broke up with me, so all our future plans are now gone.

I'm strongly considering walking to an Air Force recruitment center, taking the ASVAB and just getting the hell out of here.

Maybe I could move my way out there once I can't live with my parents. I had tried to search for an electrical apprenticeship earlier by coldcalling but that did not give good results.

It's really hard to get your foot in the door if you don't know someone high up in saturated trades like electrical.

It wouldn't hurt to look up your local union and check the dispatch for calls that can't be filled. In my one there's always HVAC ones open. Look up the company and submit a resume.


I know the feel
Has haunted me for 10 yrs
At least you aren't 28 in that position and on drugs
t. me

How would I decide on a trade then? So far it's just "Okay that seems cool and I could do that" sort of situation. Electrical and plumbing seems good but everything else I can't quite imagine doing.

This is yet another example of getting overwhelmed by the choice and scared of commitment. With the forces when I look through the list I worry I pick the wrong choice. Same with if I were probably choosing a school and program. This is probably stupid and I know you arent my mom but how do I get over this thinking?

Just research it further. Forget plumbing.

Tier 1 Trades:
HVAC (Probably best work environment, independent)

Why is plumbing bad? Is it the exposure to fumes?

plumbing isnt that bad, it can be quite disgusting and dirty though. but if you dont care about that then its a good skill to learn and make money with

Hard on the body, too much grunt work, low IQ co-workers, very low on the totem pole.

Instrumentation #1

35-40k is not bad if you live with your parents.

I will read more about instrumentation (never really heard of it before as a trade). So far I am leaning towards trying to join the Forces since it seems much quicker tracked to a decent life.

sorry to hear that man really aren't doing that bad

40k a year probably goes pretty far in Canada. I make 50k a year in the JewSA and rent here is $1300 a month.

You essentially have 45k in savings (investments). I have $1500. And you have a car to get you to point A to point B. You are also 6 years younger than me.

It does not go very far. Living expenses are high in my province, and I'm only making a few dollars over minimum wage. I also have zero growth in this job and if I was living alone would not be doing well. Of course it could be worse but I'm starting to feel pressure to make big changes before it's too late.

isn't college "free" in Canada? do that or get a trade like welding and go weld for oil companies, they pay well.

also, don't blow your savings on a nice car. just get some reliable used toyota when your current shitbox breaks.

are you white?

Congrats. You got me post for the first time on /biz so I hope you're not a trolling shmuck. That being said, rule #1 when you're down is always gym. Go lift weights. The hormonal changes and endorphins released will put you in a better state of mind to tackle your present choices. Additionally, lifting will improve your physique and give you a much needed ego boost. Now about your job.... Sounds like you have what I'd call a springboard. It's stable, it makes at least a surviveable wage, and it allows you the power to not NEED a job right here right now. Which means you can plan out your moves. I'm in the u.s., and was a journeyman electrician before I started working my current job, trading money for a spiritual abortion. But I digress. Here, you can test out and interview with the union IBEW and they will place and train you. As it is a trade, you will get paid to learn. Starting wage here is roughly 15-20$ u.s. depending on location. I highly recommend trades in general, and electricians work specifically. Reason being that everyone for the last two to three generations has been told that the smart people go to college. You are literally being groomed to wagecuck for someone all.the way through school.... Get good grades, get a degree, job, etc. It's the educational system promoting itself. Sad thing is, too many people bought in and now a degree doesn't qualify you for shit. .

Instead, you just have a piece of paper and a shitty loan that puts you in a different group of jobs, next to the other thirty thousand bastards holding the same golden ticket for the same job opening. Trades, on the other hand, have been declining and in demand for the last couple decades. If you're intelligent and willing to work, you will smash the shit out of your competition. And, if you find yourself a master tradesman, it naturally leads to the best occupation of all - a business owner. Electricians are the throne of trades, not because of some bullshit supremecy thing, but because most people will do their own plumbing, or HVAC, or drywall.... But people are scared of electricity. It cannot be observed in a building environment. I may be able to look at a pipe and go, yes, there is slope and it will flow. But I cannot look at wiring and easily deduct what will happen unless I understand the concepts necessary. Additionally, It immediately lets you know when you're wrong. It's a great security jobwise.

They made it "free" recently yes but they take assets into consideration. If I go the Forces route they'll just pay for it if I commit time to them after.

I already lift, stronger than the average person for sure but nothing remarkable looks-wise. But yes I'd love to find an electrical apprenticeship as I talked with the instrumentation guy above, seems quite tough though.

are you white

It allows for full benefits, a great retirement that isn't dependent on government, and fulfillment of being actually good at something. It's real knowledge. Don't confuse information with knowledge. Information is having a cute girls number. Knowledge is actually having the cute girl. I traded trade work for a job making 120k a year at 23 and am ten years into my decision. I've become debt free other than my house, I have my toys paid off, and about ten grand sunk into mining rigs for crypto. This is all because I am excited to take a pay cut down to 65k and have a life I enjoy again. All that glitters is not gold and it takes wisdom through experience to understand what is your gold. There is a lot to be said for the song that says be a simple man, and do what you love and understand. If trades are not your thing, then find some meaningful work and excel in it. If you pick your honey, it will ruin the hobby for you. Pick the generality of what you are good at and money follows excellence. Me, I'm good at building things.its what I like to do. I had scholarships offered to me from testing out at the top 4% nationwide and I have never regretted passing that by. What I do regret, is trading what I love for money. It took awhile to learn that if I can't survive confortably at the local median income, I dont have an income problem. I have a money management problem. All through life, you'll see people chasing that 1$ raise, and then the next, thinking hey, then I'll finally be comfortable. And yet all they do is spend it on some shitty flashy gadget with a loan attached and piss it away. A 30k truck loan for 5 years is trading steak dinners every fucking day for a new truck that doesn't do anything better than their old truck, it just looks pretty. Figure out your priorities, what you're good at in general, and find a way to get involved in that type of work. And go to the f@$king gym.

Yes I'm white why?

Thanks man, that is inspiring

This is basically "paralysis by analysis", you're overwhelmed with options.

Just choose something and go with it. Otherwise you'll sit there scratching your chin and never actually committing to anything and before you know it you'll be 30 years old but in the exact same boat you're in now. Better to at least try, even if it means choosing wrong, rather than never try at all.

Personally if I were you, I'd just go the Military route. Not because I think the military is the most profitable or the best experience or anything, but simply because it's fairly low-effort to get enlisted, basically just show up, meet the dude, do the entry test, and then show up and serve your time, it requires very few steps to go from where you are now to actually serving.

Whereas if you choose something that requires more effort like enrolling in Trade School or something, there are too many barriers for a lame ass like you to actually follow through. Like you have to sign up, there might be a wait list, you might have a long daily commute, there'll be a fee for tools/books/class, it'll be a more coddled environment (compared to military) so you might just bitch out halfway through, etc.

So just go military, it'll light a fire under your ass, maybe teach you some discipline and better equip you to deal with life.

you should go back to Europe, honestly

you can get a visa to most European colleges this way and the entrance requirements are quite low

Canada is fucked

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Just don't leave. Literally just stay put. They gonna physically drag ur ass out?

Living near where i am is 2k minimum for 1 bedroom apartment.

Then drive out a little more to shit hole area, and it's still like 1.5k for 1 bedroom


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Research crypto.

It changed my life, because the lessons I learned along the way were painful.

Push on and persevere.

We all gunna make it.

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>no high school diploma
>making 35k-40k
>45k invested
>had a car
>has a home
Lol, what the fuck is this? Sounds to me like you made it. Are you trying to be a billionaire? You have zero reason to bitch.

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