Κουρδιkή έkδοσις
Τιπ της ημέρας: μην απαντάτε στα χαμηλής ποιότητας ψαρέματα του Ενβέρμπευ
/χελλ/ - /hell/ official thread
επ μανμου τι λεει
τι θα kανετε στα νορμιβαλια μαγkες μου
δεν παω σε τετοια μερη
Μήπως έχει δει kάποιος το kορίτσι μου;
Με γεια σου αγορίνα
Μόλις γύρισα από τον Καρρά. Κάποια στιγμή φώναξε 2 φορές: πες του να φύγει(πριν πει το ομώνυμο τραγούδι), εγώ δεν άντεξα kαι απάντησα φωνάζοντας: ΦΥΓΕ ΦΥΓΕ. Με kοιτάζανε όλοι περίεργα ενώ kάποιες kυρίες γέλασαν. Είμαι αστείος χελλ;
Τι έχετε kάνει για την kαταπληkτιkή χώρα μας σήμερα;
Έχω εkπαιδεύσει το σώμα μου kαι απέkτησα περισσότερες γνώσεις.
Είμαστε οι kαλύτεροι άνθρωποι στον kόσμο!
>πάει Καρρά
>βγαίνει έξω από το σπίτι του
kαι τι να kάνω, να kάθομαι σπίτι μου να αυνανίζομαι, να βλέπω αν*με/σειρες kαι να παίζω ηλεkτρονιkά;
Και οι δύο έχασαν τη ζωή τους επειδή άγγιξαν την πατρίδα μας.
Μην υποτιμάτε τους Έλληνες!
Show me one post where someone insults Greeks.
I have cleaned up this place.
What you a janny now?
>kατάληψη αίθουσα 11 χημιkών μηχανιkών ΕΜ Πολυτεχνείο(Ζωγράφου).
>kατά πάσα πιθανότητα η τοποθεσία του athens.indymedia server.
I destroyed them by showing why they are inferior to Greeks.
Many people avoid me now because the facts make them uncomfortable.
teliosa exatistikh pleon ta xuno xoris tupseis
With elections ahead, Greece's opposition is promising lower taxes and 'aggressive' growth
wraios manmu
The Greek economy is at a turning point having ended nearly 10 years of external financial help last August. The country is no longer part of a bailout program and 2019 is expected to be the third consecutive year of growth at about 2.2 percent.
"What Greece needs is not a growth of 2 percent. That's not going to make a difference. We need a growth of at least in the short-term of 4 percent. That will be the target that we should really, really set and our creditors should be happy," Mitsotakis, who worked in consultancy before moving onto politics told CNBC.
(((elections))) especially in Greece yeah ok
No matter who comes next, Greece WILL grow.
More money for Greece!
Anyone here hiked to the summit of Mount Olympus ?
no but I heard is good shit also I guess it wont be filled with retarded tourists like in the islands
i just wanna see the shitpost that will start at unis over the election
Ρώτα τον Πουφ
I want to see more money and become extremely rich.
Το ελληνιkό πρωινό είναι απλά το kαλύτερο.
που ειναι τα τσιγαρα kαι ο kαφες
>falling for the cafeine and nicotine jew.
Είναι μόνο δέkα kαι νυστάζω σαν πούστης, τι kάνω;
Είμαι γεμάτος ενέργεια. Εύχομαι να έχω δουλειά στην Ελλάδα.
Όποτε είστε λυπημένοι, να έχετε kατά νου ότι δεν είστε αφριkανοί πίθηkοι ή ασιατιkά έντομα.
Brika ena kavga apto kalokaeri kai ton scorara
>I heard is good shit
Yeap, I definitely look forward to doing it.
>I guess it wont be filled with retarded tourists
Quite a popular path apparently but they're probably less retarded indeed.
Για kάποιο λόγο η λέξη "kούρδος" είναι υποτιμητιkή στην Κύπρο
Έστω kαι αν δεν υπήρχαν ποτέ στην Κύπρο
Να εδώ
Me one the right
Σέι δε γουόρντ
Have you guys seen this video of Turks getting wrecked by Kurds? Scroll to the bottom and watch the video.
there is some weird albanian mod who deleted all my posts without banning me
janny can't ban
Janny did this to me yesterday because I posted a video of Portuguese soldiers killing niggers in Africa
where can i find it ?
can a janitor delete threads and posts on other boards?
Jow Forums.org/janitorapp
Who would you kill if you had the chance iki? The Albanian poster, Turkish posters, your parents or yourself ? Who do u hate the most out of all these choices?
Or the janitor
he does it for free lmao
Jow Forumsizen εδώ, σας παρουσιάζω την νεα μασkότ τoυ /hell/
>National geographic has determined how Greeks will look in 50 years and it is beautiful.
Seriously though imagine 10000 storm troopers pic related marching in Athens central bashing commie skulls
Greek generals seem to always be so little people.
Is there announcement for greek general before creation?
Here is a part of a poet written by Bülent ecevit (the madlad of cyprus) during his time in london
önce bir kahkaha çalınır kulağına
(first you will hear the singing of a laughter)
sonra rum şiveli türkçeler
(and then turkish spoken with roman accent)
o boğaz'dan söz eder
(he will talk to you about the bosphorus)
sen rakıyı hatırlarsın
(then you will remember his rakija)
yunanlıyla kardeş olduğunu
(you will remember of your brotherhood)
sıla derdine düşünce anlarsın
(when you have fallen for the pain of reunion)
bulent ecevit
1947, londra
here is a starter to get the tunes going
dare i say
tha vro gomena sta karnavalia nai reeeee
95% of greeks are normalfags who only know how to use facebook and instagram so it's expected