
eagrán náisiúin Cheilteacha

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Other urls found in this thread:


>ywn speak cumbrian

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>2 affirmative responses

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get fucked by the superiority of the Germanic people

>recommending Fractale to anybody
The ED was the only good thing about it.

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Breton reporting in
No I don't speak breton

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I get fucked by your mam

Wales is cool

>be Gaul
>get fucked by some roman strangers
>lose your native celtic language
>get fucked by some frankish strangers
>brag on the internet about sucking your conqueror's dicks like a filthy whore

It's a nice place, but they have been under English control for too long. They even voted for Brexit despite Wales being one of the British regions most heavily dependent on EU subsidies.

Neuze eo poent dit deskiñ, paotr !
Kae buan da brenañ ur geriadur, un hentenn vrezhoneg hag ur c'haier labour !
Ni a c'hell deskiñ hor yezh c'hoazh, tra ma 'z eo re ziwezhat evit ar C'hallaoued...
Biken ne gomzint galianeg en-dro !

>No I don't speak breton
Why not?

>No I don't speak breton
No problem, you just need this:

>this thread

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That's just how it is on this bitch of an earth

>Australia: 30% Irish
>Canada: 14% Irish
>USA: 10.5% Irish
>UK: 10% Irish
>New Zealand: 12% Irish
Reminder that the Anglosphere has been MICKED massively while Ireland remains ethnically Celtic. Yes, yes, the Anglos may have imposed their culture and language on us but we have imposed our GENETICS on them. Culture is learned and can be changed but genetics are rooted deep. Anyone who thinks Anglos got the upper hand on us because we speak English is wrong. We won in the end. Celtic nations are pure while "Germanic" nations are mutts

Breton is not a dead language, like gaulish, all you have to do is learn it... There are plenty of books available to learn breton, dictionaries, online courses, hundreds of books... What the fuck are you waiting for?
They have 1400 different breton books on this website: www.klask.com
Just learn breton, man.
Just fucking do it.

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R8 this eire


Yes, too many foreigners shitting up an IRISH thread

Then stop making it ridiculously easy to come and work there

It's Jow Forums, of course you're going to have different countries post here

what do they have to be smug about

Well they have kept their native celtic language, not like loser countries like France or England...
Also, Haakon IV was fond of celtic litterature.

I think I'm cursed. I keep accidentally cutting the inside of my mouth.

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but the English speak English?

>can't find that picture of Homer in my folders

Going to Heaven, unlike the N*rse scum who killed the innocent Irish monks who lived on Iceland before those V*king barbarians
Cutting how?
>native celtic language

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I don't think the anglo-saxons ever spoke a celtic language

You need to go back (further in time)

I've been lightly chewing my cheeks subconsciously it until I feel it hurt and realise what I was doing. And a minute ago I was getting something out between my teeth when my finger slipped and cut inside my lip.


>anti-piracy ads in the cinema before a film
Have they nothing better to be showing?

>using your phone in the cinema
Stop that.

Never said I was in the cinema, don't assume my memory is that bad

>don't assume my memory is that bad
But I didn't assume that. You must be mis-remembering.

I am Ibero-Irish

>anti-piracy ads in the cinema before a film
Have they nothing better to be showing?

The English are mostly celts, who lost their native celtic language, and now speak a french subdialect they call "english" for whatever reason.
Before being cucked by the Angles and the Saxons, they were called Britons, and they spoke a brittonic language, same as old-breton, old-welsh and old-cornish.

>and now speak a french subdialect they call "english" for whatever reason.
English is closer grammatically and structurally to German (or more specifically Dutch) than it is to French.

The Anglo-Saxons did NOT genocide the Britons, they just ruled them.
Only a thin line on the east coast of England was settled by Anglo-Saxons.
So the actual british population of England is still brittonic, only they don't speak their native brittonic celtic language anymore.

any audio-book recommendations?

I have 2 credits on my audible account, and if I don't use them, I will probably cancel my subscription.

No this is called /Éire/ for a reason

This attitude is killing Jow Forums

>English is closer grammatically and structurally to German (or more specifically Dutch) than it is to French.
LOL I can write this english sentence in french with the very same words order.
L'anglais est plus proche grammaticalement et structurellement de l'Allemand (ou plus spécifiquement du Hollandais) qu'il l'est du Français.
English is a french sub-dialect, by its vocabulary and by its grammar and structure.
Because England was crushed by the french-speaking Normans, long ago, and because the english elite never tried to unfrench the english language.

good post, Frenchie

>English is a french sub-dialect
Dutch sounds much more similiar to English than French, even if the vocabulary is rather distinct.

>having genders for your nouns

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Lemme guess you're one of those "my car is german, my food is indian, my wife's son is black" kinda guys

Ouzh piv emaout o komz, penn saoz ?

>Why not?
I'm from the gallo speaking area (eastern brittany)

As a mono-lingual English speaker I can listen to Dutch and understand a lot more of what they're saying than with French.

Before the roman invasion, this very area spoke a celtic language similar to breton.
Julius Caesar wrote about it in his book, "The war of the Gauls".
Gallo is a foreign language forced upon the people by the roman invaders.

>As a mono-lingual English speaker I can listen to Dutch and understand a lot more of what they're saying than with French.
And still, this english sentence you just wrote respects strictly the french words order.

No, I don't think anyone who isn't ethnically Irish should live in Ireland. I just think people who stick to generals only don't belong on Jow Forums

What does it matter if you use the wrong words that I can't understand though?

Any of you see the segment on education for refugee children on RTÉ six o'clock news?
>The parents are engineers, doctors .. so of course they're aware of the value of education
>From our point of view, diversity is important to the future of Ireland

Who appoints the children's ombudsman?

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>Who appoints the children's ombudsman?
I don't know, but you can be sure Katherine Zappone has a role in the selection process.

English is already only 25% germanic at this point. And there is nothing you can do about it.
The most frenched english is the english of the american and canadian universities. The english speakers worldwide are hardwired to think that the french words sound "smarter" than the germanic ones.
"annual" instead of "yearly", "ancestors" instead of "forefathers", "response" instead of "answer"... English speakers behave like french nationalists.

Is it true that ayy lmaos speak a Celtic dialect?

Might go to the Pan-Celtic festival in Letterkenny and impregnate Irishwomen with my big Welsh willy

>the French linguistic ego
You guys have a bizarre obsession with the perceived supremacy of your language.

France seems to hate minority languages even more than England.
>In 1925, Anatole de Monzie, Minister of public education, stated that "for the linguistic unity of France, the Breton language must disappear"

>Can't mention the name of the guy in charge of the children's hospital in the Dáil
Really makes ya think.

But Luxembourgish is the official language of space.

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>You guys have a bizarre obsession with the perceived supremacy of your language.
Wow the biggest germanic word in your sentence is actually 5 letters long. Impressive !
>your language
Ne ran ket forzh gant ar galleg, paotr. Lavar an dra-se d'ur Gall ma fell dit.
Pezh a lavaran diwar-benn ar saozneg hag ar galleg n'en deus netra d'ober gant ma yezh.

What will you do when this is no longer true in one year?

The French have a habit of devising ego-driven, self-harming policies both at home and abroad.


Where's the 5 letter word?

No, Jean-François, you're not germanic

>the Breton language must disappear
Gaulish already disapeared lon ago.
Brittonic native language of "England" disappeared long ago too.
And breton language is still alive, because we aren't losers like the French and the English.

Always find it interesting that the Celts call the English "Saxons" yet everyone else knows them as the English (from Angle). Makes sense given a Saxon king unified England yet it raises the question of why England isn't called Saxland or Sexland.

>why England isn't called Saxland or Sexland.
Asking the real questions.

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LOL it's not even 5 letters, it's just 4 then.
As you know, "bizarre", "obsession", "perceived", "supremacy" and "language" are all french loanwords.

>LOL it's not even 5 letters, it's just 4 then.
Frogs can't count.

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I might go to eistedfodd and get sucked off by a nice Taffy lass

Evel just n'on ket german !
Ni Bretoned hon eus faezhet ar Franked dre ziv wech !
Ni zo kelted penn-kil-ha-troad !
Ha 't eus ket ezhomm da glask ober "Jean-François" ac'hanon, rak n'eo ket gwall vrezhonek...

youll never beat the english thats just a fact

Then why don't you still rule us?

What is the best book you have ever read?

the bible

Definitely the Bible. It has all the answers.


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Good question...
Also, in breton, the traditional word for irish gaelic was "gouezeleg", literally "language of the savages" (gouez = savage, -eg = language), but now we say "iwerzhoneg", literally "language of Ireland", we choose to do that to give respect to another celtic country.

What's happening in a year?

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You need to ban the english language from the constitution of Ireland.
Irish gaelic must me the only official language in Ireland.
Do it.

The true enemy of the Corkonians.

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Cringe, never gonna happen. The Irish language will be extinct in my lifetime!

The first Irish woman in space.

Believe in yourself, no one else will save you, only you can save yourselves.
Be proud, don't think it's impossible.
>never gonna happen
Make it happen.
>The Irish language will be extinct in my lifetime!
Speak it. Don't be such a defeatist.

This is what is known as "bait" in English

>Don't be such a defeatist.
I'm a realist nobody will or wants to revive Irish.

If you like middle aged women in bardic robes go for it

Let's be real here bros, if we really wanted to make Irish the sole language we'd have to find a way to severely secularize it several greetings and common responces are all religious shit, we don't want to be a theocracy with a weird language like the muslim world we're better than that. we're western, and we're MODERN Ireland.

Ok I get it, those /éire/ threads are just english nationalism shilling zones, made to demoralize the Irish people.

That's an unfortunately accurate assessment as of late.

>point out bait of some retard pretending to be yikesanon
>ughfughdfyugfdg english nationalist
why are frogs so insufferable